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1 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon IWHSS’11 4-6 April 2011 PARIS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon IWHSS’11 4-6 April 2011 PARIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon IWHSS’11 4-6 April 2011 PARIS

2 2 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon Monday Morning  A.Bachetta  A.Martin  M.Burkardt  Z.E.Meziani

3 3 A.Bachetta IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Bachetta

4 4

5 5 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon

6 6 A.Bachetta IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Bachetta 6

7 7 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon A.Bachetta IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Bachetta 7

8 8 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon A.Bachetta IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Bachetta 8

9 Transverse Spin and Momentum Structure of the Nucleon SIDIS off transversely polarised targets: DESY (HERMES) CERN (COMPASS) JLab  Z.-E. Meziani and eRHIC, EIC, ENC hard polarised pp scattering RHIC / BNL  M. Grosse-Perdekamp and several (future) projects for (polarised) Drell-Yan: CERN (COMPASS) FNAL, JParc, RHIC, JINR, IHEP, GSI  J.-C. Peng, A. Ogawa, A. Ferrero a large international theoretical and experimental effort A.Martin IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Martin 9

10 KINEMATICAL REGION 27.5 GeV 160 GeV JLab 6 GeV A.Martin IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Martin 10

11 IWHSS’11 same sign and strength: a very important, not obvious result! π-π- π+π+ h-h- h+h+ Collins asymmetry - proton indication for: not a higher twist effect, weak Q 2 dependence of the Collins FF COMPASS sign convention A.Martin IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Martin 11

12 IWHSS’11 Sivers asymmetry - proton π-π- h-h- same signsame sign COMPASS results in the overlap region smaller by a factor ~ 2COMPASS results in the overlap region smaller by a factor ~ 2 π+π+ h+h+ good agreements A.Martin IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Martin 12

13 E06 ‑ 010 JLAB Experiment to access the neutron Polarized 3 He TargetPolarized 3 He Target Polarized Electron BeamPolarized Electron Beam –~ 80% Polarization –Fast Flipping at 30Hz –PPM level charge Asymmetry controlled by online feed back BigBite at 30º as Electron ArmBigBite at 30º as Electron Arm –P e = 0.7 ~ 2.2 GeV/c HRS L at 16º as Hadron ArmHRS L at 16º as Hadron Arm –P h = 2.35 GeV/c Beam Polarimetry (Møller + Compton) Luminosity Monitor Students: Xin Qian (Duke), Chiranjib Dutta (Kentucky), and Kalyan Allada (Kentucky) Spokespeople: X. Jiang (Los Alamos), J.-P. Chen (JLab), H. Gao (Duke), J.C. Peng (UIUC), 2011 Z.E.Meziani IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 Z.E.Meziani 13

14 Preliminary Neutron Collin/Sivers Asymmetries  Systematic uncertainty is still under study  Curves: Diquark-quark Model (Ma), Global Fit (Anselmino), Light-Cone quark model (Pasquini) Collins Sivers 2011 Z.E.Meziani IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 Z.E.Meziani 14

15 Courtesy of H. Avakian E12-06-112: E12-06-112: Pion SIDIS E12-09-008: E12-09-008: Kaon SIDIS E12-07-107: E12-07-107: Pion SIDIS E12-09-009: E12-09-009: Kaon SIDIS LOI12-06-108: LOI12-06-108: Pion SIDIS LOI12-09-004: LOI12-09-004: Kaon SIDIS PAC approved experiments & LoI N q U L T  Complete program of TMDs studies for pions and kaons  Kaon measurements crucial for a better understanding of the TMDs “kaon puzzle”  Kaon SIDIS program requires an upgrade of the CLAS12 detector PID RICH detector to replace LTCC Project under development TMDs program @ 12 GeV in Hall B 2011 Z.E.Meziani IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 Z.E.Meziani 15

16 16 M.Burkardt IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M.Burkardt 16

17 17 M.Burkardt IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M.Burkardt 17

18 18 M.Burkardt IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M.Burkardt 18

19 19 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon Monday Afternoon  D. De Florian  Ph. Haegler  M. Grosse Perdekamp  C. Franco

