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1 Chapter 1 Database Systems Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Fifth Edition, Rob and Coronel.

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1 1 Chapter 1 Database Systems Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Fifth Edition, Rob and Coronel

2 1 2 In this chapter, you will learn: The difference between data and information What a database is, about different types of databases, and why they are valuable assets for decision making The importance of database design How modern databases evolved from file systems How a database system differs from a file system The main functions of a database management system (DBMS)

3 1 3 Data vs. Information Data: –Raw facts; building blocks of information –Unprocessed information Information: –Data processed to reveal meaning Accurate, relevant, and timely information is key to good decision making Good decision making is key to survival in global environment

4 1 4 Transforming Raw Data into Information

5 1 5 Transforming Raw Data into Information (continued)

6 1 6

7 1 7

8 1 8 Introducing the Database and the DBMS Database is a shared, integrated computer structure that stores: –End user data (raw facts) –Metadata (data about data) Database Management System (DBMS) - is a collection of programs that –Manages Database structure –Controls access to data –Possible to share data among multiple applications or users –Makes data management more efficient and effective

9 1 9 DBMS Makes Data Management More Efficient and Effective Provides end users better access to more and better- managed data Promotes integrated view of organization’s operations -- “big picture.” Reduces the probability of inconsistent data Query language allows quick answers to ad hoc queries (spur-of-the-moment questions)

10 1 10 The DBMS Manages the Interaction Between the End User and the Database DBA

11 1 11 Types of Databases Single-user: –Supports only one user at a time Desktop: –Single-user database running on a PC Multi-user: –Supports multiple users at the same time Workgroup: –Multi-user database that supports a small group of users or a single department Enterprise: –Multi-user database that supports a large group of users or an entire organization

12 1 12 Types of Databases (classified by location) Centralized: –Supports data located at a single site Distributed: –Supports data distributed across several sites

13 1 13 Types of Databases (classified by use) Transactional (or production): –Supports a company’s day-to-day operations Data warehouse: –Stores data used to generate information required to make tactical or strategic decisions Such decisions typically require “data massaging” –Often used to store historical data –Structure is quite different

14 1 14 Why Database Design is Important Poor design results in unwanted data redundancy (unnecessarily duplicated) Poor design generates errors  leads to bad decisions  can lead to failure of organization

15 1 15 The Historical Roots of Database: Files and File Systems Although managing data through file systems is largely obsolete –simple characteristics of file systems → makes complexity of database design easier to understand –prevent similar problems in DBMS –helpful for converting an obsolete file system to a DBMS

16 1 16 Manual File Systems Collection of file folders kept in file cabinet Organization within folders was based on data’s expected use (ideally logically related) System was adequate for small amounts of data Finding and using data - time-consuming and cumbersome

17 1 17 Conversion from Manual File System to Computer File System Could be technically complex, requiring hiring of data processing (DP) specialists DP specialists created file structures, wrote software, and designed application programs Resulted in numerous “home-grown” systems being created Initially, computer files were similar in design to manual files (see Figure 1.3)

18 1 18 Contents of Customer File l A small insurance company

19 1 19 Basic File Terminology

20 1 20 File Terminology Data –Raw Facts Field –Group of characters with specific meaning –Used to define and store data Record –Logically connected fields that describe a person, place, or thing File –Collection of related records

21 1 21 Example of a Simple File System DP specialist wrote programs for reports: –Monthly summaries of types and amounts of insurance sold by agents –Monthly reports about which customers should be contacted for renewal –Reports that analyzed ratios of insurance types sold by agent –Customer contact letters summarizing coverage Other departments requested programs be written for them –SALES file created for sales department –AGENT file created for personnel department

22 1 22 Contents of the Agent File

23 1 23 Evolution of Simple File System As number of files increased, a small file system evolved Each file used its own application programs Each file was owned by individual or department who commissioned its creation

24 1 24 A Simple File System

25 1 25 Example of a Simple File System As the file system grew, demand for DP’s programming skills grew Additional programmers hired DP specialist evolved into DP manager, supervising a DP department Primary activity of department (and DP manager) remained programming

26 1 26 Problems with File System Data Management Every task requires extensive programming in a third- generation language (3GL) –Programmer must specify task and how it must be done Modern databases use fourth-generation language (4GL) –Allows user to specify what must be done without specifying how it is to be done

27 1 27 Problems with File System Data Management

28 1 28 Problems with File System Data Management Time-consuming, high-level activity As number of files increases, system administration becomes difficult Making changes in existing file structure is difficult File structure changes require modifications in all programs that use data in that file

29 1 29 Problems with File System Data Management Modifications are likely to produce errors, requiring additional time to “debug” the program Security features hard to program and therefore often omitted

30 1 30 Problems with File System Data Management (con’t.) Structural Dependence –Changes in file structure require modification of related programs Data Dependence –Changes in file data characteristics require modification of data access programs

31 1 31 Field Definitions and Naming Conventions (continued)

32 1 32 Problems with File System Data Management (con’t.) Data Redundancy – Same data are stored in many different locations. – Results of uncontrolled data redundancy Data inconsistency –Different and conflicting versions of same data appear in different places. –Lack of data integrity (the validity of data) Data anomalies –Update »Agent Hahh : new phone number –Insertion »add a new customer –Deletion »Agent Hahh quits

33 1 33 Database Systems vs. File Systems File system –Many separate and unrelated files Database system –logically related data stored in a single repository Database systems provide advantages over file system –Eliminates inconsistency, data anomalies, data dependency, and structural dependency problems –Stores data structures, relationships, and access paths

34 1 34 Contrasting Database and File Systems

35 1 35 The Database System Environment Database system is composed of 5 main parts: 1.Hardware 2.Software Operating system software DBMS software Application programs and utility software 3.People SA (System Administrator) DBA (Database Administrator) Database designers System analysts and programmers End users 4.Procedures 5.Data

36 1 36 The Database System Environment

37 1 37 DBMS Functions Performs functions that guarantee integrity and consistency of data 1.Data dictionary management (Fig. 1.8) defines data elements and their relationships (metadata) 2.Data storage management (Fig. 1.9) stores data and related data entry forms, report definitions, etc. 3.Data transformation and presentation translates logical requests into commands to physically locate and retrieve the requested data

38 1 38 DBMS Functions ( continued ) 4.Security management enforces user security and data privacy within database 5.Multi-user access control creates structures that allow multiple users to access the data 6.Backup and recovery management provides backup and data recovery procedures

39 1 39 DBMS Functions ( continued ) 7.Data integrity management promotes and enforces integrity rules to eliminate data integrity problems 8.Database access languages and application programming interfaces provides data access through a query language 9.Database communication interfaces allow database to accept end-user requests via multiple, different network environments

40 1 40 Illustrating Metadata with Microsoft Access

41 1 41 Illustrating Data Storage Management with Oracle

42 1 42 Summary Information is derived from data, which is stored in a database To implement and manage a database, use a DBMS Database design defines its structure Good design is important Databases were preceded by file systems Because file systems lack a DBMS, file management becomes difficult as a file system grows DBMS were developed to address file systems’ inherent weaknesses

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