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Preparing Proposal Budgets Matt Berry, Tonya Easley, Tena Smith and Fran Stephens Proposal Development Specialists Office of Research Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Proposal Budgets Matt Berry, Tonya Easley, Tena Smith and Fran Stephens Proposal Development Specialists Office of Research Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Proposal Budgets Matt Berry, Tonya Easley, Tena Smith and Fran Stephens Proposal Development Specialists Office of Research Services

2 Types of Proposals Federal or Non-Federal (State or Local) Foundation/Non-Profit Industry International Subcontract/Subaward

3 Budget Components Direct Costs Indirect Costs (IDC) – hereinafter referred to as Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A)

4 Direct Costs Expenses identified specifically with a particular sponsored project, instructional activity, creative or artistic pursuit, or other institutional activity Expenses that can be assigned to a particular sponsored project with a high degree of accuracy Must be allowable, allocable, reasonable & necessary for the program, given consistent treatment and conform to sponsor limitations

5 Typical Direct Costs Include: Compensation of employees for work under a sponsored agreement Related fringe benefit costs Materials consumed or expended in the performance of the work Other items of expense incurred for the sponsored agreement provided such costs are consistently treated (e.g., travel, equipment)

6 Facilities & Administrative Costs Costs incurred for common or joint objectives which cannot be identified to a specific direct cost activity Facilities Salaries of administrative and clerical staff Office supplies (May be allowable if attributed directly and specifically to the project) Postage (May be allowable if attributed directly and specifically to the project-NO STAMPS!) Memberships

7 Budget Categories Personnel Costs Fringe Benefits Equipment Travel Participant Support Costs Other Direct Costs Research Materials and Supplies Publication costs Consultants Computer/ADPE Services Subcontracts Tuition Other Facilities & Administrative Costs (F&A) Cost Sharing Note the following slides are formatted to follow the ORS generic budget spreadsheet which is recommended for all budgets.

8 Types of Personnel Costs Faculty – Academic Year Faculty - Summer Professional Staff Post Docs Professional Staff – Limited (temporary) Classified Staff (hourly) Graduate Students (GRA/GTA) Undergraduate Students Other

9 Fringe Benefits Rates - FY 07 Full Time Employees Temporary Employees Post Docs, Fellows GRAsUndergraduates 40.5%9.8%16.5%4.6%1.1%

10 Equipment Items costing over $5,000 and having a useful life of one year or more Includes freight and shipping costs Fabricated Equipment Exempt from F&A

11 Domestic Travel Airfare, Lodging Car Rental (Not in Oklahoma) Per Diem, Mileage Parking Fees/Pike Pass Registration Fees Local Transportation (Taxi, Metro, Shuttle) Travel to Canada or Mexico is agency specific GSA Rates ( OU Travel Policy link:

12 Foreign Travel Airfare Apartment Rental Car Rental Local Transportation Lodging Per Diem Registration Fees Safety and security costs may also be included dependent on location Travel to Canada or Mexico is agency specific

13 Participant Support Costs Agency specific (only applicable in limited circumstances) Intended for conferences, meetings, symposia, training activities, and workshops Participants or trainees may not be employees Stipends Cost of transportation Subsistence Other related costs

14 Other Direct Costs Research Materials & Supplies Publication Costs Consultant Services Computer Services Subcontracts Tuition Other

15 Other Direct Costs Chemicals Expendable Equipment Computer Software Computer Supplies Lab Supplies (Gases and Fuels) Cartridges for Copiers/Printers/Faxes Research Supplies (allocable to the project) Reference Materials Research Materials & Supplies

16 Other Direct Costs Publication Costs Consultant Services Letter of commitment Computer Services Subcontracts Entire sub-proposal Institutional letter of commitment

17 Other Direct Costs - Tuition Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) labor budgeted on sponsored programs determines the amount of tuition to be budgeted GRA labor budgeted is multiplied by a percentage to arrive at the tuition amounts requested from sponsor and provided by the Graduate College Tuition is excluded from F&A Sponsor ShareGraduate College Share 13%19% FY 07 Cost of Tuition Remission is 32%

18 Other Direct Costs - Other Communication Costs: Express Mail Charges Fax Charges Mobile Phone Services/Pager Fees Postage (No Stamps!) Telecommunication Long Distance charges All charges must be directly attributable to project

19 Other Direct Costs - Other Copying Animal care costs Human subject care costs Maintenance agreements Audio/visual services Construction/renovation/remodeling costs Costs for workshops/conferences/technical meetings (if including food costs, state such in budget & justification) Contractual expenses/services/fees

20 Other Direct Costs (Excluded from F&A) Amount of Subcontract exceeding $25,000 Scholarships/Fellowships Tuition Remission Rental Costs – Off Campus Facilities Equipment and Capital Expenditures Patient Care Costs

21 Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Cost Rates – FY 07 On-CampusOff-Campus 48%26%

22 Calculating F&A Identify Exclusions Equipment Capital Expenditures Tuition remission Rental costs of off-site facilities Scholarships/Fellowships Subcontract amounts in excess of first $25,000 Patient Care Costs Modified Total Direct Base (MTDC) = Total Direct Costs minus exclusions listed above

23 Common Budget Dilemmas Subcontractor versus Consultant or Vendor Consultants on Oklahoma Teachers Retirement Fellowship versus Stipends for Students (Is the student an employee?)

24 Cost Sharing - Sources PI Contributions Departmental Contributions University Contributions Vice President for Research Third Party Contributions (Subcontractors, Industry, etc.) Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education Contributed and Unrecovered F&A

25 Sponsor-Required Cost Sharing Equipment Contributed F&A Unrecovered F&A (F&A not allowed or F&A associated with Cost Sharing; not in all cases-check guidelines) Regents Matching Funds

26 Requesting Cost Sharing from the Vice President for Research

27 Arithmetic Fringe Benefit Rate GRA Tuition Rate F&A Rate MTDC Exclusions Budget Total Correct? Within Sponsor Limits? For All Years?

28 How ORS can help you Perform budget review Ensure calculations, fringe and F&A rates are correct Ensure budget conforms to sponsor requirements or limitations Ensure that subagreement documents are in line with budgeted amounts Ensure that any cost sharing is approved and documented prior to submission

29 Useful Link for Proposal Preparation: Site with downloadable budget templates. Site with downloadable F&A and fringe benefit rate agreements.

30 Preparing Proposal Budgets Thanks for joining us today! Tena Smith (A – D) : Tonya Easley (E – L): Fran Stephens (M – R): Matt Berry (S – Z, CIMMS) : (405) 325-3901

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