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Polymer Science & Engineering I
Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering. Petrochemical Department Polymer Science & Engineering I (Code: PE335) Prepared by: Dr. Ehssan Nassef
Wednesday – from 10:30.. to 1:20 A.m Lab: F207, Tut: E112
Pre-requisite: Organic 2,Material Science,Eng.Thermo (PE213, PE217, PE201) Lecture: E112. Wednesday – from 10:30.. to 1:20 A.m Lab: F207, Tut: E112 M onday: from 2:30-4:20 P.m Tuesday : from 1:30 to 3:20 P.m Instructor: Dr.Ehssan Nassef Room: E 128 Office hours: Monday from 9:30 to 2:20 Thursday from 12:30 to 1:20 ………………………………………………………….
Polymers: Definitions and Classification. Principles of Polymerization
Course Aim: At the end of this course the students will be well known of the following: Polymers: Definitions and Classification. Principles of Polymerization Reaction Kinetics and Polymerization Reactors Chain Microstructure (Homo-polymers and Copolymers). Chemical and Physical Properties Mechanical Properties The modern techniques used in the characterization and testing of polymers. Fiber Reinforced Composites Determination of molecular weight of the polymers. Thermal properties. Reactor design principles Intended Learning outcomes:
Intended learning outcomes(ILO,S) A- Knowledge and understanding:
a-1 Define polymers structure and its mechanism. a-2 Identify priciples of polymerization a-3 Define cationic polymerization and anionic polymerization. a-4 Describe the chain reaction meachanism. a-5 Identify the molecular weight distribution of the polymer. a-6 Examine the mechanical property of polymers. a-7 Identify Density Measurements a-8 DescribeTensile Stress-strain Analysis. a-9Identify Melt Index Measurements of polymers. .
b- Intellectual skills 1 Classify the major types of polymerization .
b-2 Recognize theThe qualitative effect of reactor design on polymer manufacture b- 3 Classify each kinetics of each polymer type. b-4 Determine the structural, thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties of polymers. b-5 Apply solution properties and methods of polymer analysis. . b-6 Selectthe modern techniques used in the characterization and testing of polymers . b -7 Select reactor design depending on polymer manufacture . b- 8 Determine glass-rubber transition, mechanical properties, b-9 Calculate the number average molecular weight. b-10 Calculate the weight average molecular weight. . c1. c2. c3. .
C- Professional and practical skills
. c1- Measure Melt Index of polymers . c-3 Analyze tensile stress strain for polymerization. c-4 Apply methods for density measurments. c-5 Detemine the visocity of dilute solution. c-6 Classify different kinetics polymerization. c-7 Apply different techniques for analysis of polymer . c-8 Distinguish between thermal and mehanical properitiesof polymer . c-10 Analyze problems involving reactor design. c-11 Determine the polymer manufacturing process
d- General and transferable skills
.d1- Enable the student to easy search about literatures topics. d2- Create an ordered structured report on subject of relevance to the course and their own interest.
Determination of molecular weight of the polymers 8 14/11/2012
Week Date Lectures 1 26/9/2012 Introduction and objective of the course. Course calendar and assessment methods. 2 3/10/2012 Polymers: Definitions and Classification. 3 10/10/2012 Principles of Polymerization 4 17/10/2012 step reaction (condensation) polymerization Radical chain (Addition) polymerization 5 24/10/2012 Reaction Kinetics and Polymerization Reactors 6 29/11/2012 AID EL-ADHA VACATION 7 711/2012 Determination of molecular weight of the polymers 8 14/11/2012 Reactor design of polymers 9 21/11/2012 9th week exam
Thermal properties of polymer
10 28/11/2012 Thermal properties of polymer 11 5/12/2012 Chain Microstructure (Homo-polymers and Copolymers). 12 12/12/2012 Chemical and Physical Properties of polymers 13 19/12/2012 Mechanical Properties 14 26/12/2012 The modern techniques used in the characterization and testing of polymers. 15 2/1/2012 Final lab Exam 16 9/1/2012 Written Exams According to the schedule
Laboratory Experiments:
Polyamide Polymerization Dilute Solution Viscosity (Viscosity Average ,Molecular Weight Determination) Melt Index Measurements Density Measurements Tensile Stress-strain Analysis
Student assessment : Teaching and learning methods - Lectures.
Tutorials Laboratory Experiments. -Presentation. Student assessment : A- Procedures used Assessment (1) 4 Quizzes during the semester. Assessment (2) Mid tem exam. Assessment (3)Mini Project. Assessment (4) Lab manual+Attendence Assessment (5) Lab Exam Assessment (6) Final written Exam
B- Schedule Assessment 1 ,four quizzes weeks 4,8,11,13 Assessment 2 Midterm Week 9 Assessment 3, during the semester Assessment 5 Final practical Exam week 15 Assessment 6 final written Exam week 16 C- Weighting of Assessment Four quizzes++Lab manual % Mini project % Midterm Exam % Lab Exam % Final Written Exam %
List of references 1- Course notes
1.Rudin, A., The Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering, 2nd edition, Acadamic Press, 1999. 2. Painter, P.C., Coleman, M.M., Fundamental of Polymer Science, 2nd edition, Technomic, 1997. 2- Required books (text books) 3. Odian, G., Principles of Polymerization, 3rd edition, Wiley-Interscience, 1991. 4. Dotson, N.A., Polymerization Process Modeling, VCH Publishers, Inc., 1996. 3- Recommended books 5. Polymer Reaction Engineering, Edited by Asua, J.M., Blackwell Publishing, 2007. 6..Polymer Science and Technology, Joel R.Fried, 3rd edition, 2003. 4- Periodicals, Web sites, … etc
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