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Navy Regulations & the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

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Presentation on theme: "Navy Regulations & the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Navy Regulations & the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)







8 U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Core Values
Honor Courage Commitment

9 Navy Regulations

10 U.S. Navy Regulations Principal regulatory document of the Department of the Navy (DON). Endowed with the sanction of Law. Issued by the Secretary of the Navy to maintain good order and discipline within the Navy. No other directive in the DON may conflict, alter, or amend U.S. Navy Regulations.

11 U.S. Navy Regulations CNO is responsible for ensuring Navy Regs conform to the needs of the DON. Supplies specific information on duties, rights, and responsibilities. Violations are punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Some regulations apply to USMC. Added the words “good order and” in bullet 2

12 U.S. Navy Regulations Chap 1 Statutory Authority
Chap 2 Department of the Navy Chap 3-8 Duties of SECNAV, CMC, CNO, Commanders, COs Chap 9 Senior Officer Present Duties

13 U.S. Navy Regulations Chap 10 Precedence, Authority and Command
Chap 11 General Regulations Chap 12 Flags, Pennants, Honors, Ceremonies and Customs

14 The Uniform Code of Military Justice ( UCMJ )
What if ….? The Uniform Code of Military Justice ( UCMJ )

15 UCMJ Origin: Congress adopted the UCMJ in 1950 – applies to all services. Purpose: seeks to promote good order, high moral and discipline. Scope: applies to every aspect of military life

16 UCMJ Personnel subject to the UCMJ: Active duty personnel
Reservists on active duty Midshipmen of the Naval Academy Retired personnel receiving benefits Civilians under martial law Civilians during times of peace are exempt from the UCMJ

17 Sample Punitive Articles
Article 85 Desertion Article 86 Unauthorized absence Article 87 Missing movement Article 88 Contempt toward officials

18 Sample Punitive Articles
Article 89 Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer Article 92 Failure to obey order or regulation Article 99 Misbehavior before the enemy Article 112 Drunk on Duty

19 Adjudication of offenses
Judicially Administratively – i.e. non-judicially

20 Adjudication - judicial
Courts Martial - Formal setting formal process - Court room - Judge, lawyers, jury - Rules of law, procedures - Oversight, review, appeals

21 Courts Martial General Court Martial Special Court Martial
Summary Court Martial

22 Adjudication - nonjudicial
Nonjudical punishment ( NJP ) - Preceded by an investigation - Administrative hearing - CO weighs findings of investigation, evidence, extenuating circumstances, etc. - CO determines guilt / innocence and amount/type of punishment

23 Punishments Reprimand, Fines, Restriction Extra Duty
Reduction in Grade / Rate Correctional Custody Arrest in Quarters ( officers only ) Confinement ( the Brig, i.e. jail, prison ) Confinement with hard labor Confinement on bread & water Bad conduct discharge, Dishonorable discharge Life imprisonment, Death penalty

24 Questions?

25 Your task: Remember your Core Values, be true, and do the best you can.


27 U.S. Navy Regulations: Senior Officer Present
Definition: Senior Line Officer of the Navy on active duty, eligible for command at sea, present in locality and in command of any part of the DON in locality Authority: Shall assume command of all DON personnel when deemed necessary

28 SECNAV’s ethical standards and rules of conduct
Put loyalty to highest moral principles and country rather than persons, party or government department Uphold the constitution, laws, regulations of the US Give a full days labor for a full days pay Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways to get tasks accomplished

29 SECNAV’s ethical standards and rules of conduct
Never Discriminate Make no private promises binding upon the duties of an office Engage in no business with the government inconsistent with the conscientious performance of government duties Never use information gained from government duties to make a personal profit

30 SECNAV’s ethical standards and rules of conduct
Expose corruption Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust

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