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Water Services Trust Fund SOCIAL MARKETING Exploring the Sanitation market: Is Sanitation a Priority? The Social Marketing Team 1 Tenants, landlords, landladies.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Services Trust Fund SOCIAL MARKETING Exploring the Sanitation market: Is Sanitation a Priority? The Social Marketing Team 1 Tenants, landlords, landladies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Services Trust Fund SOCIAL MARKETING Exploring the Sanitation market: Is Sanitation a Priority? The Social Marketing Team 1 Tenants, landlords, landladies Toilets, priorities, expectations All tables presented in this presentation are from the UBSUP Preparatory Study 2,088 households were interviewed in 11 cities and towns (Embu, Garissa, Isiolo, Kiserian, Kisii, Kisumu, Malindi/Watamu, Mombasa, Mumias, Nakuru, Ngong)

2 Main problems related to sanitation 2 Household members face a wide variety of sanitation problems Below are the main problem categories and percentages

3 Need to improve sanitation? A large majority of landlords, tenants and house owners (plots occupied by a single household) think that their sanitation situation needs improving 3

4 UBSUP Social Marketing: Concept development Approximately 86% of all households using a traditional pit latrine think this toilet facility needs to be improved 4

5 Investing in Sanitation When discussing investment in sanitation, a majority of households that do have investment plans intend to rehabilitate their existing toilet 5

6 Type of toilet households intend to construct Respondents were asked if they had plans to construct a new toilet…. and if they had such plans they were asked which type of toilet they intend to construct 6

7 What do tenants think of their landlords and landladies? 7

8 Building new toilets – Expected problems Toilets have to be constructed or assembled It is, therefore, important to know what problems one can expect during the construction/assembly phase 8

9 Is sanitation a household priority? 9

10 Preferred toilets 10

11 What do people expect from their (new) toilet? Households were asked why they prefer a specific type of toilet 11

12 Thank You! 12

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