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On the spin orientation 1. Qualitative rules for predicting preferred spin orientations? 2. Spin orientations of Sr 3 NiIrO 6, Sr 2 IrO 4, Ba 2 NaOsO 6.

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Presentation on theme: "On the spin orientation 1. Qualitative rules for predicting preferred spin orientations? 2. Spin orientations of Sr 3 NiIrO 6, Sr 2 IrO 4, Ba 2 NaOsO 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the spin orientation 1. Qualitative rules for predicting preferred spin orientations? 2. Spin orientations of Sr 3 NiIrO 6, Sr 2 IrO 4, Ba 2 NaOsO 6 : Implications on the magnetism of J eff =1/2 ions M.-H. Whangbo Department of Chemistry North Carolina State University NC 27695-8204, USA E. E. Gordon:Chemistry, NCSU J. W. Kim, S.-W. Cheong: Physics, Rutgers University H. J. Xiang:Physics, Fudan University

2 Energy Mapping Analysis 3. Broken-Symmetry Spin States  E spin-H   E DFT 1. Model Hamiltonian: Parameters 2. DFT calculations  Qualitative prediction?

3 Spin orientation  spin-orbit coupling (SOC) Large SOC Topological insulators Rashba-Dresselhaus effects Valleytronics Spin-textured bands J eff =1/2 states Coupling between spin and orbital moments weak  L-S coupling strong  j-j coupling

4 Magnetic insulator of 5d oxides  Strong SOC + weak correlation PRB 75, 052407 (2007) Ba 2 NaOsO 6 : Os 7+ (5d 1, S = 1/2)  CW  -10 K FM below T C  7 K PRB 84, 144416 (2011) DFT+U DFT+SOC DFT+U+SOC Os 7+ (5d 1, S = 1/2) in Ba 2 NaOsO 6 No preferred spin orientation

5 Sr 2 IrO 4 : low-spin Ir 4+ (5d 5, S = 1/2)  (t 2g ) 5 Corner-sharing IrO 6  IrO 4 layer, Axially-elongated IrO 6 Magnetic insulator Strong SOC + weak correlation  split of J eff =1/2 PRL 101, 076402 (2008) Science 323, 1329 (2009) Excitation different orbital states

6 PRB 87, 140406(R) (2013) Low-spin Ir 4+ (5d 5, S = 1/2) ion in Sr 2 IrO 4 Weakly anisotropic, preferred spin orientation:  Ir-O ax ESR study of Sr 2 IrO 4 Isotropic Heisenberg interactions between Ir 4+ spins PRB 89, 180401(R) (2014)

7 Ni Ir c Sr 3 NiIrO 6 : low-spin Ir 4+ (5d 5, S = 1/2), high-spin Ni 2+ (3d 8, S = 1) Strongly anisotropic M-H hysteresis  FM? Ferrimagnetic? PRB 89, 180401(R) (2014) PRL, under review  1/3  B /FU 

8 Ni 2+ and Ir 4+ spins both ||c nn AFM  Ferrimagnetic PRB 90, 014408 (2014) arXiv:1501.05735 [cond-mat.str-el]arXiv:1501.05735 Partially disordered AFM (PDA)  1/3  B /FU Low-spin Ir 4+ (5d 5, S = 1/2) in Sr 3 NiIrO 6 Strongly anisotropic

9 Weak single-ion isotropy: SOC from a trace orbital moment (x, y, z) for orbital, (x’, y’, z’) for spin Most important, between the HO and the LU states Dalton Trans. 42, 823 (2013)  = 0  : easy-axis anisotropy  = 90  : easy-plane anisotropy J. Comput. Chem. 29, 2187 (2008)

10 Spin-polarized d-states Selection rules for SOC 3z 2 -r 2 xy, x 2 -y 2 xz, yz |  L z |=2 |  L z |=1 |  L z |=0

11 High-spin Mn 3+ in TbMnO 3 & Ag 2 MnO 2 Axially-elongated MnO 6 octahedron (xy  ) 1 < (z 2  ) 1 < (x 2 -y 2  ) 0 ||z, easy-axis anisotropy PRL 101, 037209 (2008) PRB 81, 094421 (2010)

12 Concluding remarks The preferred spin orientations of magnetic ions, predicted by uniaxial magnetism, or weak single-ion anisotropy.

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