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MSL Update NIHS December 2012 SIT Members. World History: Test Specifications, weights Standard Multiple Choice Constructed Response WH.216%-20%2%-4%

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1 MSL Update NIHS December 2012 SIT Members

2 World History: Test Specifications, weights Standard Multiple Choice Constructed Response WH.216%-20%2%-4% WH.36%-9%2%-4% WH.46%-9%2%-4% WH.56%-9%2%-4% WH.66%-9%2%-4% WH.78%-12%2%-4% WH.812%-16%2%-4% Total Percent 65%-75%25%-35% All questions incorporate some aspect of WH Standard 1 and the following:

3 Civics/Econ: Test Specifications, weights Standard Multiple Choice Constructed Response CE.C&G.12%-4%0%-4% CE.C&G.28%-12%0%-5% CE.C&G.38%-12%0%-5% CE.C&G.46%-9%0%-4% CE.C&G.56%-9%0%-4% CE.PFL13%-16%0%-4% CE.E18%-23%0%-4% Total Percent 65%-75%25%-35%

4 World History, Civics/Econ Half of the testing time and half of the total score points are allocated to answering the CR questions. These are worth 2, 3, or 4 points. Students may be asked to respond to a prompt and stimulus using skills learned during the course. Students may be asked to show their knowledge of social studies concepts through written expression.

5 World History, Civics/Econ Many of the items will require students to read, interpret, and/or analyze stimulus material, including maps, graphs, and excerpts of primary and secondary source documents. Two 45-minute parts Part one:18-21 MC items Part two: 8-10 CR items

6 Sample Released HS Social Studies CR Item In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will each control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself. James Madison, Federalist Paper #51 The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government—lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. Patrick Henry, Anti-Federalist Use the excerpts to outline the Federalist and Anti Federalist perspectives on the Constitution. Describe two compromises that resulted from this conflict.

7 US History: Test Specifications, weights Competency GoalMultiple Choice 18%-12% 2 35%-7% 4 5 67%-9% 7 84%-6% 98%-12% 108%-12% 1112%-15% 124%-6% Total Percent of Items100%

8 US History Items are aligned to the 2006 Standard Course of Study All MC items, NO CR Two 45-minute parts Part one: 25 MC items Part two: 25 MC items

9 English I: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response Language 4, 5 11%-15%0% Reading for Information RI1-RI3 20%-29%0% Reading for Information RI4-RI6 14%-19%2%-8% Reading for Literature RL1-RL4, RL6 17-%-26%0% Reading for Literature RL5 6%-9%2%-4% Total Percent of Items89%-92%8%-11% Total Percent of Score Points 77%-83%17%-23%

10 English III: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Construct ed Response Language 4, 5 12%-16%0% Reading for Information RI2, RI4 11%-15%0% Reading for Information RI1, RI3, RI5-6 24%-34%3%-5% Reading for Literature RL1-RL4, RL6 22-%- 31% 4-6% Total Percent of Items89%-92%8%-11% Total Percent of Score Points 77%-83%17%-23%

11 English IV: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response Language 4, 5 12%-16%0% Reading for Information RI1, RI4 13%-18%0% Reading for Information RI2-3, RI5-6 21%-31%4%-7% Reading for Literature RL1-2, RL4 18%-27%3-6% Reading for Literature RL3, RL5-6 4%-6%0% Total Percent of Items89%-92%8%-11% Total Percent of Score Points 77%-83%17%-23%

12 English I, III, IV MC Items require students to read, comprehend, and recall info; analyze reading; identify points of view, claims and evidence; apply concepts and skills; and make inferences. CR items will require students to write arguments using valid reasoning and evidence, produce clear and coherent writing, and draw evidence from literary or informational texts.

