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philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Introduction to Electronics in HEP Experiments Philippe Farthouat CERN
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Credits and sources of information 2 I have “stolen” a lot from the previous summer student lectures from Christophe de la Taille and Jorgen Christiansen and from colleagues from the PH electronics group (PH-ESE) Useful and more complete information can be found in the following sites: CERN technical training ELEC 2005: LEB/LECC/TWEPP workshops from last 12 years: PH-ESE seminars:
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Outline 3 Detector Analog To Digital Conversion Data Acquisition & Processing Analog Processing On-detector Or Off-detector Analog processing Analog to digital conversion Technology evolution Off-detector digital electronics
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Outline 4 Detector Analog To Digital Conversion Data Acquisition & Processing Analog Processing On-detector Or Off-detector Analog processing Analog to digital conversion Technology evolution Off-detector digital electronics
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Analog Processing 5 A few basic reminders Modelisation of the detector Charge and current amplifiers Noise Example of a preamplifier design
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 6 The foundations of electronics Voltage generators or source Ideal source : constant voltage, independent of current (or load) In reality : non-zero source impedance R S R S → 0 V RS → ∞RS → ∞ i Current generators Ideal source : constant current, independent of voltage (or load) In reality : finite output source impedance R S Z V i Ohms’ law Z = R, 1/jωC, jωL Note the sign convention
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 7 Frequency domain & time domain Frequency domain : V(ω,t) = A sin (ωt + φ) Described by amplitude and phase (A, φ) Transfer function : H(ω) [or H(s)] The ratio of output signal to input signal in the frequency domain assuming linear electronics V out (ω) = H(ω) V in (ω) Time domain Impulse response : h(t) The output signal for an impulse (delta) input in the time domain The output signal for any input signal v in (t) is obtained by convolution * : V out (t) = v in (t) * h(t) = ∫ v in (u) * h(t-u) du Correspondance through Fourier transforms A few useful Fourier transforms in appendix below H(ω) v in (ω) v out (ω) h(t) v in (t) v out (t) F -1
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Appendix: Fourrier Transform 8
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 9 Using Ohm’s law Example of photodiode readout Used in high speed optical links Signal : ~ 10 µA when illuminated Modelisation : Ideal current source Iin pure capacitance C d I in C d Simple I to V converter : R R = 100 kΩ gives 1V output for 10 µA light volts 10 Gb/s optical receiver 100K V Speed ? Transfer function H(ω) = v out /i in H has the dimension of Ω and is often called « transimpedance » and even more often (improperly) « gain » 1/RC d is called a « pole » in the transfer function
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 10 Frequency response Bode plot Magnitude (dB) -3dB bandwidth : f -3dB = 1/2πRC d R=10 5 Ω, C d =10pF => f -3dB =160 kHz At f -3dB the signal is attenuated by 3dB = √2, the phase is -45° Above f -3dB, gain rolls-off at -20dB/decade (or -6dB/octave) 100 dBΩ 80 dBΩ Magnitude Phase
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 11 Time response Step response : rising exponential Rise time : t 10-90% = 2.2 τ « eye diagram » Impulse response τ (tau) = RC d = 1 µs : time constant Speed : ~ 10 µs = 100 kb/s ! 5 orders ofmagnitude away from a 10 Gb/s link ! pulse response t r 10-90% Impulse response 10Gb/s eye diagram (10 ps/div)
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Feedback Y is a source linked to X y = μ x Open loop x = δ e y = µ x s = σ y = σ μ δ e Closed loop 12 e x y s δ µ ß σ μ is the open loop gain βμ is the loop gain
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Interest of feedback In electronics μ is an amplifier gain β is the feedback loop If μ is large enough the gain of the system is independent of the amplifier gain 13 e x y s δ µ ß σ
