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“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Some things to know.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Some things to know."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Some things to know

2 Format for the Plot Diagram Exposition --introduces the characters, background and setting Conflict -- struggle between opposing forces Rising Action -- three statements that summarize the story Climax-- point where the protagonist changes Falling action -- one statement about what leads to the end of the conflict Resolution -- the end of the conflict

3 Character Analysis of Rainsford Characterization

4 Connell uses Indirect Characterization to develop Rainsford Rainsford

5 Rainsford doesn’t view hunting animals as murder. He says animals don’t understand fear. He says that Zaroff is a murderer because he hunts people. Direct characterization

6 Connell uses indirect characterization to develop Zaroff Zaroff b.

7 Connell uses direct characterization to develop Zaroff Zaroff is either evil or animalistic b thick black eyebrows and pointed black moustache b black, bright eyes b dead black eyes (pg. 23) b curious, red-lipped smile (18 )

8 Textual Analysis Terms and Definitions

9 English Aug. 25

10 DOL b The would of froze during the blizzard but they seen an empty house that protected them from the biting winds coming off of the appalachian mountains. b Lee was watching the movie the sixth sense-at least I think he said that-when the video player stopped working. Analogies- Sandpaper:smooth:: mill: ________ Amnesia :remember::______: sleep

11 Agenda b DOL b Discuss homework b Begin story b Do questions

12 Foreshadow Give hints about future events

13 Imagery Details that appeal to the five senses

14 Motif b Pattern of images or symbols b In this story darkness is the motif

15 Allusion Reference to a famous work of art, literature, music, etc.

16 Hyperbole Extreme exaggeration for effect

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