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University of Nottingham Launch of the Institute of Aerospace Technology 14 th December 2010 European Commission – DG RTD.H.3 Liam Breslin HoU.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Nottingham Launch of the Institute of Aerospace Technology 14 th December 2010 European Commission – DG RTD.H.3 Liam Breslin HoU."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Nottingham Launch of the Institute of Aerospace Technology 14 th December 2010 European Commission – DG RTD.H.3 Liam Breslin HoU

2 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 2 FP7 Overview Aeronautics Research within FP7 Retrospect to the calls 2007 to 2010 Current call FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1 Remaining calls 2012 and 2013 International cooperation Clean Sky Innovation Union and FP8 Aerodays 2011 Content list

3 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 3 Overall structure Cooperation ( 32.41 billion ) Ideas ( 7.51 billion ) People ( 4.75 billion ) Capacities ( 4.10 billion ) EURATOM + JRC Nuclear ( 2.75 billion + 1.75 billion ) Funding schemes - CP, NoE, CSA, ERC, MC, Collaborative Research Network of Excellence Coordination and support actions European Research Council Marie Curie Research for the benefit of specific groups Legal basis Decision 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) FP7 Overview Info CORDIS

4 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 4 Transport (incl. Aeronautics) 4,16 billion Total budget: 32,413 billion 6100 M 1935 M 9050 M 3475 M 2350 M 1890 M 623 M 1430 M 1400 M FP7 Cooperation programme 10 thematic areas

5 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 5 FP7 Transport (incl. Aeronautics) Overall Objectives CIVIL ONLY! Develop safer, greener, smarter and more integrated transport systems for: respecting environment and natural resources the benefit of citizens and society Secure and develop the competitiveness of European industry in the global market

6 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 6 Transport Research Indicative budget breakdown

7 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 7 EU Collaboration in Aeronautics Research European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020 Initiated and chaired by Commissioner Philippe Busquin Prepared by a group of 14 high- level personalities (GOP) Focused on Research / Technology / Development Takes a pan-European perspective with a 2020 horizon Responding to the Societys needs Securing global Leadership to Europe Two Top Level Objectives

8 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 8 The Goals for 2020 : 80% cut in NO x emissions Halving perceived aircraft noise Five-fold reduction in accidents Air traffic system capable of handling 16 million flights a year 50% cut in CO 2 emissions per pass-Km 99% of all flights within 15 minutes of timetable European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020

9 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 9 2002 Strategic Research Agenda Five Challenges for Aeronautics 2005 2nd Issue of the Strategic Research Agenda Six High Level Target Concepts Global leadership Society's needs 2000 European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020 2008Addendum Focus on recent developments ACARE SRA Info:

10 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 10 ACARE October 2002 : The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) 5 Challenges Quality and Affordability EnvironmentSafety Air Transport System Efficiency Security Vision 2020 (January 2001) To meet Societys needs To achieve global leadership for Europe October 2004 : The SRA 2 High level Target Concepts Very Low Cost ATS Ultra Green ATS Highly Customer oriented ATS Highly time- efficient ATS Ultra Secure ATS 22nd Century 80% cut in NOx emissions Halving perceived aircraft noise 50% cut in CO2 emissions per pass-Km by drastic fuel consumption reduction A green design, manufacturing, maintenance and disposal product life cycle ACARE

11 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 11 Recent Developments CREATE 2010: CREATE Following Out of the Box (FP6) - steps necessary to take radical changes in air transport to actual research 2010: Beyond Vision 2020 (Towards 2050) A background document to stimulate a challenging Vision 2050 Today: Aviation Platform A Group of Personalities preparing the Vision 2050 To be issued March 2011

12 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 12 FP7 Aeronautics & Air Transport Research Activities 1.The Greening of air transport 2.Increasing Time efficiency 3.Ensuring Customer satisfaction and Safety 4.Improving Cost efficiency 5.Protection of the aircraft and passengers 6.Pioneering of the air transport of the future

13 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 13 Product development Research and technology acquisition Fundamental knowledge Technology development Technology validation Product definition Product design and development Production Demonstrators Prototypes EU Framework Programme EUREKA years -10 -5 0 +5 Product demonstration Level 1 Level 2 JTIs: Clean Sky, SESAR JU New in FP7 : Level 3 Collaborative Projects Research, Technology & Product Development

