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1 Vodou

2 Worldview Monistic Ashe Animistic &/or Panentheistic?
Ritual actions effect the world (magic) Animistic &/or Panentheistic? Lwas/loas associated with natural as well as cultural things Multi-tiered – Heaven; world; Ginen Relational – universe viewed as complex web of relationships & dependencies Ginen - land of loa and ancestors

3 Theology Monotheistic or polytheistic, depending on definitions
Bondye (God) – Distant, unapproachable Loas (lwas): Many “Nanchons” (nations) pantheons Two most recognized = Rada & Petro Rada = “cool” (Dahomean) Petro = “hot” (Haitian) Bondye – God (faceless, unknowable)

4 Theology Lwas/loas (gods, spirits, saints) – very approachable
- les invisibles, les mysteres Two main “nanchons” = Rada (calm, cool, African) and Petro (fierce, hot, Caribbean) Some main Rada loas are: Legba (Christ or St. Peter) = Crossroads, communication Erzulie (Virgin Mary) = love, motherhood, sexuality Damballah (St. Patrick, God the Father) = wisdom, support Ogou (St. James) = defense, iron, alchemy Gede/Baron Samedi (St. Gerard) = cemetaries, death, family, sexuality The marassa (Christ) = honoured dead, ancestors Erzulie and daughter Anais (or Mary and Jesus)

5 Theology Main Petro Loas:
Kafou Legba = trickster figure, aggressive defense of gateway to Ginen Ezili Je‑Rouge (red eye) or Ezili Danto = rage and mother’s defense of threatened child Ogou Ferary – fierce pleasures, fierce defense, aggression, strategy Baron le Koa = harm to enemies, punish wrongdoers, death Dan Petro = “father” of Petro loas - revenge Ogou Ferary

6 Other Supernatural Beings
Baka - spirits who serve both the loas and human magicians (bocor) Ancestors Souls: Ti Bon Ange (little good angel) Gros Bon Ange (big good angel) Met tete (master of the head = guardian loa) Mermaids, Loup Garou, Zombies

7 Ethics Ethics are situational and relational
Ethics are communal and consensual No set ethical code – based on consensus on what equals morally reasonable, socially acceptable behavior “Reasonableness” governed by principles of generosity; respect Some acceptance of Biblical ethics: 10 Commandments, Golden Rule

8 Organization Oum’phor (hounfor) Konesans 3 levels of participation:
Ordinary parishioner Ounsi (hounsi) - initiated “spouses” of loas Houngan (male) and/or Mambo (female)

9 Varieties New Orleans Voodoo Li Grand Zombi (Damballah)
Papa Limba (Legba) Doctor John ( ) Hoodoo Gris-gris Marie Laveau ( ) Folk Catholicism elements Marie the Younger New Orleans Voodoo Crossroads Marie Laveau’s Tomb

10 Varieties Haitian Vodou Direct initiatory links to Haiti
Most dominant form in North America Roots Without End

11 Varieties Vodou (Eclectic) Predominantly follows Haitian model
May or may not have initiatory links to Haiti Draws on other sources of inspiration, i.e. other Afro-Caribbean traditions, Kabbalah, Tarot, Astrology Voodoo Spiritual Temple Book: Voodoo Visions

12 Rituals Oum’phor Peristyle Poteau-mitan Djevo (initiation room)
Veves Fire & iron = Ogou Mound & cross = Gede Pool of water = Damballah Djevo (initiation room) Pe (altar room) Loa symbols Offerings Pots de tete

13 Ritual Tools Drums Asson Clochette Rada drums Petro drums Assato drum
Calabash & wooden handle, snake vertebrae Clochette

14 Rituals The Kanzo (initiation cycle) 2 week cycle Bat ge
Petro ceremony Priye Ginen Loa drum rhythms & songs Spirit possession Pakets

15 Rituals The Kanzo Ritual Baths Kouche Kanzo (lying down Kanzo)
3 days, 7 baths per day Herbal baths Funeral songs Kouche Kanzo (lying down Kanzo) Confined to the djevo 4-5 days Kouri Ayizan Spirit possession Afterwards, baptism, wear white, abstain from sex & certain foods for 41 days, one year later, sponsor a ritual to honour their lwa

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