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February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Presentation for the Mississippi Supercomputer User Advisory Group (MSUAG) February 23, 2007 Starkville, MS.

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Presentation on theme: "February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Presentation for the Mississippi Supercomputer User Advisory Group (MSUAG) February 23, 2007 Starkville, MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Presentation for the Mississippi Supercomputer User Advisory Group (MSUAG) February 23, 2007 Starkville, MS

2 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MCSR News Supercomputers Software MyMCSR Research Education User Feedback/Discussion Agenda

3 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MCSR News: Staffing Systems Group Suzette Henry (Manager) Guangyan Li Hitesh Girdhani Ken Rossetti Ron Kitchens Bill Roland Student Employees Research Support Jason Hale (Manager) Taner Pirim, Ph.D. Sam Testa Sam Gordji, Ph.D. Grad. Assistants & Student Workers Indika Jayasinghe Ertan Karakas Lukman Bojuwon Derrick Watson David Roach (Director, MCSR) Robin Miller (Director, Tech Services, UM) Kathy Gates, Ph.D. (Chief Information Officer, UM)

4 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MCSR News: FY 2007 Budget

5 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MCSR News: Budget by Year MCSR FY2007 budget: $816,643.00.

6 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville $27 million thus far in FY2007. Research: Funding

7 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville There were over $47 in active research grants for every $1 spent on MCSR in FY2006 Research: Return on Investment

8 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MCSR News: New Logo 2 – 4 – 8 Theme: for Parallel Processing 2 nodes of each color 4 nodes total(4 Major Research IHLs) 8 lines (8 Total IHL’s Served) Graph Theory (Nodes and Edges) Cray-like Font on MCSR Cyanogen Molecule Found in the atmospheres of the moons of Saturn

9 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Supercomputers: Redwood Upgrade Partially funded by infrastructure $$ from EPSCoR-related NSF Research Infrastructure Improvement Program. Collaborative proposal with Dr. Greg Tschumper in the UM Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. Purchased from James River Technical, Inc. Installed by SGI engineers from Hunstsville & Vicksburg

10 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Supercomputers: Redwood 64x 900 MHz CPUs 2004 + 128 1.3 GHz CPUs March 2005 = 192x CPUs 2005 + 32 1.3 GHz CPUs June 2006 = 224x CPUs 2007

11 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Supercomputers: Redwood 56 900 MHz CPUs 56 GB Mem 156 1.3 GHz CPUs 156 GB Mem 8 900 MHz CPUs 8 GB 1 st PBS Instance 2 nd PBS Instance for interactive sessions qsub qstat2 qdel2 fqstat2 qsub qstat qdel fqstat 4 1.3 GHz CPUs 4 GB 3rd PBS Instance for testing CPU Set

12 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Removed: 12 Nodes -Compaq 500MHz P3 -500 MB Memory -Original nodes Replaced: Gateway -old: Compaq 500MHz P3 -new: Dell dual G5 3.6 GHz Added: 22 Compute Nodes - Dell 2.8GHz GX520 Pentium D Supercomputers: Mimosa Total: 253 Nodes - 243 Compute, 9 I/O, 1 Gateway Migrated to SUSE - SUSE Linux 9.3, from RedHat

13 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville 1,776,861 CPU hours were generated on the SGI Origin and Altix Supercomputers for MCSR researchers in FY2006 FY2007 number is projected Supercomputers: Shared Memory CPU Hours Generated

14 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville 2,800,268 CPU hours were generated on Mimosa Cluster for MCSR researchers in FY2006 FY2007 number is projected Supercomputers: Mimosa CPU Hours Generated

15 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Software: Upgrades & Installations Gaussian upgraded 03 D Amber upgraded to 9 ABAQUS 6.5 CPMD 3.92 Accelrys Materials Studio installed

16 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MyMCSR: My Current Jobs

17 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MyMCSR: My Finished Jobs

18 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MyMCSR: My Students Job History

19 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MyMCSR: My Students Info

20 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville MyMCSR: My Disk Usage

21 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Research: Over 88% Gaussian Jobs

22 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Research: Parellel Efficiency Improving

23 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Research: Account Distribution We currently support over 987 research accounts on all MCSR systems.

24 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Research: Job Distribution by IHL

25 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Research: MCSR Research Day in Fall? Supercomputing Day? Presentations by MCSR Researchers Workshops on HPC topics by Vendors, Consultants, Researchers Tours of Supercomputing Data Center Researcher photos with Supercomputers 20 Year Anniversary of MCSR

26 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Education: Instructional Accounts Over 72 courses supported since 2000 at 6 IHLs C++, Fortran, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, MySQL, OpenMP, MPI, IMSL, HTML, Unix, Linux, Web (JavaScript at DSU)

27 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Education: On-Site Talks & Workshops Recent Offerings Topics of Interest at Your Campus? Lab Experiences? Intro to other topics? CIS 112 Survey at MVSU? AITP at DSU ACM at UM Grad School Fairs/Orientation? Engineering Week

28 February 23, 2007MSUAG Meeting, Starkville Education: MAS MCSR Sponsored Programming Contest? Launch Date in Sept 07? Deadline Nov 07? Multiple Categories? - Specific HPC Problem? (Serial? Parallel?) - Math (Mathematica? IMSL?) programming problem? - Web problem? (Java or Javascript?) - (Large?) Dataset Visualization? - Statistical Pgmg? (SPSS, SAS) -MAS posters or talks in 08. Prizes (What kind? Who Pays?) Solicit support from key depts? -Judging, choosing problems, encouraging students

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