13 English I, III, IV Four reading passages: two literary and two informational either historical or scientific 33-37 MC items 3-4 CR items (up to 2 per reading passage) 1 extended CR aligning to Std. 1, 4, 9 and answered in 3 paragraphs

14 Chemistry: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response Matter: C.1.1, C.1.223-30%0% Matter: C.1.36-8%2-4% Energy: C.2.1, C.2.224-34%3-6% Interactions of Energy and Matter: C.3.1 9-13%0% Int of E and M: C.3.210-15%3-5% Total Percent of Items 86-90%10-14% Total Percent of Score Points 72-77%23-28%

15 Earth/Environ: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response Earth in the Universe EE.1.1 10-14%0% Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes EE.2.1-4, EE.2.7 40-45%0% Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes EE.2.5-6, EE.2.8 30-35%9-12% Total Percent of Items88-91%9-12% Total Percent of Score Points 72-77%23-28%

16 Physical Science: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response Forces and Motion PS.1.1 3-5%2-4% Forces and Motion PS.1.2 5-8%0% Matter PS.2.112-15%2-4% Matter PS.2.2-325-32%0% Energy PS.3.1-210-15%7-10% Energy PS.3.316-20%0% Total Percent of Items85-88%12-15% Total Percent of Score Points 72-77%23-28%

17 Physics: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response Forces and Motion P.1.1-2 12-15%5-8% Forces and Motion P.1.3 6-9%0% Energy P.2.1-220-25%0% Energy P.2.312-16%2-4% Interactions of Energy and Matter P.3.1-2 20-25%0% Total Percent of Items85-88%12-15% Total Percent of Score Points 72-77%23-28%

18 Sciences CR items will require students to demonstrate their understanding either by1)solving real-world problems using skills developed during course or 2)showing their knowledge of science concepts through written expression.

19 Sciences Two 45-minute parts Part 1: 18-21 MC items Part 2: 8-12 MC and 4-6 CR

20 Geometry: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response SCOS 1.02, 1.0314-18%0% SCOS 1.01, CC G.SRT.4, 8 4-6%2-4% SCOS 2.014-6%0% SCOS 2.02, 2.03 CC G.CO.9-11, G.C.2 30-36%8-13% SCOS 3.0110-12%0% Total Percent of Items83-88%12-17% Total Percent of Score Points 72-75%25-28%

21 Algebra II: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response SCOS 1.01-1.0512-20%0% SCOS 2.01, 2.04-2.07, 2.09 44-62%0% SCOS 2.02-2.03, 2.08, 2.10 CC A.REI.4, A.REI.7, A.REI.10, F.IF.8, F.IF.7b, F.IF.4, F.LE.4, A.CED.1, 10-16%12-17% Total Percent of Items83-88%12-17% Total Percent of Score Points 72-75%25-28%

22 Geometry/Algebra II CR items will align to both the SCOS and CC skills. Students will have to arrive at the correct answer and show their work. CR answers will receive a score of 0, 1, 2, 3. Calculators may be used for all items.

23 Geometry/Algebra II Two 45-minute parts Part 1: 18-21 MC items Part 2: 8-12 MC and 4-6 CR

24 Advanced Functions: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response SCOS 1.01, 1.029-15%10-14% SCOS 1.0318-26%0% SCOS 2.01, 2.04, 2.05 32-47%0% SCOS 2.02, 2.034-8% Total Percent of Items 78-86%14-22% Total Percent of Score Points 56-66%34-44%

25 Pre-Cal: Test Specifications, weights StandardMultiple Choice Constructed Response SCOS 1.01, 1.030%3-6% SCOS 1.026-9%0-3% SCOS 2.01, 2.0512-16%3-6% SCOS 2.02, 2.04, 2.07-2.08 54-58%0% Total Percent of Items 78-86%14-22% Total Percent of Score Points 56-66%34-44%

26 Ad Func/Pre-Cal The MC and CR items will align to the SCOS. For the CR items, students will have to arrive at the correct answer and show their work. CR answers will receive a score of 0, 1, 2, 3. Calculators may be used for all items.

27 Geometry/Algebra II Two 45-minute parts Part I: all MC Part II: some MC and some CR

28 Sample CR Items Were released this week, along with rubrics, sample student answers, and sample scores for the following courses: English I, Adv Func, Physical Science, Civ/Econ From ISS homepage, click Departments, Testing and Accountabillity, READY Accountability Model, and then Sample Constructed Responses for MSLs under Documents. Click the pertainent subject area. Sample Constructed Responses for MSLs spx?PageID=42478

29 All Tests Score is exam grade and counts 25 % of final grade. There are no retests. A 0-100 score will be provided for reporting, but no proficiency grade will be given until Oct. 2013. A teacher who is not the teacher of record will administer. Two teachers of the same content/course will score the constructed response/short answer.

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