20 20 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon 20

21 D. De Florian IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. De Florian 21

22 D. De Florian IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. De Florian 22

23 D. De Florian IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. De Florian 23

24 Nucleon parton distributions from lattice QCD from lattice QCD Philipp Hägler supported by

25 Not quite as trivial as it might appear... Typical „measurements“ on the lattice Ph. Haegler IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 Ph. Haegler 25

26 J u, J d template figure (update) LHPC arXiv:1001.3620 LHPC PRD `08 0705.4295 QCDSF (Ohtani et al.) 0710.1534 Goloskokov&Kroll EPJC`09 0809.4126 Wakamatsu 0908.0972 DiFeJaKr EPJC `05 hep-ph/0408173 (Myhrer&)Thomas PRL`08 0803.2775 [JLab Hall A PRL`07; HERMES JHEP`08] [non-singlet, connected only; add. uncertainties due to chiral extrapolations, renormalization] * * * * QCDSF/UKQCD preliminary *,1 1 Sternbeck, Pleiter, Zanotti et al. 2011 lattice results from covariant BChPT extrapolations [Dorati, Gail, Hemmert NPA 2008] lattice results from covariant BChPT extrapolations [Dorati, Gail, Hemmert NPA 2008] Ph. Haegler IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 Ph. Haegler 26

27 Ph. Hägler, IWHSS, Paris 04/11 27 Sivers transverse momentum shift

28 28 M. Grosse-Perdekamp IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M. Grosse-Perdekamp Spin Physics Results from RHIC Preliminaries: Facility Status Facility Status QCD & PDFs vs Data QCD & PDFs vs Data Gluon spin distribution Inclusive hadron and jet results Inclusive hadron and jet results QCD analysis QCD analysis Low x & x-dependence with di-jets and rapidity separated di-hadrons Low x & x-dependence with di-jets and rapidity separated di-hadrons W-production in polarized p-p First results from pp  W  eν First results from pp  W  eν Transverse Spin Inclusive A N Inclusive A N Channels isolating Collins or Sivers effects Channels isolating Collins or Sivers effects  Drell Yan measurements in Akio Owaga’s talk  Drell Yan measurements in Akio Owaga’s talk M. Grosse-Perdekamp UIUC

29 ΔG(x) from DSSV Global QCD Analysis RHIC Range 0.05<x<0.2 Large-x x≥0.2 Small-x x≤0.05  ΔG trunc [0.05,0.2] ≈ 0 since node at x≈0.1  Data constrains only truncated first moment of ΔG(x) in x-interval [0.05,0.2], but not functional form at low or high x  ΔG trunc in large-x region constrained to be small by requirement that ΔG(x) ≤ G(x); at Q 2 =10 GeV 2 : ΔG trunc [0.3,1.0] ≤ 0.03  At small x, ΔG(x) can differ from DSSV beyond errors without violating funda-mental constraints ΔG trunc [0.05,0.2] = ∫ ΔG(x) dx = 0.005 0.2 0.05 +0.051 -0.058 x ΔG(x) de Florian, Sassot, Stratmann, Vogelsang PRD 80:034030,2009 M. Grosse-Perdekamp IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M. Grosse-Perdekamp 29

30 p T,1 >3 GeV, p T,2 > 1.5 GeV error bars are statistical only Projected A LL (π 0 ) in MPC for different ΔG(x) at low x for ∫Ldt = 300 pb -1, √s = 500 GeV (RHIC W program, 2011 to 2015) Increasing Δg trunc [10 -4,0.05] ΔG trunc = -.1 ΔG trunc = -.2 ΔG trunc = -.5 ΔG trunc [10 -4,0.05] = -0.1 will be observable M. Grosse-Perdekamp IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M. Grosse-Perdekamp 30

