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16 th – 19 th April 2012 Spring 2012 Meeting Agenda Darmstadt, Germany SOIS Application Support Services WG.

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Presentation on theme: "16 th – 19 th April 2012 Spring 2012 Meeting Agenda Darmstadt, Germany SOIS Application Support Services WG."— Presentation transcript:

1 16 th – 19 th April 2012 Spring 2012 Meeting Agenda Darmstadt, Germany SOIS Application Support Services WG

2 2 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda Agenda Monday 16 th April SOIS Opening Plenary (Chris Taylor) SOIS APP WG Opening Plenary (Stuart Fowell) SOIS Green Book Issue 2 Completion (Stuart Fowell) Tuesday 17 th April Altimeter Presentation – Guillermo Ortega SOIS Green Book Issue 2 Completion (cont.) (Stuart Fowell) Generic Functional Interfaces (Fabio van Hattem) Common Dictionary of Terms (Ray Krosley) Wednesday 18 th April MOIMS/SOIS Joint Meeting on EDS/XTCE (Ray Krosley/Jonathan Wilmot) Message Transfer Service Magenta Book Publishing – CESG RIDs & Dispositions (Stuart Fowell) Device Data Pooling Service Magenta Book Publishing – CESG RIDs & Dispositions (Stuart Fowell) Electronic Data Sheet Schema (Felice Torelli) Thursday 19 th April SOIS Plug-and-Play Work Plan Revision (Stuart Fowell) SOIS Green Book Issue 2 Completion (cont.) (Stuart Fowell) Device Enumeration Service Red Book Completion -> 1 st Agency Review (Felice Torelli) Device Virtualisation Service Red Book Completion -> 1 st Agency Review (Ray Krosley) SOIS Closing Plenary (Chris Taylor) Friday 20 th April CESG Meeting (Chris Taylor)

3 3 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda SOIS Opening Plenary Meeting Objectives Current State of Books SOIS Green Book Subnetwork Services Application Support Services Project Reports

4 4 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda SOIS Meeting Objectives SOIS SOIS Green Book – Complete Issue 2 for publication SOIS APP WG Tranche 1 Message Transfer Service – Disposition RIDs from CESG review of Draft Magenta Book Device Data Pooling Service – Disposition RIDs from CESG review of Draft Magenta Book Device Access Service – Submit Red Book to CCSDS Secretariat for conversion to draft Magenta Book Tranche 2: Plug-and-Play Device Virtualisation Service – Agree Red Book ready for 1 st Agency Review Device Enumeration Service – Complete Red Book ready for 1 st Agency Review Electronic Data Sheet Schema Red Book – First Steps Common Dictionary of Terms Red Book – First Steps Generic Functional Interfaces – First Steps SOIS/MOIMS Cross-Area Meeting Explore overlap between XTCE and EDS interactions

5 5 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda Current State of Books – SOIS Area SOIS Green Book Published as CCSDS 850.0-G-1 June 2007 Issue 2 – Two objectives: 1.Reflect reality of Tranche 1 services 2.State objectives and overview of Plug-and-Play Architecture & EDS Draft of Issue 2 reviewed & reorganised Outstanding actions: Jonathan Wilmott to complete updates of EDS section Stuart Fowell to complete general tidy up Final read through? Send to CCSDS Secretariat for starting procedure for publication CESG review required again?

6 6 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda Current State of Books – Subnetwork Layer Packet Service Published as CCSDS 851.0-M-1 December 2009 Memory Access Service Published as CCSDS 852.0-M-1 December 2009 Synchronisation Service Published as CCSDS 853.0-M-1 December 2009 Device Discovery Service Published as CCSDS 854.0-M-1 December 2009 Test Service Published as CCSDS 855.0-M-1 December 2009

7 7 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda Current State of Books – Application Support Layer Tranche 1 Time Access Service Published as CCSDS 872.0-M-1 January 2011 File and Packet Store Services CCSDS 87x.0-M-1 in process of being published following completion of CESG Poll to Publish Message Transfer Service RIDs raised by CESG Poll to Publish Device Data Pooling Service RIDs raised by CESG Poll to Publish Device Access Service Aligned with Device Virtualisation? Yes Send to Secretariat for conversion to Magenta Book

8 8 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda Current State of Books – Application Support Layer Tranche 2 Device Virtualisation Service – Red Book Issue 0.2 (Ray) Aligned with Device Virtualisation? Ray says “terminology not quite aligned with DES & Green Book” So: Update Red Book 0.2 Send to Secretariat for conversion to Red Book 1.0 and put out for 1 st Agency Review? Device Enumeration Service – Red Book Issue 0.2 (Felice) Ongoing updates to Red Book 0.2 Query service primitives and parameters Section 2? So: Complete Updated & send to Secretariat for conversion to Red Book 1.0 and put out for 1 st Agency Review? Electronic Data Sheet Schema – No Red Book yet TBD: Table of contents, functions, baseline technologies Common Dictionary of Terms – No Red Book yet TBD: Table of contents, contents! Generic Functional Interfaces – No Red Book(s) yet TBD: Identify 1 st targeted device classes`

9 9 SOIS APP WG Spring 2012 Agenda Project Reports ESA SAVOIR & Related Projects SOIS Proof of Concept Adoption of Electronic Data Sheets and Device Virtualisation for Onboard Devices NASA Common Avionics SciSys Indie Rover File System Any others?

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