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Oregon State Board of Education March 7, 2013 1.  Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager, Test Design Office of Assessment and Information Services, Oregon Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon State Board of Education March 7, 2013 1.  Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager, Test Design Office of Assessment and Information Services, Oregon Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon State Board of Education March 7, 2013 1

2  Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager, Test Design Office of Assessment and Information Services, Oregon Department of Education  Susan Inman*, Director, College and Career Readiness System, Education Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) *temporarily assisting ODE on critical ELL projects 2

3 Articulate why the ELD standards will be revised to align to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Provide overview of supporting packet for work on Next Generation ELD standards development Update on ELP/D standards revision timeline Highlight next steps in context of CCSS implementation 3

4 Oregon adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in October of 2010. Common Core standards have been developed and aligned in several subject areas including English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Work on other subject area, including Next Generation Science (NGSS) and ELD, is currently underway. 4

5 Oregon applied (and was approved) for a waiver from current Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requirements requiring correspondence of ELD standards to CCSS. Oregon received an Enhanced Assessment Grant (EAG) for developing an updated English Language Proficiency Assessment known as ELPA21. The consortium is committed to assess ELD standards corresponding with the CCSS. 5

6 Principle 1: College- and Career-Ready Expectations for All Students  1.A Adopt college-and career-ready standards (pg. 27)  1.B Transition to college- and career-ready standards (pg. 28)  1.C Develop and administer annual, statewide, aligned, high-quality assessments that measure student growth (pg. 47) 6

7 By submitting this application, the SEA assures that:.. 2. It will adopt English language proficiency (ELP) standards that correspond to the State’s college- and career-ready standards, consistent with the requirement in ESEA section 3113(b)(2), and that reflect the academic language skills necessary to access and meet the new college- and career-ready standards, no later than the 2013– 2014 school year. (Principle 1) 7

8 8 1. Based on theory, research, and best practice 2. Understandable, usable, and easily transferrable to classroom curriculum and instruction for ELD 3. Meaningful and coherent 4. Include an appropriate level of specificity/granularity and examples 5. Rigorous 6. Concise and measurable 7. Reflect horizontal and vertical alignment

9  Call attention to meaning and interaction and building knowledge of linguistic features and structure of English as interconnected and complementary  Teachers focus on meaningful and engaging activities to build content knowledge before delving into specifics about how language is structured… ◦ ELD Standards are organized to focus on meaning and interaction first, then knowledge about language and how it works ◦ Literacy foundational skills section is provided separately to highlight potential need for teachers to help EL students develop these when appropriate. (Christie, 2012; Derewianka, 2011; Gibbons, 2009; Hyland, 2004; Schleppegrell, 2004, 2009; Francis, Rivera, Lesaux, Kieffer, & Rivera, 2006; Short & Fitzsimmons, 2007 ) 9

10 From:To:  Language development focused on accuracy and grammatical correctness  Instruction that treats reading, writing, listening, and speaking as isolated and separate skills  Language development focused on interaction, collaboration, comprehension.  Instruction that artfully integrates reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language 10

11 From:To: CONCEPTUALIZATION:  Use of activities that pre-teach content or simply “help students get through texts”  Isolated, discrete, structural features of language  Traditional grammar as a starting point to access texts  Literacy foundational skills as one-size-fits-all, neglecting linguistic resources UNDERSTANDING:  Activities that scaffold students’ development and autonomy as part of learning and development  Exploration of how language is purposeful and patterned to do its particular rhetorical work  Multimodal grammar addressed within a context of texts and academic tasks  Literacy foundational skills targeting varying profiles of ELs, tapping linguistic resources 11


13 ODE Reporting to SBEField Engagement  Collaboration with Understanding Language, West Ed, CCSSO  Draft ELD Standards Corresponding with ELA  Draft ELD Standards Corresponding with Math CCSS  Adoption  Phase 1: Workgroup  Phase 2: Focus Group with Communications Network ◦ Dissemination with Survey for Feedback and Comments  Phase 3: Professional Development and Implementation 13

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