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Operational Amplifier Gain A very large Input impedance very high i.e input current = 0 A(ω) as shown 14 - + -A
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 How does it work? 15 Direct gain calculation Feedback equation Ideal Opamp - + -A Vin Vout I R1 R2
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 16 Overview of readout electronics Most front-ends follow a similar architecture Very small signals (fC) -> need amplification Measurement of amplitude and/or time (ADCs, discris, TDCs) Several thousands to millions of channels Detector Preamp Shaper ADC fC V bits DAQ & Processing V
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 17 Readout electronics : requirements Low cost ! (and even less) Radiation hardness High reliability High speed Large dynamic range Low power Low material Low noise
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 18 Detector(s) A large variety A similar modelization ATLAS Liquid Argon Electromagnetic calorimeter PMT for Antares CMS Pixel module 6x6 pixels,4x4 mm 2
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 19 Detector modelization Detector = capacitance Cd Silicon : 0.1-10 pF PMs : 3-30pF Ionization chambers 10-1000 pF Signal : current source Silicon : ~1fC/100µm PMs : 1 photoelectron -> 10 5 -10 7 e - Wire chambers : a few 10 3 e - Modelized as an impulse (Dirac) : i(t)=Q 0 δ(t) Missing : High Voltage bias Connections, grounding Neighbours Calibration… I in C d Detector modelisation Typical PM signal
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 20 Reading the signal Signal Signal = current source Detector = capacitance C d Quantity to measure Charge => integrator needed + ADC Time => discriminator + TDC Integrating on Cd Simple : V = Q/C d « Gain » : 1/C d : 1 pF -> 1 mV/fC Need a follower to buffer the voltage… Input follower capacitance : Ca // Cd Gain loss, possible non-linearities Crosstalk Need to empty Cd… I in C d - + Q/Cd Impulse response
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 21 Ideal charge preamplifier Ideal opamp in transimpedance Shunt-shunt feedback Transimpedance : v out /i in Vin-=0 =>V out (ω)/i in (ω) = - Z f = - 1/jω C f Integrator : v out (t) = -1/C f ∫ i in (t)dt « Gain » : 1/C f : 0.1 pF -> 10 mV/fC C f determined by maximum signal Integration on Cf Simple : V = - Q/C f Unsensitive to preamp capacitance C PA Turns a short signal into a long one The front-end of 90% of particle physics detectors… But always built with custom circuits… - + Cf I in C d v out (t) = - Q/C f - Q/Cf Charge sensitive preamp Impulse response with ideal preamp
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 22 Non-ideal charge preamplifier Impulse response with non-ideal preamp Finite opamp gain Small signal loss in C d / G 0 C f << 1 (ballistic deficit) Finite opamp bandwidth First order open-loop gain G(ω) = G 0 /(1 + j ω/ω 0 ) G 0 : low frequency gain G 0 ω 0 : ω c gain bandwidth product Preamp risetime Due to gain variation with ω Time constant : τ (tau) = C d / G 0 ω 0 C f Rise-time : t 10-90% = 2.2 τ Rise-time optimised with G 0 ω 0 (ω c ) or C f
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Input Impedance 23 - + -G Vin Vout I CfCf I
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 24 Charge preamp seen from the input Input impedance with ideal opamp Zin = Zf / G+1 Zin->0 for ideal opmap « Virtual ground » : Vin = 0 Minimizes sensitivity to detector impedance Minimizes crostalk Input impedance with real opamp Resistive term : Example : ω C = 10 9 rad/s C f = 2 pF => Rin = 500Ω Determines the input time constant : t = R eq C d Good stability Input impedance of charge preamp
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 25 Pile up It is necessary to discharge the feedback capacitor Successive input pulses would add up until saturation Several ways to do it, the simpler being to put a resistor in parallel - + -A CfCf RfRf
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 26 Crosstalk Capacitive coupling between neighbours Crosstalk signal is differentiated and with same polarity Small contribution at signal peak Proportionnal to Cx/Cd and preamp input impedance Slowed derivative if RinCd ~ tp => non-zero at peak Inductive coupling Inductive common ground return “Ground apertures” = inductance Connectors : mutual inductance