31 Summary Gluon Spin contribution constraint for 0.05 < x < 0.2 o Gluon Spin contribution constraint for 0.05 < x < 0.2 use di-jet and di-hadron measurements to probe use di-jet and di-hadron measurements to probe x-dependence ΔG(x) and forward jet production to x-dependence ΔG(x) and forward jet production to reach low x, x~0.001. reach low x, x~0.001. W-program has started with electrons (STAR & PHENIX) o W-program has started with electrons (STAR & PHENIX) and muons (PHENIX). Luminosity accumulation will take and muons (PHENIX). Luminosity accumulation will take 3-4 runs. 3-4 runs. Precision data on AN are available. Exciting new Drell Yan o Precision data on AN are available. Exciting new Drell Yan experiment at IP2: AnDY (see Akio Ogawa’s talk). experiment at IP2: AnDY (see Akio Ogawa’s talk). Initial measurements to isolate Collins -and Sivers- Initial measurements to isolate Collins -and Sivers- asymmetries. Much improvement from detector upgrades asymmetries. Much improvement from detector upgrades and increased statistics. and increased statistics. 31 M. Grosse-Perdekamp IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 M. Grosse-Perdekamp

32 32

33 33 C. Franco IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 C. Franco

34 34 C. Franco IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 C. Franco

35 35 C. Franco IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 C. Franco

36 36 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon Tuesday Morning  J. Friedrich  D. Drechsel  D. Bugg  G. Bali  A. Szczepaniak

37 37 J. Friedrich IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J. Friedrich

38 38 J. Friedrich IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J. Friedrich

39 39 J. Friedrich IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J. Friedrich

40 40 J. Friedrich IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J. Friedrich

41 41 D. Drechsel IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. Drechsel

42 42 D. Drechsel IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. Drechsel

43 43 D. Drechsel IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. Drechsel

44 David Bugg, Queen Mary, London Topics in meson spectroscopy for Compass (i) Look for the I=0 J PC =1 -+ partner of    (i) Look for the I=0 J PC =1 -+ partner of    (ii) Measure  from 1200-2000 MeV for J P =0 +,1 -,2 +. Sort out f 0 (1370), f 2 (1565) and  (1450). Sort out f 0 (1370), f 2 (1565) and  (1450). Check if f 2 (1810) exists or is really f 0 (1790). Check if f 2 (1810) exists or is really f 0 (1790). (iii) Check if    is resonant or just a threshold cusp. D. Bugg IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. Bugg

45 The    looks a good hybrid candidate. It ought to have an I=0 partner of similar mass. The only likely decay mode is to a 1 (1260)  J PC = 1 ++ + 0 -+ = 1 -+. J PC = 1 ++ + 0 -+ = 1 -+. This is NOT easy because no angular dependence: there are only the  and a 1 signals to go on, and the a 1 is broad. However, other J PC will have angular dependence. There exist possible partners with J PC = 2 -+ :  2 (1860) and   (1880); also  0 -+ Topics in meson spectroscopy for Compass D. Bugg IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. Bugg

46 CONCLUSION: There is still lots to do and learn in meson spectroscopy. There is still lots to do and learn in meson spectroscopy. I doubt that heavy meson spectroscopy can go beyond narrow I doubt that heavy meson spectroscopy can go beyond narrow states, but it is important to complete light meson spectroscopy states, but it is important to complete light meson spectroscopy and baryon spectroscopy and learn what we can about hybrids and baryon spectroscopy and learn what we can about hybrids and glueballs. Good luck ! and glueballs. Good luck ! The spectroscopy of I=1, C = +1 states and C=-1 states with I=0 and 1 could be completed by measuring polarisation in pp ->    and     and     at the forthcoming Fair facility. It just needs an extracted p beam of 5 x 10 4 p/s. Topics in meson spectroscopy for Compass D. Bugg IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 D. Bugg

47 47 G. Bali IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 G. Bali

48 48 G. Bali IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 G. Bali

49 49 A. Szczepaniak IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A. Szczepaniak

50 50 A. Szczepaniak IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A. Szczepaniak

51 51 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon Tuesday Afternoon  J.C. Peng  A. Ogawa  V. Barone

