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C82SAD Revision.

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1 C82SAD Revision

2 Multiple choice questions
30 MCQ’s for social psychology and 30 MCQ’s for developmental psychology Total = 60 MCQ’s (1 hour) Then 2 essay questions: 1 question on social psychology (from 6 choices) 1 question on developmental psychology (from 6 choices)

3 Multiple choice questions
Format is 4-choice MCQ as follows: What is your name? Martin Gertrude St John None of the above

4 Multiple choice questions
Which of following is not a function (Katz, 1960) of attitudes? Value-expressive Utilitarian Self-esteem Knowledge A full list of practice questions for social psychology are presented on the C82SAD website

5 Essay questions “Attitudes are the most indispensable concept in social psychology” (Allport, 1935). To what extent does research in social psychology support this statement? Is there evidence to support Cottrell’s (1972) evaluation apprehension hypothesis? Do rewards undermine intrinsic motivation? What are group norms and how do they affect behaviour in groups? How do people become prejudiced against minorities?

6 Essay questions “Attitudes are the most indispensable concept in social psychology” (Allport, 1935). To what extent does research in social psychology support this statement? Lecture 3: “Attitudes, persuasive communication and attitude change” Define attitudes Focus on the attitude-behaviour link, is it supported? If not, what are the circumstances that lead to a stronger attitude-behaviour relation? E.g. attitude strength, accessibility, intentions, social identity

7 Essay questions Is there evidence to support Cottrell’s (1972) evaluation apprehension hypothesis? Lecture 4 “People in groups: Social facilitation, cohesiveness and group norms” Define social facilitation and evaluation apprehension Role of ‘drive’ or ‘arousal’ and dominant response Mere presence vs. evaluative audience Weight of evidence supporting evaluation apprehension e.g. meta-analyses, well-learned (easy) vs. unfamiliar (hard) tasks

8 Essay questions Do rewards undermine intrinsic motivation?
Lecture 10: “Aggression and motivation” Intrinsic motivation and cognitive evaluation theory Define intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards (give examples) Start with reinforcement Deci’s (1971) work on rewards and the undermining effect Meta-analyses of the undermining effect Mitigating circumstances (the informational aspect vs. controlling aspect of rewards)

9 Essay questions What are group norms and how do they affect behaviour in groups? Lecture 4: “People in groups: Social facilitation, cohesiveness and group norms”, Lecture 5 “Intergroup behaviour”, and Lecture 9 “Prejudice and discrimination” Define group norms and the theory that most frequently utilises them (Social Identity Theory) Give examples of how group norms affect behaviour (e.g. conformity, deindividuation) E.g. Racist attitudes, collective aggression, bystander effect

10 Essay questions How do people become prejudiced against minorities?
Lecture 9 “Prejudice and discrimination” also Lecture 4: “People in groups: Social facilitation, cohesiveness and group norms” and Lecture 5 “Intergroup behaviour” Focus on social identity approach and group dynamics Influential factors e.g. relative deprivation, perceived injustice, deindividuation, dehumanization, in- and out-group homogeniety

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