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ECE 582: Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I Introduction, Technical Definitions, and Resume.

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1 ECE 582: Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I Introduction, Technical Definitions, and Resume

2 Office Hours Kevin Huggins Office:Caldwell 365 Office Hours: By appointment, email

3 Goals for this lecture  Go over technical definitions and resume writing  Assignments Resume  Due next Wednesday Info Sheet  Turn in today if you have not already done so

4 Technical Definitions  Chapter 3 in Pocket Book of Technical Writing by Finkelstein  “In technical writing, definition is the process by which one assigns a precise meaning to a term.” – Fink, p.25  (Qualifier +) Term = Classification + Differentiation

5 Technical Definitions II  Qualifier: “used when general context for a definition needs to be established up front” – Fink p.26  Classification: “a general category in which the term fits” – Fink p.27  Differentiation: “Narrowing the meaning of the term to just one possibility within the class.” – Fink p.29

6 Technical Definitions III  What is a stall?  Needs qualifier: Stall can be used in many contexts (horse, aircraft, automobile, etc).  (Qualifier +) Term = Classification + Differentiation  In aeronautics, a stall is a flight condition in which the lift produced is less than the weight of the airplane.

7 Technical Definitions IV  Know Audience!  Definition Extensions (pg. 30) Further Definitions – Define additional terms in definition Compare and Contrast – Compare term (artifact) with other terms Classification – Further classify artifact (i.e. The item is classified as … ) Cause and Effect – Demonstrate why something occurs Process – List steps in a procedure Exemplification – Give example where artifact is used

8 Resume Writing  Due next Wednesday, 1/14, in class  Remember this along with the info sheet will help form groups for ECE 582 project teams  1-2 pages

9 Resume I (Chap. 19 Finkelstein)  Match skills to employer’s needs. Want to work for a particular employer Looking for a specific position Have technical skills required for the job Have written and oral communication skills Have necessary personal traits Are available within employer’s timeframe  Hiring the wrong person is an expensive mistake employers try to avoid.

10 Resume Tips  Be sure your resume is perfect both grammatically and stylistically  Place most important information towards top (i.e. experience, objective, education, etc)  Careful following templates too closely (i.e. most ECEs have MS Office experience). Establish uniqueness  Use action/key words (i.e. Proficient, Managed, Operated, etc)  Tailor your resume for the position.  Be truthful, but not self effacing.  Limit resume to one page.  Do not use fancy paper or exotic folds. Use a heavier paper that is not see through. Avoid symbols that aren’t easily scanable.  Avoid Acronyms  Never refer to yourself in the third person  Do not include salary requirements

11 Resume Writing II  Outline Name Objective – Clearly state what you want to do. Strengths – Short statement of your strongest capabilities Education – Most of your effort / resume area is here. Relevant courses Computer Skills – Languages, OS, Applications, Platforms Descending order of expertise. Do not exaggerate. Experience Personal

12 Work Time  Time to work on your resume

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