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Digital Cash. p2. OUTLINE  Properties  Scheme  Initialization  Creating a Coin  Spending the Coin  Depositing the Coin  Fraud Control  Anonymity.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Cash. p2. OUTLINE  Properties  Scheme  Initialization  Creating a Coin  Spending the Coin  Depositing the Coin  Fraud Control  Anonymity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Cash

2 p2. OUTLINE  Properties  Scheme  Initialization  Creating a Coin  Spending the Coin  Depositing the Coin  Fraud Control  Anonymity

3 p3. Properties 1. Security The cash can be sent securely through computer network. 2. Can’t be copied and reused 3. Privacy (Untraceability or Anonymity) If the cash is spent legitimately, neither the recipient nor the bank can identify the spender. 4. Offline payment No communication with the bank is needed during the transaction. 5. Transferability The cash can be transferred to others. 6. Dividability A piece of cash can be divided into smaller amounts.

4 p4. T. Okamoto and K. Ohta, "Universal electronic cash," Advances in Cryptology-CRYPTO'91, LNCS 576, Springer-Verlag, pp. 324-337, 1991. (satisfies 1 ~ 6) S. Brands, "Untraceable off-line cash in wallets with observers," Advances in Cryptology-CRYPTO'93, LNCS 773, Springer- Verlag, pp. 302-318, 1994. (satisfies 1 ~ 4)

5 p5. Scheme Bank SpenderMerchant 1. Withdraw 2. Coin 3. Payment 4. Receipt 5. Deposit 6. Results

6 p6. Initialization (1/2) Publish: p : a large prime, s.t. q = (p – 1) / 2 is also prime. g : the square of a primitive root mod p. g 1 = g a mod p g 2 = g b mod p H : a hash function H : Z  Z  Z  Z  Z  Z q * H 0 : a hash function H 0 : Z  Z  Z  Z  Z q * (a and b are secretly chosen and discarded immediately)

7 p7. Initialization (2/2) Bank SpenderMerchant 3. Send I 4. Send z’  (Ig 2 ) x (mod p) 2. Register M 1. Choose an ID number M 1. Choose a secret number x 2. Compute h  g x, h 1  g 1 x, h 2  g 2 x (mod p) 3. Publish h, h 1, and h 2 1. Choose a secret number u 2. Compute I  g 1 u (mod p)

8 p8. Creating a Coin Bank Spender Withdraw Choose a random number w g w  g w,   (Ig 2 ) w (mod p) Compute c 1  cx + w (mod q) Compute r   1 c 1 +  2 (mod q) C = (A, B, z, a, b, r) Choose a secret random 5-tuple of integers (s, x 1, x 2,  1,  2 ), s  0 (mod q)

9 p9. Spending the Coin Spender Merchant Check whether g r  ah H(A, B, z, a, b) (mod p), A r  z H(A, B, z, a, b) b (mod p) d = H 0 (A, B, M, Timestamp) r 1  dus + x 1, r 2  ds + x 2 (mod q) Check whether Accept or reject (A, B, z, a, b, r) Pay

10 p10. Depositing the Coin Merchant Bank Check whether the coin has been previously deposited or not, and g r  ah H(A, B, z, a, b) (mod p), A r  z H(A, B, z, a, b) b (mod p), (A, B, z, a, b, r), (r 1, r 2, d) Deposit Results

11 p11. Fraud Control (1/7) Case 1: The Spender spends the coin twice. Merchant 1 Merchant 2 Spender C, (r 1, r 2, d)

12 p12. Fraud Control (2/7) Case 2: The Merchant tries submitting the coin twice. C, (r 1, r 2, d) Merchant Bank forged Impossible! Since it is very difficult to produce numbers such that (since the Merchant does not know u ).

13 p13. Fraud Control (3/7) Case 3: Someone try to make an unauthorized coin. Impossible! Since this requires finding numbers such that g r  ah H(A, B, z, a, b) (mod p), and A r  z H(A, B, z, a, b) b (mod p),

14 p14. Fraud Control (4/7) Case 4: Impossible! Bank Merchant 1 Merchant 2 Spender 1. Spend C 3. Spend C 2. Deposit C, (r 1, r 2, d) evil The Merchant 2 computes d’ (very likely != d ). It is very difficult for the evil merchant to produce numbers such that

15 p15. Fraud Control (5/7) Case 5: Someone working in the Bank tries to forge a coin. It is possible to make a coin satisfied g r  ah H(A, B, z, a, b) (mod p), and A r  z H(A, B, z, a, b) b (mod p), but he does not know u, thus unable to produce a suitable r 1. So, he cannot spend it.

16 p16. Fraud Control (6/7) Case 6: Someone steal the coin from the Spender and try to spend it. Impossible! The thief does not know u, thus unable to produce r 1.

17 p17. Fraud Control (7/7) Case 7: An evil merchant steals the coin and (r 1, r 2, d) before they are submitted to the Bank, and then deposits them to the Bank. Possible! This is a flaw of ordinary cash, too.

18 p18. Anonymity (1/3) During the entire transaction with the Merchant, the Spender never needs to provide any identification.

19 p19. Anonymity (2/3) Is it possible for the Bank to extract the Spender’s identity from knowledge of the coin (A, B, z, a, b, r) and the triple (r 1, r 2, d) ? No. A, B, z, a, b look like random numbers to everyone except the Spender. The Bank never sees A, B, z, a, b, r until the coin is deposited.

20 p20. Anonymity (3/3) When creating the coin, the Bank provides only g w and c 1, and has seen only c   1 –1 H(A, B, z, a, b) (mod q). the Bank cannot compute H(A, B, z, a, b) and deduce  1 at that time. The Bank can keep a list of all values c it has received, along with values of H for every coin that is deposited, and then try all combinations to find  1. (impractical for a system of millions of coins)

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