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$191B Industry Drugs awarded 17 year patent Need to cut costs –Sales volume decreasing –Less pricing flexibility –More competition –Manufacturing costs.

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Presentation on theme: "$191B Industry Drugs awarded 17 year patent Need to cut costs –Sales volume decreasing –Less pricing flexibility –More competition –Manufacturing costs."— Presentation transcript:


2 $191B Industry Drugs awarded 17 year patent Need to cut costs –Sales volume decreasing –Less pricing flexibility –More competition –Manufacturing costs increasing

3 New Plants needed for new drugs Two types of plants –Specialized plant Capacity 20000kg Cost $37.5M Cannot be modified –Flexible Plant Capacity 14625 Cost $150M Easy to switch to new drugs

4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pre clinical Clinical Process Development Facilities Design & Construction FDA Review Key Project Points Produce Clinical Trial Supplies Process R&D Process Optimization Product Decision & Final Process Lockdown Facility Complete Product Launch

5 Chemical Product created Profits: $37.5MM Chemical Product not created Costs: $SUNK Product moves to Human Trial Costs: $ Chemical Product created Product does not move to Human Trial Costs: $SUNK 9990/10000 10/10000 1/10 9/10 Specialized Facility

6 Chemical Product created Costs: $150MM Chemical Product not created Costs: $Partially Recoverable Product moves to Human Trial Costs: $ Chemical Product created Product does not move to Human Trial Costs: $SUNK 9990/10000 10/10000 1/10 9/10 Flexible Facility

7 Specialized Successful Not Successful Successful Not Successful Retro-fit

8 Our proposal –Start each new drug in flexible plant –Assess demand and viability of new drug If Demand meets or exceeds forecast: –Option to build specialized facility If Demand is less than forecast: –Discontinue production –Design specialized plant with many small run drugs –When demand drops at end of patent protection, move production back to flexible plant

9 Flex-Plant Specialized Successful Not Successful New Drug Successful Not Successful Specialized New Drug

10 S S S S S S S S S S


12 Benefits –Process Optimization Flexible facility easier to optimize/adjust Mass Production available within weeks of Process R&D completion –Mass Production matches end of Phase III Never wait for a plant to be constructed –Up to 1 extra year of Patent protected sales Nearly $50MM in profits –Fewer facilities need to be constructed

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