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15/10/2015 21:20:44 ©WEMA, Evans – STIMULATE 2 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS STIMULATE 2 This is a scientific and technological information management training programme.

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Presentation on theme: "15/10/2015 21:20:44 ©WEMA, Evans – STIMULATE 2 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS STIMULATE 2 This is a scientific and technological information management training programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 15/10/2015 21:20:44 ©WEMA, Evans – STIMULATE 2 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS STIMULATE 2 This is a scientific and technological information management training programme to academic professionals working in universities and libraries It aims at providing participants with knowledge on computer applications, networks and internet resources and also in developing databases. The courses were conducted through interactive seminars, lectures and presentations.

2 15/10/2015 21:20:44 ©WEMA, Evans – STIMULATE 2 STRENGTH Participants have gained necessary skills suitable in the library/Information Managenet Discplines Attending a course in Europe is also a cultural experience - to being in a new place!

3 15/10/2015 21:20:44 ©WEMA, Evans – STIMULATE 2 RECOMMENDATIONS Libraries, Information and Documentation centers in developing countries should put more emphasis on Online Information Services (E-Libraries), Library Cooperation and Consortia formulation. Once a participant has attended a program such as STIMULATE, the home institutions should put into practise what has been gained from it, rather than “shelving” it!! Thanx

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