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A NEW ECO TECHNOLOGY FOR FUNCTIONAL CHANGES AND REMOVING TIMING VIOLATIONS Jui-Hung Hung, Yao-Kai Yeh,Yung-Sheng Tseng and Tsai-Ming Hsieh Dept. of Information.

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Presentation on theme: "A NEW ECO TECHNOLOGY FOR FUNCTIONAL CHANGES AND REMOVING TIMING VIOLATIONS Jui-Hung Hung, Yao-Kai Yeh,Yung-Sheng Tseng and Tsai-Ming Hsieh Dept. of Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 A NEW ECO TECHNOLOGY FOR FUNCTIONAL CHANGES AND REMOVING TIMING VIOLATIONS Jui-Hung Hung, Yao-Kai Yeh,Yung-Sheng Tseng and Tsai-Ming Hsieh Dept. of Information and Computer Engineering Chung Yuan Christian University 1

2 Outline  Introduction  Problem Formulation  Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusions 2

3 Outline  Introduction  Problem Formulation  Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusions 3

4 Introduction  The cost of remaking a complete photomask is very expensive, such that spare cells rewiring is a convenient way to repair the problems of functional change or timing violation.  Engineering Change Order (ECO), is an effective technique for fixing circuit functionality and timing problems after the placement stage. 4

5 Introduction(cont.)  Spare cells are pre-injected after the placement stage and not connect to other cells, therefore we have to modify the netlist information and replace the original standard cell by spare cells. 5

6 Introduction(cont.)  Assuming that we have to use spare cells to implement a function NAND2 whose two input nets and one output net are denoted by NET1, NET2, NET3 6

7 Introduction(cont.) 7

8  There are two main research directions  ECO for functional changes  ECO for timing optimizations  We can assume the ECO problem as resource allocation problem and competition among timing and functional ECO. 8

9 Outline  Introduction  Problem Formulation  Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusions 9

10 Problem Formulation(cont.)  Given:  original circuit(netlist and cell placement)  a set of spare cells  a cell library  a set of timing constraints  a set of functional changes.  Our approach is to complete the functional changes by the spare cells rewiring and with the goal of minimum total wiring cost. 10

11 Problem Formulation  Wiring cost  Sum of the half perimeter of the minimum bounding box (HPBB) of each net.  cost(i) = HPBB(i) = xspan(i)+ yspan(i) 11

12 Outline  Introduction  Problem Formulation  Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusions 12

13 Algorithm 13

14 Algorithm(cont.)  Technology Mapping Table Generation  Spare Cell Selection  Matching  Timing Analysis  Buffer Insertion and Gate Sizing 14

15 Algorithm(cont.)  Technology Mapping Table Generation  We transform the functional change to Boolean expression. NOR NAND DeMorgan’s Theorems Constant insertion[1] 15

16 Technology Mapping Table Generation 16

17 Spare Cell Selection  In spare cell selection, we regard this problem as a question of resource allocation, with timing consideration to choose spare cell combinations with smaller timing influence. 17

18 Spare Cell Cost Estimation 18

19 Spare Cell Cost Estimation(cont.)  Using multiple spare cell 19

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22 Matching  When different ECO functions require the same spare cell, we need to reallocate resources until the requirement is satisfied.  We can define the “spare cell selection for functional change” problem into a resource allocation and competition among timing and functional ECO. 22

23 Matching(cont.)  Use Hungarian Algorithm to find the better match which with minimum wiring cost in a bipartite graph. 23

24 Timing Analysis  Apply Synopsys’s Liberty library to simulate the circuit timing.  By the two indexes of input transition time and downstream capacitance, we can calculate the gate delay time and output transition time by lookup tables. 24

25 Timing Analysis(con’t)  The downstream capacitance calculation is defined as: Downstream components capacitance plus Downstream wire capacitance  Downstream components capacitance  Total input pin capacitance of fan-out gates  Downstream wire capacitance  Sum of the Manhattan distance between current component and the downstream component multiply by the capacitance per wirelength. 25

26 Buffer insertion and gate sizing  spare cell search range  α : capacitance per unit wirelength  β : a user defined value between 1 to 1.5. 26

27 Outline  Introduction  Problem Formulation  Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusions 27

28 Experimental Results 28

29 Experimental Results 29

30 Outline  Introduction  Problem Formulation  Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusions 30

31 Conclusions  This paper present a new ECO technique for functional changes and timing optimizations simultaneously.  The experimental results show that it not only completes functional changes in a reasonable run time but also fixes most timing violation paths. 31

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