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Published byNoreen Paul Modified over 9 years ago
HOM Studies at the FLASH(TTF2) Linac Nathan Eddy, Ron Rechenmacher, Luciano Piccoli, Marc Ross FNAL Josef Frisch, Stephen Molloy SLAC Nicoleta Baboi, Olaf Hensler DESY
FLASH Facility (formerly TTF2) 1.3 GHz superconducting linac –5 current accelerating modules, with a further two planned for installation. –Typical energy of 400 – 750 MeV. Bunch compressors create a ~10 fs spike in the charge profile. –This generates intense VUV light when passed through the undulator section (SASE). Used for ILC and XFEL studies, as well as VUV-FEL generation for users. dump bunch compressors collimator section bypass line 5 accelerating modules gun undulators FEL beam
Higher Order Modes in Cavities In addition to the fundamental accelerating mode, cavities can support a spectrum of higher order modes. Traditionally they are seen as “bad”. –Beam breakup (BBU), HOM heating, … Here we investigate their usefulness, –Beam diagnostics –Cavity alignment –Cavity diagnostics
TESLA Cavities Nine cell superconducting cavities. 1.3 GHz standing wave used for acceleration. Gradient of up to 25 MV/m. –Addition of piezo-tuners and improvement of manufacturing technique intended to increase this to ~35 MV/m. HOM couplers with a tunable notch filter to reject fundamental. –One upstream and one downstream, separated by 115degrees azimuthally. –Couple electrically and magnetically to the cavity fields.
Response of HOM modes to beam
Sample HOM Spectrum
Beam Position Monitoring –Dipole mode amplitude is a function of the bunch charge and transverse offset. –Exist in two polarisations corresponding to two transverse orthogonal directions. Not necessarily coincident with horizontal and vertical directions due to perturbations from cavity imperfections and the couplers. Problem – polarisations not necessarily degenerate in frequency. –Frequency splitting <1 MHz (of same size as the resonance width). Beam Phase Monitoring –Power leakage of the 1.3 GHz accelerating mode through the HOM coupler is approximately the same amplitude as the HOM signals. i.e. Accelerating RF and beam induced monopole modes exist on same cables. –Compare phase of 1.3 GHz and a HOM monopole mode. HOMs as a Beam Diagnostic
Narrow-band Measurements ~1.7 GHz tone added for calibration purposes. Cal tone, LO, and digitiser clock all locked to accelerator reference. Dipole modes exist in two polarisations corresponding to orthogonal transverse directions. The polarisations may be degenerate in frequency, or may be split by the perturbing affect of the couplers, cavity imperfections, etc. May be difficult to determine their frequencies.
Method Steer beam using two correctors upstream of the accelerating module. –Try to choose a large range of values in (x,x’) and (y,y’) phase space. Record the response of the mixed-down dipole mode at each steerer setting. BPMs accelerating module 18 HOM electronics steering magnets electron bunch
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to Find Modes Collect HOM data for series of machine pulses with varying beam orbits Use SVD to find an orthonormal basis set. –Select 6 largest amplitude modes –Calculate mode amplitudes Linear regression to find matricies to correlate beam orbit (X,X’,Y,Y’), and mode amplitudes Use SVD modes and amplitudes to measure position on subsequent pulses
Singular Value Decomposition SVD decomposes a matrix, X, into the product of three matrices, U, S, and V. –U and V are unitary. –S is diagonal. It finds the “normal eigenvectors” of the dataset. –i.e. “modes” whose amplitude changes independently of each other. –These may be linear combinations of the expected modes. Use a large number of pulses for each cavity. –Make sure the beam was moved a significant amount in x, x’, y, and y’. Does not need a priori knowledge of resonance frequency, Q, etc. –Similar to a Model Independent Analysis.
