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Sustainable Development. Today… The Story Of Stuff Ethical Relevance Sustainable Engineering Sustainable Business Appropriate Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development. Today… The Story Of Stuff Ethical Relevance Sustainable Engineering Sustainable Business Appropriate Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development

2 Today… The Story Of Stuff Ethical Relevance Sustainable Engineering Sustainable Business Appropriate Technology

3 The Story of Stuff

4 Global Impacts Metal – South Africa Petroleum – Iraq Plastics – China Assembly – Mexico Oil and food

5 So What? Inputs and Outputs – we’re working with a global economy When we’re talking about sustainable solutions Impact can be hard to predict

6 Dioxin – An Organochlorine Do not break down easily – long-lasting Build up, accumulating in food, water, bodies Linked with cancer, infertility, immune suppression, birth defects Generational delays in effects create inability to link cause, creating difficulty in legislature efforts

7 So What? The Law is the only limit, and many businesses challenge these – when we’re looking for guidance where should we look; research? Legislation? We’re not just degrading our environment, we’re degrading our evolution

8 Recycling A good thing! – But for who? Down-cycling? Manufactured Landscapes – clip of recycling electronic waste in China

9 So What? We need more dramatic change This is going to be difficult

10 “Around us there is a breakdown of values in business and government…It is the fact that we are not willing to sacrifice for the ethics and values we profess. For an ethic is not an ethic, and a value not a value, without some sacrifice for it, something not taken, something not gained. We do it in exchange for a greater good, for something worth more than just money or power and position.” – Jerry Kohlberg

11 Ethics… If we live in a global society – how far- reaching is our ethical obligation as engineers? As human beings? If our actions have global consequences do we need to more proactively consider our global impacts?

12 Power Constructs How can we influence any of this? Politics Economics Technology Engineers: ImplementingEngineers: Creating

13 What are we talking about? What does Sustainable mean? What do we mean by development? Can we actually have sustainable development?

14 Triple Bottom Lines Economy Ecology Equity

15 Triple Bottom Lines

16 Sustainable Engineering Look beyond your own locality & immediate future Innovate and be creative Seek a balanced solution Seek engagement from all stakeholders Make sure you understand needs and wants

17 Sustainable Engineering Plan and Manage Effectively Give Sustainability the benefit of the doubt If polluters must pollute, they must pay as well Adopt a cradle to grave approach Do things right, having decided the right thing to do

18 Sustainable Engineering Beware cost cutting that masquerades as value engineering Practice what you preach

19 Cradle to Grave? Cradle to Cradle –Signal your intention –Restore –Be ready to innovate further –Understand and prepare for the learning curve –Exert intergenerational responsibility

20 Sustainable Business Replace nationally and internationally produced items with products created locally and regionally Take responsibility for effects on the natural world Do not require exotic sources of capital in order to develop and grow

21 Sustainable Business Engage in production processes that are human, worthy, dignified, and intrinsically satisfying Create objects of durability and long- term utility whose ultimate use or disposition will not be harmful to future generations Change consumers to customers through education

22 Appropriate Technology What does sustainable development look like in other countries? What does Appropriate Technology mean? Why is it important?

23 Appropriate Technology


25 El Tofo, Chile

26 Site of Fog Collection Project

27 Mesh Fog Collectors (1990)

28 Fog Collection Nets In Operation (1994)

29 In 2002, only 9 of the 94 mesh collectors were still hanging… Why?

30 Group Questions Community Preparation –What were the probable deficiencies? –What would you have done differently? People, Resources, Structures –What was missing? –Strengths/Weaknesses? What now? –Where would you begin if asked to plan a project now for El Tofo?

31 Thank you!

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