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IS Consulting Process (IS 6005) Masters in Business Information Systems 2006 / 2007 Programme in Professional Information System Practices Fergal Carton.

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Presentation on theme: "IS Consulting Process (IS 6005) Masters in Business Information Systems 2006 / 2007 Programme in Professional Information System Practices Fergal Carton."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS Consulting Process (IS 6005) Masters in Business Information Systems 2006 / 2007 Programme in Professional Information System Practices Fergal Carton Business Information Systems

2 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Last week Proposal deliverable = strategy, not an implementation! –Strategy is a report which matches business goals to IT directions –Lays out a plan for future investment –Contains pointers to implementation initiatives –Can refer to your experience of implementing solutions –Hopefully leads to you being retained for the implementation work Richness versus reach (Evans & Wurster) Project planning: –Estimating time spent on IS6610 in days per week / month –Total 40 days per person spent over 5 months –Team of 6 people spent a total of 240 person days –240 person days = 0.92 FTE (full-time equivalent) for 1 year (1 year = 260 days) –Salary of €60k. for business consultant, €120k in cost to the employer –0.92 FTE for 1 year @ €120k salary cost = €110,400 –Cost of project (to an employer) = €110,400 –Margin? Also look at day rates for consultants for cost estimate

3 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process FTE cost

4 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Croker Strategy Customers –Sports organisations (IRFU, FAI, IOC, …) –Club / county / national team supporters –Corporate Ireland –Business conference users –Concert goers –Tourists –TV viewers –Internet users –… Stakeholders –GAA –Govt. –Sponsors –… Suppliers –Tourist Board –Dublin City council –… Products –Sports events (seats and viewing rights) –Entertainment events –Business conferences –Not for profit events –Hotel accommodation –Museum –Retail –Telecoms –….

5 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process This week Project planning: –Estimating workload and budget Project cost Communication skills –Presenting your proposal –The Win strategy –Writing business messages

6 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process FTE : notes Number of days is based on elapsed time and an estimation of days per week spent (or to be spent) on project Much better if it can be based on actual recorded time spent (NB. Billable consulting assignments require rigourous documentation of days worked) Key questions to ask : Is amount of time reasonable based on importance of deliverable? What is the contingency built in? How does the plan compare to reality? How does it compare to another project of same type?

7 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Total Cost of Ownership Gartner $11,900 per PC per year (June 1997) Capital 21% Tech Support21% End-user support46% Admin13% Formal learning Informal learning Data management Apps development Supplies Peer support

8 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process What’s important in a presentation? What’s the purpose of the meeting? Form over content? Death by PowerPoint … -Don’t read from slides -Should audience listen to you or watch slides -Avoid “Slide 33 of 89!” fatigue Protocol (names, titles, due respect for grade, …) Breaking the ice (introductions, getting a handle on where people’s views in advance)

9 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Presenting your proposal Organising the meeting Logistics Attendees Are all consultants getting a chance “Bake-off” Elevator pitch What are you proposing (solution)? How can this be differentiated from other offerings? What are your key messages?

10 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Making it relevant to audience References to industry sector and company Use nuggets of info picked up at introduction Practice your message during early “meet and greet” Get to know names Use first names during talk Pause frequently (check pulse, invigorate, … Learn technique from good presenters

11 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Profile Your Audience Identify primary audience Determine size Determine composition Gauge level of understanding Consider expectations and preferences Estimate probable reaction

12 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Strategy/Feedback Strategy: –A long-term action plan for achieving a goal –The objective of winning the war as opposed to the winning of a particular battle  Strategy Vs Tactics –Addresses ‘a crucial concern: positioning the organisation to face an increasingly uncertain future’ –Value Creation

13 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Preparing the response Formulating a Tender Response –Examine internal and external influences e.g. SWOT Analysis –Gather the required knowledge capital e.g. people and information –Collate the key requirements –Develop the necessary templates –Identify the value creators and a win strategy –Effectively manage the process –Post Mortems

14 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Accenture Win Strategy Overview –Client, Opportunity, Value, Personnel, Key Dates, “Elevator Pitch” Opportunity, Vision & Budget Issues & Expectations Evaluation Model Competitive Assessment Power Map Differentiators & Potential Weaknesses Key Messages / Proposed Solution / Proposed Deal Shape Risk & Mitigation Measures (Contract, Delivery, Environment etc.) Yellow Flags The Decision Process Action Plan Summary

15 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Adapt message to suit the Audience Use the “you” attitude Emphasize the positive Establish credibility Use bias-free language Project company’s image

16 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process What Is Good Organization? Ensure subject and purpose are clear Define the main idea (general/specific purpose) Structure your message (no. main points, sequence, etc) Information is directly related to the subject and purpose –Exclude irrelevant material (limit scope) –Include all relevant material

17 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Basic Message Sequence Basic Message Structure –Main idea –Support –Evidence Basic Message Sequence –Direct / decuctive approach: main idea (e.g. recommendation, request) comes first, followed by evidence –Indirect / inductive approach: evidence comes first and then the main idea comes after –Direct or indirect approach depends on message type and audience reaction

18 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Composing Business Messages Use a conversational tone Write in plain English Use appropriate level of formality Avoid –being overly familiar –inappropriate humor –Obsolete / pompous language –Clichés or jargon –Overuse of TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms) Select active or passive voice –Normally use Active (stronger sentences, concise, easy to understand) –But use Passive when appropriate (diplomacy – avoid attributing credit or blame, create an objective tone) Write coherent paragraphs

19 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Writing Coherent Paragraphs Paragraph elements –Topic sentence –Related sentences –Transitions Paragraph Development –Illustration –Comparison or contrast –Classification (break down idea into categories) –Cause and effect –Problem and solution

20 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Revising Your Message Content / Organization / Style / Tone Promote readability –Avoid overly long sentences and keep paragraphs short –Vary sentence length –Use lists and bullets for emphasis & clarity –Avoid non-parallel list items and unparallel sentences Use Improvement, identification, development Improving, identifying, developing Not improve, identifying, development –Avoid too much enthusiasm (e.g. extremely, exceptionally, extraordinary…)

21 MBS (BIS) / 6005 / IS Consulting Process Designing Page Layout Consistency (margins, typeface, type size, spacing, paragraph indents, etc) Strive for simplicity in design Balance text, graphics, white space Use meaningful headings and captions for figures or tables

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