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 27 Current preamplifiers Transimpedance configuration V out ( )/i in ( ) = - R f / (1+Z f /GZ d ) Gain = R f High counting rate Typically optical link receivers Easily oscillatory Unstable with capacitive detector Inductive input impedance Resonance at : Quality factor : Q > 1/2 -> ringing Damping with capacitance C f in parallel to R f Easier with fast amplifiers Current sensitive preamp Step response of current sensitive preamp RfRf
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 28 Charge vs Current preamps Charge preamps Best noise performance Best with short signals Best with small capacitance Current preamps Best for long signals Best for high counting rate Significant parallel noise Charge preamps are not slow, they are long Current preamps are not faster, they are shorter (but easily unstable) CurrentCharge
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 29 Electronics noise Definition of Noise Random fluctuation superimposed to interesting signal Statistical treatment Three types of noise Fundamental noise (Thermal noise, shot noise) Excess noise (1/f …) Parasitics -> EMC/EMI (pickup noise, ground loops…)
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 30 Electronics noise Modelization Noise generators : e n, i n Noise spectral density of e n & i n : S v (f) & S i (f) S v (f) = | F (e n )| 2 (V 2 /Hz) S i (f) = | F (i n ) | 2 (A 2 /Hz) Rms noise Vn V n 2 = ∫ e n 2 (t) dt = ∫ S v (f) df When going through a device H(2πf) S vout (f) = |H(2πf)| 2 S vin (f) rms Rms noise vn Noise spectral density
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 31 Calculating electronics noise Fundamental noise Thermal noise (resistors) : S v (f) = 4kTR Shot noise (junctions) : S i (f) = 2qI 1/f noise in CMOS devices Noise referred to the input All noise generators can be referred to the input as 2 noise generators : A voltage one e n in series : series noise A current one i n in parallel : parallel noise Two generators : no more, no less… why ? Noisy Noiseless enen Thermal noise generator Noise generators referred to the input To take into account the source impedance Golden rule Always calculate the signal before the noise what counts is the signal to noise ratio Don’t forget noise generators are V 2 /Hz => calculations in module square Practical exercice next slide
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 32 Parallel noise Series noise Noise spectral density at Preamp output Noise in charge pre-amplifiers 2 noise generators at the input Parallel noise : ( i n 2 ) (leakage currents) Series noise : (e n 2 ) (preamp) Output noise spectral density : Parallel noise in 1/ω 2 Series noise is flat, with a « noise gain » of C d /C f rms noise V n V n 2 = ∫ S v (ω) dω/2π -> ∞ (!) Benefit of shaping…
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 33 Equivalent Noise Charge (ENC) after CRRC n Noise reduction by optimising useful bandwidth Low-pass filters (RC n ) to cut-off high frequency noise High-pass filter (CR) to cut-off parallel noise -> pass-band filter CRRC n Equivalent Noise Charge : ENC Noise referred to the input in electrons ENC = Ia(n) e n C t /√τ Ib(n) i n * √τ Series noise in 1/√τ Paralle noise in √τ 1/f noise independant of τ Optimum shaping time τ opt = τ c /√2n-1 Peaking time tp (5-100%) ENC(tp) independent of n Complex shapers are obsolete : Power of digital filtering Analog filter = CRRC ou CRRC 2 Step response of CR RCn shapers ENC vs tau for CR RCn shapers
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 34 Equivalent Noise Charge (ENC) after CRRC n A useful formula : ENC (e- rms) after a CRRC 2 shaper : e n in nV/ √Hz, i n in pA/ √Hz are the preamp noise spectral densities C tot (in pF) is dominated by the detector (C d ) + input preamp capacitance (C PA ) t p (in ns) is the shaper peaking time (5-100%) Noise minimization Minimize source capacitance Operate at optimum shaping time Preamp series noise (en) best with high trans-conductance (g m ) in input transistor => large current, optimal size
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 35 ENC for various technologies ENC for Cd=1, 10 and 100 pF at I D = 500 uA MOS transistors best between 20 ns – 2 µs Parameters Bipolar : g m = 20 mA/V R BB’ =25 Ω e n = 1 nV/ √ Hz I B =5uA i n = 1 pA/√Hz C PA =100fF PMOS 2000/0.35 g m = 10 mA/V e n = 1.4 nV/√Hz C PA = 5 pF 1/f :
