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Deeper Dive Into Collaboratives Change Packages Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Deeper Dive Into Collaboratives Change Packages Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deeper Dive Into Collaboratives Change Packages Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013

2 What We Will Cover Change PackagesDevelopment ProcessStructureTRIZ and Tips for SuccessChange Packages In Practice

3 Change Packages

4 Change Package Drives action periods Directs the work of teams Ideas for change Teams test these change ideas during action periods Test on a small scale Spread adapted changes Plan multiple series of PDSA’s Source: Institute for Healthcare Improvement

5 Change Packages 2 examples – both good At your tables, please take five minutes to: Review Consider: if you were participating in a collaborative, would this help direct the work of your team? Group thoughts?

6 Change Packages Key content of the collaboratives Outlines what changes will lead to improvement Focuses team’s attention To accomplish the aim of the collaborative Credible changes Research literature Expert recommendations

7 Change Packages: Development Literature Reviews Case Studies Expert recommendations Faculty/Expert meeting Key partners in technical content Information used to create a “straw dog” Present to expert group Expand on change ideas with the group

8 Change Packages: Development Improvement advisor and director prepare first draft after expert meeting Conference calls for larger group discussions Smaller group calls for specific aspects of the package Faculty member linked to each content element

9 Structure

10 Change Packages: Structure Start with a high level view and more to detailed change ideas Organized in logical sequence Group like changes together Err on side of being too specific

11 Change Packages: Structure Major Strategies Change Concepts Specific Changes Tests Admission Medications Move steps in the process close together Place ASA in easy reach of provider. Make aspirin use for AMI patients a high prority via education of staff. Put an aspirin dispenser on ECG machine. Consider an ASA candy bowl. Compose a jingle to keep ASA benefits in the mind of the provider (marketing strategy).

12 TRIZ and Tips for Success

13 Designing a Perfectly Adverse System TRIZ Defined

14 How to? Create a question “How can you make sure none of your teams even try a change idea? Answer the question Identify which of those things are actually done Discuss which of the things you should stop and how! TRIZ

15 Imagine you are a collaborative director building a change package How can you make sure none of your teams even try a change idea? Answer the question Identify which of those things are actually done Group sharing

16 Change Packages: Tips Start with a high level strategy Change concepts at higher level More detailed change ideas Organized in logical sequence Group like changes together Err on side of being too specific “Test run” change package with pilot team if time permits!

17 In Practice

18 Change Packages in Practice Key part of Learning Sessions Introduced to teams Structures and directs their work Explains what they “are getting into”

19 Change Ideas Worksheet List of change ideas for learning session participants Can use the change ideas worksheet to identify: – What changes are already in place – What improvements are needed – What change ideas should be high priority/included in action planning

20 Change Ideas Worksheet To be included in Action Planning? High Priority / Early Change? Improvements Needed What we currently have in place Change Ideas

21 Project Planning Worksheet A tool for planning action period activities Outlines what changes will be tested Who will own the changes When they will happen

22 Project Planning Worksheet

23 What We Have Covered Change PackagesDevelopment ProcessStructureTRIZ and Tips for SuccessChange Packages In Practice

24 Deeper Dive Into Collaboratives Questions? Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013

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