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Centre for Development and Research Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh.

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1 Centre for Development and Research Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

2 Objectives To work for the well being of the tribals in AP in particular. Work through Community Based Organisations (CBOs) like women Self Help Groups. Provide quality Preschool Education.

3 Mava Nate - Mava Sada (MNMS) Maa Vooru - Maa Badi (MVMB) (Our Village – Our School) - Goals: 1)Assist the parents to establish Pre Primary schools for the children. 2)Follow activity based joyful teaching methodology. 3)Work for improving Learning Outcomes in government primary school. 4)Establish proof of concept for community governed schools.

4 Andhra Pradesh Map Showing Districts with CDR ECE Projects

5 Community Governance Salient features —Every school is established by the community. CDR only assists them. —The community, particularly parents fulfill the following before establishing a school: 1)Survey the children in prescribed age group. 2)Identify persons suitable for teaching. 3)Identify suitable place for school. 4)Nominate a school committee. The community contacts CDR after fulfilling the above. CDR had integrated the best teaching practices. It has a resource centre specially for this purpose.

6 Community Governance - Salient features contd The Mandal Samakhya (MS), apex body of community based organisation, verifies and confirms the above with necessary changes. The mandal samakhya contacts CDR on behalf of the CBO, after fulfilling the above.

7 Role of CDR CDR works in partnership with Mandal Mahila Samakhyas and Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), an autonomous agency under the Government of Andhra Pradesh. CDR along with the community representatives selects the teacher and trains them in joyful teaching methodology. CDR is responsible for monitoring and ensuring quality learning outcomes. CDR prepares a monthly lesson plan and trains every teacher every month in teaching it well.

8 Public accountability -Every school teacher reports the monthly progress to the community on the last Saturday of every month. The teacher and children share the learnings of the last month to the parents and community. -This is called Badi Panduga – Festival of learning. -All learning aspects of the school are discussed during this. -Pupils’ learning outcomes are scrutinised. -The salary of the teacher is paid only on Badi Panduga.

9 Badipanduga – The Festival of Learning

10 Enrollment Particulars for July 2012 S. No DistrictPPClass 1Class 2Total SchChnSchChnSchChnSchChn 1Adilabad9312242737811175131 1777 2Warangal791035162080095 1243 3Mahaboobnagar56741000056 741 4E.Godavari46690000046 690 Grand Total27436904358611175328 4451 Total Schools 328 Total children enrolled 4451

11 Enrollment particulars of Girls & Boys (July 2012) S. No DistrictGirlsBoysTotal 1Adilabad9468311777 2Warangal6336101243 3Mahaboobnagar395346741 4E. Godavari340350690 Total Children4451 Total Girls2314 Total Boys2137

12 Percentage of Boys & Girls

13 Learning Outcomes (Annual exam result assessment 2011-12) Subject & Grade wise percentage particulars Pre Primary, Class 1, 2 and 3

14 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children Adilabad No. of PP Schools Tot 4 yr children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguMathsEnglishEVS Creative Activities Good Habits Overall grade 110739 7372A 56687187847766 99.70%0.30%B 2016100024 (Subject wise percentages) C 131017711187 D 116 6454 Grading Scale The grading scale furnished on to the left is common to all classes across the districts. A = >91% B = 90 – 81% C = 80 – 71% D = <70%

15 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children Adilabad

16 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children Mahaboobnagar No. of PP Schools Tot 4 yr children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguMathsEnglishEVS Creative Activities Good Habits Overall grade 56450 43713A 33614077576952 97.15%2.89%B 1819435415 (Subject wise percentages) C 22122313172016 D 27834721617

17 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children Mahaboobnagar

18 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children Warangal No. of PP Schools Tot 4 yr children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguMathsEnglishEVS Creative Activities Good Habits Overall grade 62412 4066A 48736983686950 98.50%1.46%B 1714736726 (Subject wise percentages) C 157910131412 D 195164141012

19 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children Warangal

20 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children East Godavari No. of PP Schools Tot 4 yr children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguMathsEnglishEVS Creative Activities Good Habits Overall grade 47349 30643A 54242230615261 87.70%12.30%B 28363738 2324 (Subject wise percentages) C 12262519 13168 D 613 12 387

21 Subject wise results of Pre Primary (4yr) children East Godavari

22 Subject wise results of Class 1 children Adilabad No. of Schools Tot children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguEnglishMathsEVS Creative Activities Overall grade 38502 4957A 383149402528 99.00%1.00%B 212524262032 (Subject wise percentages) C 182413161924 D 232013173616

23 Subject wise results of Class 1 children Adilabad

24 Subject wise results of Class 1 children Warangal No. of Schools Tot children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguEnglishMathsEVS Creative Activities Overall grade 15213 0A 40 38393732 100.00%0.00%B 262128302436 (Subject wise percentages) C 212221 1918 D 131827102114

25 Subject wise results of Class 1 children Warangal

26 Subject wise results of Class 2 children Adilabad No. of Schools Tot children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguEnglishMathsEVS Creative Activities Overall grade 25364 3586A 393645464335 99.00%1.00%B 3023 271829 (Subject wise percentages) C 151816181523 D 162316102313

27 Subject wise results of Class 2 children Adilabad

28 Subject wise results of Class 3 children Adilabad No. of Schools Tot children Attended for exams AbsenteesGradesTeluguEnglishMathsEVS Creative Activities Overall grade 569 663A 774468583055 96.00%4.00%B 174429265338 (Subject wise percentages) C 35312116 D 380562

29 Subject wise results of Class 3 children Adilabad

30 CDR child’s sponsorship programme CDR finds sponsors for Education of tribal children. Children admitted in good residential schools. Sponsor pays fee to the school. CDR monitors learning outcomes. Regular progress report sent to the sponsors. 37 children sponsored so far.

31 Sampoorna Grama Aarogyam (SGA) Health & Nutrition programme Introduced during 2009-10. CDR assisted the community to establish Health & Nutrition centres for pregnant and lactating mothers in Adilabad Dist. SERP provided funds to the women self help groups. H&N centres are completely managed by the village women organisations. Two nutritious meals every day for every member is provided.

32 Sampoorna Grama Aarogyam (SGA) Health & Nutrition programme Cont … Health awareness training in 14 subjects given to all members. Linkage with PHCs. Timely delivery of all services ensured. Safe delivery kits used for every delivery. Average birth at 2.5kgs achieved.

33 Happy Mothers of Healthy Children

34 Washing Hands before a meal

35 Tiny Tots having Mid Day Meal

36 Staff Structure in Mandal Mandal Coordinator (MC) (for 1 mandal) Cluster Coordinator (CC) (for every 12 schools) Teacher

37 Scope for partnership Support for the school for one year. Support for providing any component required. Support for Teacher salary @ Rs 3000/- per month. Support for Cluster Coordinators (CC) @ Rs 5000/- per month. Support for Mandal Coordinator (MC) @ Rs 9000/- per month.

38 Scope for partnership contd.. Support for school repairs @ Rs 5000/- Support to stationary and material - Rs 5000/- Play kit – Rs 8000/- per kit. Play equipment – Rs 11,000/-

39 Foundation Course Training Teachers Learning to teach writing skills

40 Writing methods

41 Teachers preparing the TLM during 2 day monthly lesson plan training


43 Creative Activity

44 Paper Tearing Activity

45 Sorting out different leaves

46 Activity in Balabadi

47 Learning from the Teacher

48 Alphabetical Chair Activity

49 We Dance Together

50 We Play Together

51 We Enjoy Chatting with each other

52 Thank You

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