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Who Am I Ms. Casey ‘Original’ classy. Yooper (U.P.) Upper Michigan Accent.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Am I Ms. Casey ‘Original’ classy. Yooper (U.P.) Upper Michigan Accent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Am I Ms. Casey ‘Original’ classy

2 Yooper (U.P.) Upper Michigan Accent

3 FxGrr (“g”) “Students often described FXGRRR (the "G" is silent) as, "the crazy (in the good way) English teacher that looks like Hulk Hogan." Mr. Fix was Hulk Hoganesque; he had the long hair, the mustache, and he was tough. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War, a former body builder, and a finisher of multiple marathons, including the Boston Marathon. Unlike most teachers, Mr. Fix rode a motorcycle, had a tattoo, long hair, and questioned authority. Yet, he was respected by administrators, teachers, and students. Likewise he respected them. Underneath the tough exterior was a man tough enough to tell others how much he loved his wife Anne, poetry, daisies, and his granddaughters who called him "Papa Gug.“ – former student Papa Gug

4 Fix’s Classroom Quote Who see things... crazy ones Here’s to the... the misfits, the round the ones Square holes Differently. pegs in the...

5 Community

6 Quote Bob Marlin "You never know when your forever will expire. Take chances. Do something that makes you uncomfortable. Love, love and love some more. Be true to yourself. Putting yourself out on a limb only to have it break; well those injuries are temporary. To never have climbed, to explore, to take a moment, to forgive...that regret is forever, however long that will last. Make your forever count.” -Hillary

7 Ski ‘big’ or go home

8 Reflection "I often journal a lot or pick up a novel I rarely touch to see if in times I am unclear - when my thoughts feel, sound a bit too cloudy to discern - that I am capable of finding understanding through others that serve their lives in a way that I hope to emulate in my own form. I turn to what notes I have of my English teacher, poems he has shared with me, and Nelson Mandela. Anytime I reflect on a loss or misunderstand the ways of our world, I turn to the great words of him and others who carry just as much inspiration, compassion, and wisdom that I hope to see in myself and others...” - Me

9 Nelson Mandela Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

10 Music Bluegrass

11 Carolina Chocolate Drops

12 Creativity

13 Food Cooking, baking

14 Travel Iceland 1,000 years old

15 Iceland


17 FunFun “Putting out that ‘positive’ voodoo” – Rodriguez to me

18 Friends Family

19 Innovation

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