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1 G53ACC: Advanced Computer Communications Prof. Chris Greenhalgh School of Computer Science and IT University of Nottingham.

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1 1 G53ACC: Advanced Computer Communications Prof. Chris Greenhalgh School of Computer Science and IT University of Nottingham

2 2 Objectives l Build on basic knowledge of networking (CCN) l Fill in details of IP in operation l Explore higher layers: –application services and protocols –security –client-server systems & RPC/distributed objects l Practical programming for client-server systems

3 3 Pre-requisites l G51PRG –20 credits Java programming l G52CCN –10 credits computer networking

4 4 Course scope l IP networking in depth l Distributed systems –client-server architectures, distributed objects –network programming l Application services and protocols –e.g. Directory, email, FTP, HTTP l Network security concepts l Other networking technologies, e.g. ATM, WaveLAN, BlueTooth

5 5 Admin. info. l Convener: –Prof. Chris Greenhalgh –Room B2 (CSiT building, 1 st floor, access from centre block via atrium walkway, not MRL) –Phone 14221 –Email – l Lectures/labs: –Lectures: 2 per week –Labs: as announced/requested

6 6 Resources l See course web page – –Reading list –Past exam papers –Lecture slides (check before each lecture) –Exercises and examples (TBA) –Announcements l Assessment –1x 2 hour unseen written examination, probably 3 questions from 5.

7 7 Subjects l Core Topics: –TCP and UDP socket programming –IP in operation –Distributed systems –RPC and distributed objects (RMI) –Directory service: DNS –Security and firewalls –Multicast l Practicals: –Java TCP and UDP client/server –Java RMI l Others topics…? –VPNs; WaveLAN; Bluetooth; ATM; IPv6; MobileIP; WWW and HTTP; Email and SMTP; Network management and SNMP; X.400; X.500; QoS; …??

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