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SelfCon Foil no 1 Design of Self-Adaptive Systems Course introduction 2013 Rolv Bræk, ITEM.

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Presentation on theme: "SelfCon Foil no 1 Design of Self-Adaptive Systems Course introduction 2013 Rolv Bræk, ITEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 SelfCon Foil no 1 Design of Self-Adaptive Systems Course introduction 2013 Rolv Bræk, ITEM

2 SelfCon Foil no 2 Objectives You shall obtain general knowledge about different principles and technical solutions for self-configuration and self-adaptation. You shall get hands on experiences with self-adaptation by developing a self-adapting application. You shall be able to critically assess and select technologies. You shall obtain general knowledge about different principles and technical solutions for self-configuration and self-adaptation. You shall get hands on experiences with self-adaptation by developing a self-adapting application. You shall be able to critically assess and select technologies.

3 SelfCon Foil no 3 Plan Together we will investigate Self Adaptation and Self Configuration: what is it, what are the challenges, what are the solutions? General introduction for about 3 lessons. We shall use a home networked system (HNS) as case study. Each group will develop some self-adaptive components for the system. There will be workshops to present and discuss progress and solutions. Each group writes a lab report that documents their design, gives a critical assessment and discusses related work and alternative solutions for their part. Each group present their work for examiners. You may work alone or in groups of two students. Together we will investigate Self Adaptation and Self Configuration: what is it, what are the challenges, what are the solutions? General introduction for about 3 lessons. We shall use a home networked system (HNS) as case study. Each group will develop some self-adaptive components for the system. There will be workshops to present and discuss progress and solutions. Each group writes a lab report that documents their design, gives a critical assessment and discusses related work and alternative solutions for their part. Each group present their work for examiners. You may work alone or in groups of two students.

4 SelfCon Foil no 4 Practicalities: Groups: Self organising Doing lab work Preparing lab report with critical assesments and related work Participating in system integration Venue for lessons and presentations Savannen Wednesdays 13:15-15:00 Web page Ass.: Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin Groups: Self organising Doing lab work Preparing lab report with critical assesments and related work Participating in system integration Venue for lessons and presentations Savannen Wednesdays 13:15-15:00 Web page Ass.: Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin

5 SelfCon Foil no 5 First timetable Week 1Course introduction. Variability Week 2Pre-structured systems Week 3Dynamic component systems Week 4Lab introduction Week 5 …Lab work Week xPresentation of subsystems 1,2 (2h lecture) Week yPresentation of subsystems 3,4 (2h lecture) Week zPresentation of subsysems 5,6 (2h lecture) Week æIntegration workshop 01.12.2013 Final delivery of the assignments and reports Week 1Course introduction. Variability Week 2Pre-structured systems Week 3Dynamic component systems Week 4Lab introduction Week 5 …Lab work Week xPresentation of subsystems 1,2 (2h lecture) Week yPresentation of subsystems 3,4 (2h lecture) Week zPresentation of subsysems 5,6 (2h lecture) Week æIntegration workshop 01.12.2013 Final delivery of the assignments and reports

6 SelfCon Foil no 6 What is it? What is Self Adaptation for you? Try to give some examples! What are the basic principles and technologies? What is Self Adaptation for you? Try to give some examples! What are the basic principles and technologies?

7 SelfCon Foil no 7 Self-adaptive By self adaptive we mean systems and components that configure themselves and dynamically adapt to changing environments with minimal human participation.

8 SelfCon Foil no 8 Adaptivity classes Parameter adaptation: changing values without changing components or algorithms. Compositional adaptation: Structural – changing parts and part structure Behavioral – changing behavior/types and algorithms Autonomic systems: not just adaptation, but self management, self healing,..., Self* Parameter adaptation: changing values without changing components or algorithms. Compositional adaptation: Structural – changing parts and part structure Behavioral – changing behavior/types and algorithms Autonomic systems: not just adaptation, but self management, self healing,..., Self*

9 SelfCon Foil no 9 Flexibility Degree of pre-planning: Anticipated, semi anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. Degree of pre-structuring: Pre-structured systems: adaptation is bounded to variability admitted within a system structure Dynamic component systems: no predefined system, components are dynamically deployed, linked and adapted. Degree of pre-planning: Anticipated, semi anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. Degree of pre-structuring: Pre-structured systems: adaptation is bounded to variability admitted within a system structure Dynamic component systems: no predefined system, components are dynamically deployed, linked and adapted.