14 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 14 See description of Clean Sky below Level 3: Combination, final proof in fully integrated system of systems - Public-Private-Partnerships - (SESAR (ATM), CLEANSKY (800 M EC + 800 M Ind.) Level 2: Downstream R&TD - Multidisciplinary integration & validation (Collaborative Projects < 40 M EC fund) Level 1: Upstream R&TD - Breakthrough up to validation at component level (Collaborative Projects < 4M EC funding) Coordination Actions CSA-CA (no R&TD) Support Actions CSA-SA (no R&TD) < 300 k R&TD up to 50/75% EC co-funding, others up to 100%. FP7 Aeronautics & Air Transport Instruments

15 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 15 FP7-AAT-2007-RTD-1 FP7-AAT-2007-TREN-1 22/12/2006 to 03/05/2007 220 M AAT Calls 2007 to 2013 FP7 call sequence 2007201020092008201120122013 FP7-AAT-2008-RTD-1 FP7-ERANET-2008-RTD 30/11/2007 to 07/05/2007 211 M FP7-AAT-2010: -RTD-1 -RTD-CHINA -RTD-RUSSIA 30/07/2009 to 14/01/2010 108 M FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1 20/07/2010 to 02/12/2010 121 M FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1 Call open July to Dec. 2011 154 M FP7-AAT-2013-RTD-1 Call open 2 nd half 2012 160 M Aerodays 2011!

16 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 16 Aggregated results of the calls Level 1:90 projects, 325.0 M Level 2:8 projects, 200.2 M CA:2 projects, 2.9 M SA:23 projects, 8.9 M ERANET:AirTN, 1.9 M Cleansky SA:2.0 M Distribution of the Level 1 projects 2) Greening:114.0 M (35 %) Time Efficiency:4.9 M (2 %) Customer & Safety:51.4 M (16 %) Cost Efficiency:102.4 M (32 %) Security:9.1 M (3 %) Pioneering:43.3 M (13 %) 1) FP7-AAT-calls 2007, 2008 and 2010 incl. AAT-TREN, ERANET and Cleansky SA 2) The classification is only indicative as L1 projects usually address several activities AAT Calls 2007 to 2010 1)

17 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 17 Types of participants in FP7 aeronautics research - participations AAT Calls 2007 to 2010 Participation In total 1774 participations: - Universities 415 - Research organisations 407 - Industry 903 - Public Bodies 34 - Other 15

18 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 18 Types of participants in FP7 aeronautics research - EC contribution AAT Calls 2007 to 2010 Participation In total 542.5 M EU contribution: - Universities 108.7 M - Research org. 152.9 M - Industry 275.7 M - Public Bodies 3.5 M - Other 1.7 M

19 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 19 SME-participation in FP7 aeronautics research - participation AAT Calls 2007 to 2010 Participation

20 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 20 Call budget: 121.3 M Level 2:6 topics open, 107 M Level 1 and CA:only the activity Pioneering open, 11.3 M SA:3 M Time schedule Call opening date:July 20 th 2010 Call closing date:December 2 nd 2010 17:00 h Brussels time Proposals:65 received Evaluation phase:January 24 th to February 24 th 2011 Start of first projects: June to July 2011 Recently closed 4 th AAT Call 2011

21 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 21 GreeningTime Customer & Safety CostSecurityPioneer Level 2 Min. 6 M EC grant/project Open for 1 Topic Open for 1 Topic Open for 1 Topic Open for 3 Topics CLOSED Level 1 (& Coord. Actions) Max. 4 M EC grant/project CLOSED Open Support Actions Open for 7 Topics Networks of Excellence CLOSED Recently closed 4 th AAT Call 2011

22 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 22 Support Action topics AAT.2001.7-… …9.Organization of conferences and events …11.Stimulating SME participation improved ERA integration …18.Assessment of air freight in air transport …19.Stimulating research cooperation with Canada ( INCO) …20.Stimulating research cooperation with Japan ( INCO) …22.Assessment of educational needs …23.Technology support for crisis coordination Support Action funding: Total Support Action budget 3 M Typically requested funding up to 300 k Maximum 1 proposal per topic for topics 11. to 23. Recently closed 4 th AAT Call 2011 Volcano... Education & qualification... Events... SME participation...