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 36 MOS input transistor sizing Capacitive matching : strong inversion g m proportionnal to W/L √I D C GS proportionnal to W*L ENC propotionnal to (Cdet+C GS )/ √gm Optimum W/L : C GS = 1/3 Cdet Large transistors are easily in moderate or weak inversion at small current Optimum size in weak inversion g m proportionnal to I D (indep of W,L) ENC minimal for C GS minimal, provided the transistor remains in weak inversion © P O’Connor BNL
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 37 Low frequency hybrid model of bipolar Design in micro-electronics Performant design is at transistor level Simples models Hybrid π model Similar for bipolar and MOS Essential for desgin Numerous « composites » Darlington, Paraphase, Cascode, Mirrors… BC CECC Three basic bricks Common emitter (CE) = V to I (transconductance) Common collector (CC) = V to V (voltage buffer) Common base (BC) = I to I (current conveyor)
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Example : designing a charge preamp (1) 38 From the schematic of principle Using of a fast opamp (OP620) Removing unnecessary components… Similar to the traditionnal schematic «Radeka 68 » Optimising transistors and currents - + Cf Schematic of a OP620 opamp ©BurrBrown Charge preamp ©Radeka 68
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Example : designing a charge preamp (2) 39 Simplified schematic Optimising components What transistors (PMOS, NPN ?) What bias current ? What transistor size ? What is the noise contributions of each component, how to minimize it ? What parameters determine the stability ? Waht is the saturation behaviour ? How vary signal and noise with input capacitance ? How to maximise the output voltage swing ? What the sensitivity to power supplies, temperature… Q2 : CB I C2 =100µA Q3 : CC I C3 =100µA Q1 : CE I C1 =500µA Simplified schematic of charge preamp
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Example : designing a charge preamp (3) 40 Small signal equivalent model Transistors are reaplaced by hybrid π model Allows to calculate open loop gain g m1 Gain (open loop) : Ex : g m1 =20mA/V, R 0 =500kΩ, C 0 =1pF => G 0 =10 4 ω 0 =210 6 G 0 ω 0 =2 10 10 = 3 GHz ! v out /v in = - g m1 R 0 /(1 + jω R 0 C 0 ) v in v out R 0 C 0 R0 = Rout2//Rin3//r04 Small signal equivalent model of charge preamp
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Example : designing a charge preamp (4) 41 Cf Input Output Complete schematic Adding bias elements
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Example : designing a charge preamp (5) 42 Complete simulation Checking hand calculations against 2 nd order effects Testing extreme process parameters (« corner simulations ») Testing robustness (to power supplies, temperature…) 1 MHz 10 ns20 ns Simulated open loop gain Saturation behaviour
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 Example : designing a charge preamp (6) 43 Layout Each component is drawn They are interconnected by metal layers Checks DRC : checking drawing rules (isolation, minimal dimensions…) ERC : extracting the corresponding electrical schematic LVS (layout vs schematic) : comparing extracted schematic and original design Simulating extracted schematic with parasitic elements Generating GDS2 file Fabrication masks : « reticule » 100 µm
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 44 Device available Acces to microelectronics 6 cm FET driverpreamp 100 µm ZfZf Z0Z0 Q2 Cf Q1 Q3 Cf Charge preamp in 0.8µm BiCMOS Charge preamp in SMC hybrid techno
philippe.farthouat@cern.chIntroduction to Electronics Summer 2009 45 Summary Charge preamplifier architecture Charge sensitive preamplifiers Output proportionnal to the incoming charge « Gain » : 1/C f : C f = 1 pF -> 1 mV/fC Transforms a short pulse into a long one Low input impedance -> current sensitive Virtual resistance R in -> stable with capacitive detector The front-end of 90% of particle physics detectors… But always built with custom circuits… Noise minimization Minimize source capacitance Operate at optimum shaping time Preamp series noise (en) better with high trans-conductance (gm) in input transistor v out (t) = - Q/C f
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