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Middle & New Kingdom. Main Idea Middle kingdom was period of stable government between periods of disorder The New Kingdom, Egyptian trade & military.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle & New Kingdom. Main Idea Middle kingdom was period of stable government between periods of disorder The New Kingdom, Egyptian trade & military."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle & New Kingdom

2 Main Idea Middle kingdom was period of stable government between periods of disorder The New Kingdom, Egyptian trade & military power reached their peak, but Egyptians greatness did not last Work and daily life were different for of Egypt's social classes.

3 Middle Kingdom End of old kingdom in 2200 B.C Mentuhoteps's rise to power  Middle Kingdom: a period of order and stability that lasted until about 1750 BC  Problems:  internal  Invasion: Hyksos Used chariots, iron weapons Lower Egypt (200 years)

4 New Kingdom Beginning 18 th Dynasty  Ahmose (pharaoh or king)  Declared king of all of Egypt  Defeated Hyksos  New Kingdom: Egypt reached the height of its power & glory last from 1150-1050

5 Building Empire Control Invasion routes  Hyksos  Syria  Eastern shore of Mediterranean  Kingdom of Kush Became leading military power  Ruled from Euphrates to Nubia

6 Trade Trade expanded  Trade routes: paths followed by traders  Queen Hatshepsut Sent traders to Greece, Punt, & Asia Minor $ spent on buildings & arts

7 Trade What did they trade? Turquoise, copper – Sinai Peninsula

8 Invasions Ramses the Great  Fought Hittites Signed a peace treaty Allies  Tehenu  Sea Peoples Lost Asia  New Kingdom ended Violence, invasion, disorder

9 Daily Life & Work Scribes Artisans Artists Architects Soldiers Farmers & Peasant Slaves Family live

10 Scribes Worked for  Government  Temples  Did not pay taxes  Became wealthy

11 Artisans, Artist, Architects Artisans : advanced skills  Sculptors, builders, carpenters, jewelers, metal workers, leather workers  Worked for Government temples

12 Soldiers Rise in status Land as payment Keep treasure taken during war Promotions to officers

13 Farmers & Peasants Most of population Prepared the land for farming  Harvested  Gave crops to pharaoh Taxes  Special duties Building pyramids, mining gold, fighting wars

14 Slaves Had some legal rights  Could earn freedom  Farming, building projects, household work

15 Family Life Own home Married young Women had some legal rights  Own property or divorce husbands  Jobs: priestess, artisans, administrators Children played games & went to school

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