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Building for tomorrow’s leaders Los Angeles Community College District Program Management Office Master Planning and FMP&OC Policy and Procedures Sample.

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Presentation on theme: "Building for tomorrow’s leaders Los Angeles Community College District Program Management Office Master Planning and FMP&OC Policy and Procedures Sample."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Los Angeles Community College District Program Management Office Master Planning and FMP&OC Policy and Procedures Sample of PowerPoint presented on January 9, 2014 1

2 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Agenda TopicTimeSpeaker Introductions & objectives10:00 amDaynard Tullis Background10:05 amMona Garber / John Holloway Administrative regulations, board rules & committee charter 10:15 amDan Minkoff Facilities master planning goals10:20 amDaynard Tullis Facilities master planning processes 10:25 amCoomy Kadribegovic Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee (FMP&OC) 10:35 amMagdalen Hron Q&A10:50 amAll 2

3 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Objectives 1.Master plan types 2.Administrative regulations & board rules 3.LACCD board approval process 4.Align long-range facilities master plan with education master plan 5.FMP&OC Process 6.Roll up to Program Master Plan 3

4 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Types of Master Plans CA Community Colleges (CCC) master plan includes: CCC 5-year construction plan includes: –Master plan summaries; –Capital improvement needs; –Project lists; and –New projects proposed for the next funding cycle. Long-range (+/-30 year) master plan – CEQA 4 Education Plan Facilities Plan Resource Plan

5 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Facilities master plan updates require CEQA compliance –Environmental Impact Report (EIR) addenda –Negative declarations –Supplemental OR subsequent EIRs CEQA compliance method affects timing District administrative regulation B-24 adds to CEQA requirements 5

6 Building for tomorrow’s leaders LACCD Rules and Regulations Administrative Regulations –B-20 (permits) –B-24 (CEQA guidelines) –B-25 (zoning reviews) Board Rules –Chapter II- Article VI Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee (FMP&OC) 6 Steve Veres, chairScott J. SvonkinErnest H. Moreno

7 Building for tomorrow’s leaders LACCD Rules and Regulations –Go to Board of Trustees & About LACCD 7

8 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC Provide policy guidance and program oversight –Master plans and EIRs –Sustainability and energy –Reports, policy compliance and briefings –Design concept review (more than $5 million) –Other related matters 8

9 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Facilities Master Planning Goals Present standardized plans with uniform data Align and optimize college facilities plans with educational mission and plans 9

10 Building for tomorrow’s leaders Material change is contemplated. College makes changes to draft master plan. CEQA counsel determines if CEQA process is necessary CEQA counsel & consultant commence CEQA process in accordance w/CEQA regulations & Admin Reg. B-24 College notifies its facilities director to update space inventory in Fusion & 5-yr. capital construction plan, if required CPD determines if project budget is in excess of $5 mil FMP&OC presentation & recommendation for approval of design concept Design team proceeds with design completion CPD finalizes facilities master plan update CEQA process required Yes No FMP&OC review and recommend MP update approval Board approval CEQA process not required No further Board action required. Design team proceeds with design completion. Master Plan/ EIR approval Project approval Facilities Master Planning / Project Approval Processes College CPD CEQA counsel/ consultant Design team Board hearing 10 Board

11 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC – Master Planning Presentation FMP&OC MP update presentation template – Template highlights –Growth trends –Utilization and cap-load ratios –Geographic service area –Alignment with top program priorities –M&O costs Alignment with baseline budget recovery and priority plan schedule Contact: Magdalen Hron – or 213-550-6172 11

12 Building for tomorrow’s leaders FMP&OC – Project Presentation Conceptual design presentations with budgets in excess of $5 million Additional requirements 1.Alignment with board-approved master plan 2.Alignment with budget recovery and priority plan schedule 3.Conformance with the state-required square feet (sf) per student ratio –#s of students served in the building –SF of classrooms –SF per student ratio –Comparison with the state requirement 4.Show impact on M&O costs, if any 12

13 Building for tomorrow’s leaders 13 FMP&OC Submittal Process College president & CPD initiate FMP&OC presentation date Consultant prepares board submittal package documentation and FMP&OC presentation FMP&OC presentation & recommendation for approval 1 week prior 3 weeks prior CPD sends final documents and presentation to PMO CPD submits FMP&OC package to PMO CPD schedules presentation dry run(s) with president, consultants & PMO PMO reviews & comments on submittal package and presentation Preparation phase PMO submits package to district PMO schedules final dry run w/chief facilities executive, president, consultants & CPM College CPD CEQA counsel/ consultant PMO Board PMO submits package to FMP&OC 2 weeks prior 2 days prior

14 Building for tomorrow’s leaders 14 Questions? Thank you

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