23 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 23 Level 2 Proposals Individ. Assessment IER Prelim. Consensus P-CR Questions to coordinators Level 1 Proposals Individual Assessment IER Consensus Meetings CR Extended Panel 1) ESR Support Action Proposals Individ. Assessment IER Consensus Meetings CR Extended Panel ESR Calendar Week 4-2011 (24 th to 29 th January) Calendar Week 8-2011 21 st Feb.: L2 Hearings 22 nd to 24 th Feb.: Ext. Panels Calendar Week 5-2011 (31 st Jan. to 5 th Feb.) Level 2 Proposals Hearings Consensus Meetings CR Extended Panel ESR L2 coordinators prepare hearing information Level 1 Proposals Extended Panel 1) ESR 1) Remark Level 1 Proposals: Extended Panel planned for calendar week 5-2011. If the workload requires the L1 Ext. Panel may attend in calendar week 5-2011 10 th December 2010: Final nomination of evaluators Recently closed 4 th AAT Call 2011 Evaluation schedule

24 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 24 5 th and 6 th AAT Calls 2012 and 2013 Background (I) A multi-annual strategy the period 2012-13 to ensure a balanced approach & complementarity among calls Coherence Policy framework (new elements) Compliance with commitments (SP, EGCI, JTIs) Complementarity & synergy Review of previous calls JTIs: Clean Sky, SESAR, FCH Other themes/actions Planning & budget for 2012-2013 1 AAT call 2012 1 AAT call 2013 Indicative budget for 2012-2013: 314 M

25 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 25 5 th and 6 th AAT Calls 2012 and 2013 Background (II) Share between Level-1 & Level-2 in WP2012 and WP2013 50:50 at the end of FP7 Introduction of Level-0 incubate new fundamental knowledge & disruptive ideas strong potential for innovation Level-1 + CSA-CA Activities & areas to open? Level-2 Complementing previous L2 research projects & ongoing demonstration work in the Clean Sky Integrated Technology Demonstrators Innovation e.g. alternative fuels, co-modality & unmanned airborne systems

26 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 26 5 th AAT Call 2012 FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1 - tentative data only - Budget:154 M Call opening date:July 2011 Level 0:Incubation phase projects, 5 M Level 1 and CA:96 M Level 2:50 M SA:3 M Coordinated call:not yet decided Evaluation: February 2012 Start of first projects:June to July 2012 Addressing challenges competitiveness & decarbonisation and eco-innovation Activities Greening and Cost Efficiency fully open Other activities open to a limited number of topics 1) 1) selected from gap analysis of previous calls & ensuring complementarity with L0 and L2

27 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 27 6 th AAT Call 2013 FP7-AAT-2013-RTD-1 - tentative data only - Budget:160 M Call opening date:2 nd half 2012 Level 0:Incubation phase projects, 5 M Level 1 and CA:39 M Level 2:113 M SA:3 M Coordinated call:not yet decided Evaluation: Q1-2013 Start of first projects: summer 2013 Addressing challenges competitiveness & decarbonisation and eco-innovation Activities Greening and Cost Efficiency fully open Other activities open to a limited number of topics 1) 1) selected from gap analysis of previous calls & ensuring complementarity with L0 and L2

28 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 28 AAT Calls 2007 to 2010 - INCO INCO basing on mutual interest & benefit to enhance global competitiveness of the European Aeronautics industry Instruments All activities open to researchers from 3 rd countries Support actions to explore and stimulate INCO Coordinated calls with 3 rd countries with whom an agreement has been reached coordinated funding

29 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 29 AAT calls 2007 to 2010 CSA-SA topics addressing cooperation with PR of China, Latin America, Russian Federation, South-Africa, Ukraine, US Coordinated call with PR of China and Russian Federation 2010 Recently closed 4 th call 2011 CSA-SA topic addressing cooperation with Canada CSA-SA topic addressing cooperation with Japan Future calls Coordinated call with Japan 2012? International Cooperation INCO

30 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 30 ACARE October 2002 : The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) 5 Challenges Quality and Affordability EnvironmentSafety Air Transport System Efficiency Security Vision 2020 (January 2001) To meet Societys needs To achieve global leadership for Europe October 2004 : The SRA 2 High level Target Concepts Very Low Cost ATS Ultra Green ATS Highly Customer oriented ATS Highly time- efficient ATS Ultra Secure ATS 22nd Century 80% cut in NOx emissions Halving perceived aircraft noise 50% cut in CO2 emissions per pass-Km by drastic fuel consumption reduction A green design, manufacturing, maintenance and disposal product life cycle CLEAN SKY ACARE and Clean Sky

31 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 31 Public-Private Partnership between Commission and Industry Multi-year research project on Greening of Aeronautics Duration 2008 to 2015 Start February 2008 Total budget 1.6 billion 800 million from Commission in-cash 800 million from industry in-kind An independent legal entity (Community Body), with own staff up to ~20, places the contracts / grant agreements and coordinates the programme: the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking Aims in high Technology Readiness Levels Demonstrators at system of systems level Compare slide FP7 AAT Instruments above Clean Sky

32 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 32 JTI Clean Sky ITD Structure