Predict position at one cavity from positions at adjacent cavities X resolution ~ 6.1µmY resolution ~ 3.3 µm
Cavity Alignment ACC5 X: 240 micron misalignment, 9 micron reproducibility Y: 200 micron misalignment, 5 micron reproducibility
Multi-Bunch Processing
Multi-Bunch Initial Results
HOM as BPM in DOOCs VME HOM Front-End DOOCs Matlab Vectors Calibration Constants DataBase Display X, X’ Y, Y’
HOM BPM Details Mode Vectors Raw Data Amplitudes Calibration Matrix 4D Position k ~ 6, j ~ 100 to 4k
DESY System Need to read out raw data for mod*cav*coupler channels at 4k to 10k data points per for multibunch then perform dot products to determine mode amplitudes This requires a lot of I/O in the front-end (slow) and then a bunch multiply accumulates which must be done sequentially on the front- end processor The current system is unable to report a position for every pulse at 5Hz for single bunch even with only a few cavities per module enabled
Custom FPGA Based Board Extreme flexibility inherent in FPGA –Algorithms and functionality can be changed and updated as needed –Code base which can be used for multiple projects –Intellectual Property (IP) cores provide off the shelf solutions for many interfaces and DSP applications The speed of parallel processing –Can perform up to 512 multiplies using dedicated blocks The Pipeline nature of FPGA logic is able to satisfy rigorous and well defined timing requirements
Dot Product FPGA Implementation Store mode vectors in FPGA RAM Perform dot product (multiply accumulate) in FPGA for digitized data as it arrives from ADC Simply read out mode amplitudes which are available as soon as data has arrived Can perform calculation on all channels in parallel Also able to store raw data in internal RAM ADC FPGA x n *v n,j Coupler Data
Dedicated HOM BPM Digitizer Dedicated HOM Digitizer –Provide amplitudes in real time –Reduce front-end processor I/O and load by orders 3- 4 orders of magnitude Maximum rate still limited by front-end I/O –Provide bunch by bunch data for every pulse Design dedicated 8 channel digitizer –Modify existing design ~ 6 months –Commissioning time (have prototype already) –Conservative estimate of $200 per channel
Broadband System Broadband (scope-based) system –Monitor HOM modes up to 2.5GHz –Several simultaneous channels (4 or 8) –Limited dynamic range (8 bit scope) –Use for Phase measurement
Monopole Spectrum Data taken with fast scope. Both couplers for 1 cavity shown Note that different lines have different couplings to the 2 couplers: More on this later Monopole lines due to beam, and phase is related to beam time of arrival Fundamental 1.3GHz line also couples out – provides RF phase
Analysis of Monopole Data Lines are singlets – frequencies are easy to find Find real and imaginary amplitudes of the waveform at the line frequency Find phase angle for each HOM mode Convert phases to times Weight the times by the average power in each line Correct the scope trigger time using this weighted average of the times Calculate the phase of the 1.3GHz fundimental relative to this new time
Beam Phase vs. RF Measurement During 5 Degree Phase Shift Measure 5 degree phase shift commanded by control system See about 0.1 degrees of rms
Summary HOMs are useful for diagnostic purposes. –Beamline hardware already exists. –Large proportion of linac occupied with structures. Beam diagnostics. –Accelerating RF and beam induced monopole HOM exist on same cable. No effect from thermal expansion of cables. Can find beam phase with respect to machine RF. –Dipole modes respond strongly to beam position. Can use these to measure transverse beam position. Cavity/Structure diagnostics. –Alignment of cavities within supercooled structure. –Possibility of exploring inner cavity geometry by examining HOM output and comparing to simulation.
Backup Slides
Intuitive modes? This calibration matrix, M, shows how much of each SVD mode contributes to the modes corresponding to x, y, (x’, y’). Therefore, can sum the SVD modes to find the intuitive modes. –Lack of calibration tone in the reconstructed modes, as expected. –Beating indicates presence of two frequencies, i.e. actual cavity modes are rotated with respect to x and y. –Could rotate these modes to find orientation of polarisation vectors in the cavity…
Using SVD on the (n x j) cavity output matrix, X, produces three matrices. –U (n x j), S (j x j, diagonal), and V (j x j) V contains j modes. –These are the orthonormal eigenvectors. –“Intuitive” modes will be linear combinations of these. The diagonal elements of S are the eigenvalues of the eigenvectors. –i.e. the amount with which the associated eigenvector contributes to the average coupler output. –It can be shown that the largest k eigenvalues found by SVD are the largest possible eigenvalues. U gives the amplitude of each eigenvector for each beam pulse. Using SVD
Theoretical Resolution Corresponds to a limit of ~65 nm –Included 10 dB cable losses, 6.5 dB noise figure, and 10 dB attenuator in electronics. Need good charge measurement to perform normalisation. –0.1% stability of toroids, to achieve 1 um at 1 mm offset. –Not the case with the FLASH toroids. LO has a measured phase noise of ~1 degree RMS. –This will mix angle and position, and will degrade resolution. –LO and calibration tone have a similar circuit, and cal. tone has much better phase noise. Therefore, should be simple to improve. Energy in mode –Thermal noise –
HOM Calibration Overview DOOCs VME HOM Front-End Matlab Control Code Matlab Analysis Code TTF2 Correctors BPMs, Etc Display Matlab Data Structure Matlab Vectors
Steering Plots
Apply calibration to a different dataset
Practical system Can use 2 LO frequencies to mix both the 1.3GHz, and the 2.4GHz Homs to a convienent IF (~25MHz). Digitize with same system used for dipole HOM measurements. Filters will greatly improve signal to noise –Dual bandpass for 1.3GHz, and 2.4GHz –Risk introducing phase shifts from filters System low cost – couplers already exist, electronics is inexpensive.
HOM Downmix Board Input and sample out Bandpass filters Pre-amplifier Mixer IF output amplifier
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