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Mapping and Gap Analysis Summarised Preliminary Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping and Gap Analysis Summarised Preliminary Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping and Gap Analysis Summarised Preliminary Results

2 Macroeconomic Context of Early Recovery – Growth impact estimates lowered – but still substantial (Output losses of ≈2% of GDP est. in current year due to floods) – Yields of key crops boosted (wheat, sunflower, canola, sugarcane) – Fiscal impact absorbed with relative ease due to foreign exchange inflow and re-appropriation of PSDP and ADP – Vulnerability of affected population has increased (53% of HHs reported 76-100% decline in household incomes) – Spike in flood-related food inflation for several months – Possibly increased persistence of food + overall inflation

3 Priority Areas for Early Recovery Regeneration of agricultural economy – Kharif crop and the next Rabi Provision of shelter to the most vulnerable in the worst affected areas Restoration of public sector infrastructure and services Continued focus on the most vulnerable

4 Purpose of Gap Analysis Sector-wise and Theme-wise disaggregated data on ER needs, response so far, and Gaps Financial data about ER needs and updated funding pledges and receipts A Strategic Early Recovery Plan

5 Principles for Prioritisation in Gap Identification Relevance (Concentration on ER, excluding relief, longer term reconstruction and development) Focus (Concentration on the most vulnerable sections of the affected population) Capacity (Availability of Human and Physical resources nationally) Timeliness (Possible for implementation before the end of 2011)

6 Cost Comparison of Overall ER Needs and Prioritised Needs (US$) Sector/ThemeTotal ER NeedsPrioritised ER Needs Food & Agriculture436,700,000176,550,000 Housing349,190,565174,595,282 Non Farm Livelihoods85,930,55215,234,155 Community Infrastructure92,005,87711,323,000 Governance13,536,0008,536,000 Education38,298,486 Health & Nutrition86,365,88449,000,000 Water & Sanitation138,454,000106,630,000 Gender500,000 Protection49,000,00014,000,600 Environment21,000,0005,002,050 Disaster Risk Reduction10,665,000 TOTAL1,138,496,364610, 834, 573

7 Cost Comparison of Overall ER Needs and Prioritised Needs (US$)

8 Distribution of Prioritised ER Costs among Sectors (US$)

9 Distribution of Prioritised ER Costs among Thematic Areas (US$)

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