10 SelfCon Foil no 10 System categories Many systems have some degree of self-adaptivity, but the abilities vary: Pre-structured systems: parameter adaptation and some (limited) compositional adaptation Dynamic component systems: compositional adaptation Autonomic systems: self* Many systems have some degree of self-adaptivity, but the abilities vary: Pre-structured systems: parameter adaptation and some (limited) compositional adaptation Dynamic component systems: compositional adaptation Autonomic systems: self*

11 SelfCon Foil no 11 McKinley Composing adaptive software: Recommended reading, but focused on programming and not modelling! Enabling technologies: Separation of concerns Computational reflection Component based design Middleware Key challenges: Assurance Security Interoperability Decision making Enabling technologies: Separation of concerns Computational reflection Component based design Middleware Key challenges: Assurance Security Interoperability Decision making

12 SelfCon Foil no 12 Some technologies Grid computing and mobile grid Context aware services and systems Ubiquitous/ambient computing Service oriented architecture (SOA) and service oriented computing (SOC) Ontologies, Semantic web Ad-hoc networking: - JXTA protocols - P2P architectures: Information Sharing (Napster,dc++), Communication (ICQ), Distributed Computation (The Grid) JINI Architecture IBM Autonomic computing: Grid computing and mobile grid Context aware services and systems Ubiquitous/ambient computing Service oriented architecture (SOA) and service oriented computing (SOC) Ontologies, Semantic web Ad-hoc networking: - JXTA protocols - P2P architectures: Information Sharing (Napster,dc++), Communication (ICQ), Distributed Computation (The Grid) JINI Architecture IBM Autonomic computing:

13 SelfCon Foil no 13 More technologies Service Discovery Protocols and middleware: HAVi (Home Audio-Video interoperability) SLP (Service Location Protocol) RFC 2165 and RFC 2608 Salutation Architectures Salutation Consortium NINJA project by Berkeley and SDS OSGi PnP concept in MAC-OS and Windows UPnP, Zeroconf, Bonjour Bluetooth CORBA, DCOM, RMI OMG MDA and metamodelling Service Discovery Protocols and middleware: HAVi (Home Audio-Video interoperability) SLP (Service Location Protocol) RFC 2165 and RFC 2608 Salutation Architectures Salutation Consortium NINJA project by Berkeley and SDS OSGi PnP concept in MAC-OS and Windows UPnP, Zeroconf, Bonjour Bluetooth CORBA, DCOM, RMI OMG MDA and metamodelling

14 SelfCon Foil no 14 Autonomic systems: a vision for self adaptive systems – self-* The Autnonomic Computation Initiative (IBM): believes the growing complexity of modern networked computer systems is the biggest limiting factor in their expansion and therefore we need: Self-Configuration: Automatic configuration of components; Self-Healing: Automatic discovery, and correction of faults; Self-Optimization: Automatic monitoring and control of resources to ensure the optimal functioning with respect to the defined requirements; Self-Protection: Proactive identification and protection from arbitrary attacks. The Autonomic Communication Forum: believes that a radical paradigm shift towards a self-organising, self-managing and context-aware autonomous network, considered in a technological, social and economic context, is the only adequate response to the increasingly high complexity and demands now being placed on the Internet The Autnonomic Computation Initiative (IBM): believes the growing complexity of modern networked computer systems is the biggest limiting factor in their expansion and therefore we need: Self-Configuration: Automatic configuration of components; Self-Healing: Automatic discovery, and correction of faults; Self-Optimization: Automatic monitoring and control of resources to ensure the optimal functioning with respect to the defined requirements; Self-Protection: Proactive identification and protection from arbitrary attacks. The Autonomic Communication Forum: believes that a radical paradigm shift towards a self-organising, self-managing and context-aware autonomous network, considered in a technological, social and economic context, is the only adequate response to the increasingly high complexity and demands now being placed on the Internet

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