33 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 33 Beyond next FP7 calls FP8 & Innovation Union Current Political Framework Major economic down-turn and precarious finances in some MS The European Recovery Plan should help Europe Grand Challenges identified in the Lund declaration Decarbonisation of the transport sector (incl. aviation) explicitly mentioned in the new Barrosos Commission guidelines Europe 2020 flagship initiatives include: Innovation Union Resource efficient union

34 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 34 Beyond next FP7 calls FP8 & Innovation Union Steps towards FP8 6 th October: Communication Innovation Union published Spring 2011: Commission communication to Council and Parliament - this will pose a series of relevant questions. (…) Extensive consultation process End 2011 / beg. 2012: FP8 Commission proposal followed by co-decision process of Council and Parliament 2014: start of implementation of FP8 - together with the new financial framework package of the EU Note: the successful budget increase of Aeronautics in previous FPs cant be taken as self-evident for the future. Strong case needed wrt other R&T goals e.g. clean energy security, …

35 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 35 Beyond next FP7 calls FP8 & Innovation Union First concepts for FP8 Innovation is key, as Europe compared with other regions and countries needs to improve the translation of advanced technologies into new & competitive products & services. 3 pillars: Grand Challenges: Specific research activities to tackle them supporting innovation Enabling technologies development through research on horizontal technologies such as nanotechnology, information technologies, biotechnology, etc. European Research Area ERA by enhancing the related political measures, actions of the ERC, support to large-scale world-class research infrastructures and by an openness to global collaboration

36 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 36 Beyond next FP7 calls FP8 & Innovation Union Aeronautics and Air Transport in FP8 Pillars: Mainly in Grand Challenges some in the Enabling technologies ERA regarding world-class research infrastructures Innovation in tune with aviation, to: Tackle the societal-environmental challenges Cope with increasing competition WTO case outcome may influence future RTD in Europe The Commission takes the initiative for preparing FP8, but goals and content need to be jointly with all stakeholders: Member States, industry, research community, aviation authorities, …

37 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 37 Beyond next FP7 calls FP8 & Innovation Union Preparing for FP8 DG MOVE and DG RTD with Aeronautics & Air Transport stakeholders Impact Assessments: MEFISTO & AGAPE (FP5, FP6) Mid-term review of FP7 Transport and Clean Sky, … New Transport White Paper before end 2010 Strategic Transport Technology Plan STTP in 2011 for Enhanced long-term technology perspective Alignment of research, innovation and transport policy New Vision (towards 2050) by group of personalities in conjunction with an Aviation Platform - the basis for defining a new ACARE Strategic Research Agenda - Aerodays 2011 in Madrid

38 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 38 6 th Aerodays 2011 Madrid/ Spain Palacio Municipal de Congresos 30 th & 31 st March and 1 st April 2011

39 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 39 6 th Aerodays 2011 Innovation for a Sustainable Aviation in a Global Environment Next event after 5 successful events since 1991 Bringing together aeronautics stakeholders, ministries, agencies and R&D centres over Europe and overseas Reporting on latest advances & encouraging new partnerships Presentation of R&T achievements from national and European level (FP, JTI Clean Sky, SESAR JU) Open forum for the review process of meeting the Vision 2020 goals & the Aeronautics Strategic Research Agenda Discussing the perspectives of a Vision 2050 Presentation of the future Framework Programme

40 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 40 6 th Aerodays 2011 Conference Features Up to 1000 participants expected from Europe and overseas Keynote and Plenary speeches by main political actors involved in aeronautics, research and innovation from Commission, member States, European Parliament, Industry and Research Substantial parallel sessions structured by the Challenges of SRA2 and addressing key activities of FP7 Additionally special sessions on International Co-operation, National activities, GARTEUR, JTI 'Clean Sky, SESAR and others Attractive side events: stands & exhibition, special meetings (Transport PC, NCP, ACARE, projects) Fieldtrips: EADS-CASA, INTA, ITP, Airbus, IBERIA Maintenance

41 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 41 Organisation European Commission Centre for the Development of Industrial Industry (CDTI) Venue Palacio Municipal de Congresos Avenida Capital de España, 21 (Campo de las Naciones) 28042 Madrid (Spain) Information Information on the programme: Further info on logistic matters: 6 th Aerodays 2011

42 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 42 Cooperation in EU FP7 Aeronautics Research WHOM to contact? FP7 & call info: DG RTD - Directorate H Transport (incl. Aeronautics): Head of Unit: (until 31 st Dec. 2010) Head of Unit: (from 1 st Jan. 2011) INCO: Further info: Publications: Networks of National Contact Points (NCPs): In EU Member States: to facilitate connections & activities In 3 rd countries to aid participation in FP7 Links:

43 DG RTD-H.3 Aeronautics - 43 Thank you for your attention!

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