52 52 J.C. Peng IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J.C. Peng

53 53

54 54 J.C. Peng IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J.C. Peng

55 Future Drell-Yan Experiments Akio Ogawa 2011 Apr 5 IWHSS Paris 2011 55 at

56 The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider PHENIX STAR IP2 (AnDY, IT) Au+Au Polarized p+p d+Au RHIC is a QCD lab

57 57 E.C.Aschenauer, A. Bazilevsky, L.C. Bland, K. Drees, C. Folz, Y. Makdisi, A. Ogawa, P. Pile, T.G. Throwe Brookhaven National Laboratory H.J. Crawford, J.M. Engelage, E.G. Judd University of. California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory C.W. Perkins University of. California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory /Stony Brook University A. Derevshchikov, N. Minaev, D. Morozov, L.V. Nogach Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino G. Igo, S. Trentalange University of California, Los Angeles M. Grosse Perdekamp University of Illinois M.X. Liu Los Alamos National Laboratory H. Avakian Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility E.J.Brash Christopher Newport University and TJNAF C.F.Perdrisat College of William and Mary V. Punjabi Norfolk State University Li, Xuan Shandong University, China Mirko Planinic, Goran Simatovic University of Zagreb, Croatia A N DY at IP2 “Feasibility Test of Large Rapidity Drell Yan Production at RHIC” Letter of Intent submitted 24 May 2010 ord_LoI.100524.v1.pdf nauer_DY-collider_june10.pdf PAC presentation: nauer_DY-collider_june10.pdfe10.pdf Timeliness – Run when STAR & PHENIX is doing W program (2012-13) Timeliness – Run when STAR & PHENIX is doing W program (2012-13) Acceptance/background rejection – Severe space constraints at STAR and PHENIX require major changes in the forward direction to do DY Acceptance/background rejection – Severe space constraints at STAR and PHENIX require major changes in the forward direction to do DY Is charge sign a requirement? – feed back to STAR/PHENIX forward upgrade plans Is charge sign a requirement? – feed back to STAR/PHENIX forward upgrade plans A. Ogawa IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A. Ogawa

58 A N for jets 58 arXiv:1103.1591 jet A N measurements are required to clarify signs of quark/gluon correlators related to Sivers functions. from p  +p  “old” Sivers function “new” Sivers function  s=200 GeV STAR FMS ECal only “jet-like” event Positive A N for jet-like events Lack of cos(γ) dependence A N for jets will be non-0 ? A N DY is taking HCal jet trigger right now (~500M jet trigger events as of last week) We have ~1/pb as of last week Need >5x more (possible in 1 week if 3IP collisions from start of fill) Determine whether A N (jet) is non-0 is a requirement for A N (DY) sign-flip measurement

59 Letter of Intent: Measurement of Dimuons from Drell-Yan Process with Polarized Proton Beams and an Internal Target at RHIC – –Academia Sinica (Taiwan): W.C. Chang –ANL (USA): D.F. Geesaman, P.E. Reimer, J. Rubin –UC Riverside (USA): K.N. Barish –UIUC (USA): M. Groose Perdekamp, J.-C. Peng –KEK (Japan): N. Saito, S. Sawada –LANL (USA): M.L. Brooks, X. Jiang, G.L. Kunde, M.J. Leitch, M.X. Liu, P.L. McGaughey –RIKEN/RBRC (Japan/USA): Y. Fukao, Y. Goto, I. Nakagawa, K. Okada, R. Seidl, A. Taketani –Seoul National Univ. (Korea): K. Tanida –Stony Brook Univ. (USA): A. Deshpande –Tokyo Tech. (Japan): K. Nakano, T.-A. Shibata –Yamagata Univ. (Japan): N. Doshita, T. Iwata, K. Kondo, Y. Miyachi A. Ogawa IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A. Ogawa

60 60 V. Barone IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 V. Barone

61 61 V. Barone IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 V. Barone

62 62 Fracture Functions

63 63 IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 A.Magnon Wednesday Morning  A. Ferrero  E. Leader  B. Pire  A.M Just Now … !

64 64 Get Up …. … for Compass-II

65 65 J.C. Peng IWHSS_11 April 6 2011 J.C. Peng

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