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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO USE DISCOVERY AND OTHER LIFE SKILLS TO FIND SUCCESS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Classroom Entrance  Retrieve working folder from filing cabinet  Make sure you have a couple pieces of paper and a writing utensil within your folder  All current work is to be kept in this folder  Grab a note card and begin “Dome Work” opener  These will entail learning target(s) from previous lesson and/or current lesson  This is an informal formative assessment to not only get your brain warmed up but to allow you and I to gauge levels of understanding and interest  Have Process Point Sheet on desk

3 Classroom During Class (Course Work)  Standard Based Grading  Pre-Assessments “Preseason” used to gauge prior skills, knowledge, and understanding of course standards and their corresponding learning targets  Formative Assessments “Practice” that further develops skills, knowledge, and understanding of course standards…  **These assessments are to be kept in your WORKING folder. AFTER you have met a standard (explained in next slide) you are permitted to move assessments into your DONE folder.

4 Classroom During Class (Course Work)  Standard Based Grading  Summative Assessments “Games” that formally assess developed skills, knowledge, & understanding of course standards… Will consist of 4-10 learning targets Will be done to mastery  Grading Scale 4 – exceeds standard(100%) 3 – met standard(88%) 2 – approaching standard(70%) 1 – did not meet standard(60%) 0 – did not attempt standard(50%)

5 Classroom Standards Based Grading Example  Learning Targets:  I can identify working folders and done folders.  I can describe classroom entry procedures.  I can connect procedures to success and learning.  I can contrast Process Points from last year to the revised ones this year.  Instruction and Formative Assessments  Lecture, presentation, discussion, and game  Summative Assessment  Test at end of unit to exhibit mastery of standards and learning targets

6 Classroom During Class (Behavior)  Discovery and then some…  LIVE DISCOVERY!  New Process Points Earn them now! (2’s and 10’s) Much more specific! 32 needed for lunch Incentives  New Redirect Process Still earn them, but not as invasive  Less Focuses Earned (not Auto) after 4 redirects in class One Voluntary a day* Process Point Sheet Name: __________________5th Block: ____________ Date:Total Points: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Prompt to Class Prepared to Learn Professional Dress Polite to All Positive Mental Attitude Proper Language Proper Use of Tech/Equip Produce Quality Work Present Participate in Class Focus Room Totals/Initials Goal: _______________________________________ Notes:

7 Classroom During Class (Behavior)  Discovery and then some…  Leaving the room Takes away from chances to earn points Sheet goes with you, chances to earn points does too  Food No distribution of food No food or drinks taken out of cafeteria Process Point Sheet Name: __________________5th Block: ____________ Date:Total Points: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Prompt to Class Prepared to Learn Professional Dress Polite to All Positive Mental Attitude Proper Language Proper Use of Tech/Equip Produce Quality Work Present Participate in Class Focus Room Totals/Initials Goal: _______________________________________ Notes:

8 Classroom Exit  Organize WORK folder and place back into filing cabinet  Keep writing utensil in the folder  While you organize, we will work together to finish your Process Point sheet  Clean up your area  Leave class with some sense, not like this…

9 In Case of… Emergencies  Fire  Exit in orderly fashion out doors to outside on left and make your way to Pavilion If fire is in that direction, be sure to go right and we will exit out front  Inclement Weather  Exit in orderly fashion and kneel against and facing wall on the right  Earthquake  Yes, this can happen  Get in a tight ball and get under a desk (or two)

10 In Case of… Emergencies  Lockout  We will remain in the room, with the door closed and locked, and continue class as normal  REMAIN CALM  Lockdown  We will remain in the room, with the lights out, door closed and locked, and get out of sight of windows  REMAIN CALM AND QUIET  Armed Entry  Flee AS CLASS to safety with me  REMAIN CALM AND QUIET

11 Any Questions? Not what I’m hoping to hear:  Am I in the right room?  What are we doing now?  When’s break?  Can I go get a snack from Mrs. Mitchell? What I would love to hear:  Why did we change Process Points?  Why do we have rules?  Can you explain the course’s objectives?


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