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ACCESS ENGLISH MICROSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, 2011-2012 Rina Akotonas, Access Director Sponsored by the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCESS ENGLISH MICROSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, 2011-2012 Rina Akotonas, Access Director Sponsored by the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCESS ENGLISH MICROSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, 2011-2012 Rina Akotonas, Access Director Sponsored by the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy

2 TODAY’S TOPICS  Access Today  Special Activities  Teaching Literature  Program Administration


4 PROGRAM SCOPE, 2011-2012  This year about 680 of our students from 15 schools will participate in the Access program  26 teachers will take part in the project  6 new teachers will join the project  The 10 Graders will start the literature program

5 NEW SCHOOLS The following schools are participating this year for the first time:  Kisra- Samya, Merkaz Agalil  Amal Appleman, Dimona  Amal Hura Metsuyanut  Makif Asalam, Segev Shalom

6 CONTINUING SCHOOLS The following schools are continuing their participation in the program:  Zinman, Dimona  Tel Sheva Aleph  Tel Sheva Elbyan  Kseyfe El Faruk  Kseyfe Abu Rabya  Hura Rabin  Lakya  Rahat El Razi  Rahat El Najah,Arara El Nur and Arara B won’t get a 10 Graders group

7 STUDENT SELECTION  Make student selection significant: 1.Test the students 2.Get information from other teachers 3.Interview the students 4.Create small groups (maximum of 20 to 25 students ) 5.Organize a special kick-off ceremony/event  Use relevant material



10 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES  Winter Cultural Seminar: January 2 nd  Black History Month: February  Service Learning Day: from March 3 rd to March 9 th  Summer Cultural Seminar: June 2012  American Corner  Enrichment Activities

11 ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES  Aviva Shavit – she can teach history and culture through drama. She is free on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings till 14.30(029908338)  Mina Hogsett, M.Ed. International Education and English Language Teaching. Works at Tel Sheva B, Hura Rabin, Kuseife El Faruk (  The Embassy’s site –you can find a lot of material there

12 AMERICAN CORNER  Each school will plan where to design a corner and decide which material connected with USA will be displayed  An art teacher will help you with the implementation


14 TEACHING LITERATURE Literature Bagrut Exam  In some questions there will be a choice and students will not be required to answer the justification question.  Learning HOTS will enable your students to better answer other questions both on the literature module and on the other Bagrut modules.  Students who have not been taught how to answer the justification question have not choice but to answer the alternative question.  Teachers preparing their students for the exam do not have to include the teaching of HOTS for the first three years, even though it is recommended.  The process of teaching literary texts remains the same; the Key Components for teaching a literary text have not changed.

15 TEACHING LITERATURE – Key Components Key Components  Pre-Reading Activity  Basic understanding  Analysis and interpretation  Bridging text and context  Post-reading activity  Reflection  Summative Assessment

16 TEACHING LITERATURE – Log The Log  Teachers who are preparing their students for the Log have to include the teaching of six HOTS.  Teachers can decide on which six higher-order thinking skills to teach from the list of HOTS in the Handbook, in accordance with their selected literary texts. What goes into the Log  Written activities only  Completed activities  Completed activity  Completed tasks – can be written, visual or recorded  Answers to the questions  The test


18 ACCESS TEACHER OBLIGATIONS  Sign a contract  Report your hours every month  Report students’ attendance  Report students’ marks

19 CONTRACT  You must sign a contract to cover your work on the Access project

20 REPORTING YOUR HOURS  You must provide exact reporting of your hours on the form provided by Amal  If you do not submit your hours on time, you might not get paid on time

21 REPORTING ATTENDANCE  You must log students’ attendance on the forms provided for this purpose.  Prompt submission of the attendance log is MANDATORY!

22 REPORTING MARKS  You must log students’ performance on tasks, quizzes, and examinations.  Prompt submission of this information is MANDATORY!

23 DO YOU NEED HELP? You can turn to the following people for assistance:  Rina Akotonas  Dr Rachel Tal  Ahuva Dotan  Other teachers


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