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Potential Data Mining Techniques for Flow Cyt Data Analysis Li Xiong.

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Presentation on theme: "Potential Data Mining Techniques for Flow Cyt Data Analysis Li Xiong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential Data Mining Techniques for Flow Cyt Data Analysis Li Xiong

2 Data Mining Functionalities Association analysis Classification and prediction Cluster analysis Evolution analysis

3 Flow Cyt Data Sample over time points Flow cyt data at each time point  cell – marker intensity matrix

4 Data Preprocessing Data cleaning  Reduce noise and handle missing values Data transformation  Discretization: discretize marker values into ranges (gates?)  Normalization Marker based Cell based Sample based

5 Potential Analysis Marker-based clustering  Cluster markers based on their expression patterns Cell-based clustering  Cluster cells based on their expression patterns Marker-based frequent itemsets analysis  Find frequent co-elevated marker groups Sample-based clustering  Cluster samples based on their flow-cyt data Sample-based classification  Classify patient based on their flow-cyt data and other clinical data into pre-defined classes Sample-based time series analysis  Analyze how the flow cyt data evolves

6 Marker-Based Clustering Plot each marker as a point in N-dimensional space (N = #of cells) Define a distance metric between every two marker points in the N-dimensional space  Euclidean distance  Pearson correlation Markers with a small distance share the same expression characteristics -> functionally related or similar? Clustering -> functionally related markers?

7 Cell Based Clustering Plot each cell as a point in N-dimensional space (N=# of markers) Define a distance metric between every two cell points in the N-dimensional space Cells with a small distance share the same expression characteristics -> functionally related or similar? Clustering -> functionally related cells? Help with gating? (N-dimensional vs. 2-dimensional)

8 Clustering Techniques Partition-based: Partition data into a set of disjoint clusters Hierarchical: Organize elements into a tree (dendrogram), representing a hierarchical series of nested clusters  Agglomerative: Start with every element in its own cluster, and iteratively join clusters together  Divisive: Start with one cluster and iteratively divide it into smaller clusters Graph-theoretical: Present data in proximity graph and solve graph-theoretical problems such as finding minimum cut or maximal cliques Others

9 Partitioning Methods: K-Means Clustering Input: A set, V, consisting of n points and a parameter k Output: A set X consisting of k points (cluster centers) that minimizes the squared error distortion d(V,X) over all possible choices of X Given a data point v and a set of points X, define the distance from v to X, d(v, X), as the (Eucledian) distance from v to the closest point from X. Given a set of n data points V={v 1 …v n } and a set of k points X, define the Squared Error Distortion d(V,X) = ∑d(v i, X) 2 / n 1 < i < n

10 K-Means Clustering: Lloyd Algorithm Lloyd Algorithm 1. Arbitrarily assign the k cluster centers 2. while the cluster centers keep changing 3. Assign each data point to the cluster C i corresponding to the closest cluster center (1 ≤ i ≤ k) 4. Update cluster centers according to the center of gravity of each cluster, that is, ∑v \ |C| for all v in C for every cluster C *This may lead to merely a locally optimal clustering.

11 Some Discussion on k-means Clustering May leads to a merely locally optimal clustering Works well when the clusters are compact clouds that are rather well separated from one another. Not suitable for clusters with nonconvex shapes or clusters of very different size. Sensitive to noise and outlier data points Necessity for users to specify k

12 Hierarchical Clustering

13 Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Hierarchical Clustering (d, n) Form n clusters each with one element Construct a graph T by assigning one vertex to each cluster while there is more than one cluster Find the two closest clusters C 1 and C 2 Merge C 1 and C 2 into new cluster C with |C 1 | +|C 2 | elements Compute distance from C to all other clusters Add a new vertex C to T and connect to vertices C 1 and C 2 Remove rows and columns of d corresponding to C 1 and C 2 Add a row and column to d corrsponding to the new cluster C return T The algorithm takes a n x n distance matrix d of pairwise distances between points as an input. Different ways to define distances between clusters may lead to different clusters

14 Graph Theoretical Methods: Clique Graphs Turn the distance matrix into a distance graph  Cells are represented as vertices in the graph  Choose a distance threshold θ  If the distance between two vertices is below θ, draw an edge between them Transform the distance graph into clique graph by adding or removing edges The resulting graph may contain cliques that represent clusters of closely located data points!

15 Marker Association Analysis Convert intensity values to present or absent The cell-marker intensity matrix can be transformed to cell – list of present markers data Mine for frequent marker sets that are co-present in cells Potential association analysis for different gates (vs. present or absent) B, E, F4 B, C, D, E, F5 A, D, E3 A, C, D2 A, B, D1 Present MarkersCell-id

16 Frequent Pattern Mining Methods Three major approaches  Apriori (Agrawal & Srikant@VLDB’94)  Freq. pattern growth (FPgrowth—Han, Pei & Yin @SIGMOD’00)  Vertical data format approach (Charm—Zaki & Hsiao @SDM’02)

17 Sample Based Classification Predict target attributes for patients based on a set of features: e.g. is the patient healthy? Will the patient reject the transplant? … yes 5 no 4 3 yes 2 1 Class1…Feature 2Feature 1Patient

18 18 Classification: Model Construction Training Data (w/ Label) Classification Algorithms Classifier (Model) New Data (w/o Label) Labels

19 Feature Generation Potential features  Marker data  Microarray data  Clinical data

20 Marker Data Features Cell distribution for each marker  Histograms: % of cells for each range/gate (corresponds to what users are currently plotting for pair-wise markers)  Min, max, average, variance of the intensity levels  Distribution curves: % of cells for each intensity value

21 Cell Distribution for Individual Marker (CD 62L)

22 Question Is the cell distribution enough to represent the flow cyt data? In other words, can we say two samples are similar or the same if they have the same cell distribution for each marker?

23 Cross-Marker Distribution Pair-wise cell distribution? Can we use any results form the marker based clustering, cell based clustering, and the marker based association analysis? Others?

24 Feature Selection and Feature Extraction Problem: curse of dimensionality  Limited data samples  Large set of features Techniques: dimension reduction  Feature selection  Feature extraction

25 Feature Selection Select a subset of features from feature space Theoretically - an optimal feature selection requires exhaustive search of all possible subsets of features Practically - satisfactory set of features Approaches  Relevance analysis: remove redundant features based on correlation or mutual information (dependencies) among features  Greedy hill climbing: select an approximate “best” set of features using correlation and mutual information between features and class attributes

26 Feature Extraction Map high dimensional feature space to low dimensional feature space Approaches  Principle Component Analysis: linear transformation that maps projection of the data with greatest variance to the first coordinate (the first principal component), and so on.

27 Classification Methods Decision tree induction Bayesian classification Neural network Support Vector Machines (SVM) Instance based methods

28 age? overcast IFM 1?IFM 2? ++ -- ++ <=30 >40 no yes 30..40 Decision Tree

29 Decision Tree - Comments Relatively faster learning speed (than other classification methods) Convertible to simple and easy to understand classification rules (e.g. if age<30 and IFM1 ++ then healthy) Can use SQL queries for accessing databases Comparable classification accuracy with other methods

30 Probabilistic Learning (Bayesian Classification) Calculate explicit probabilities for hypothesis Characteristics  Incremental  Standard  Computationally intractable Naïve Bayesian Classifier  Conditional independency of attributes

31 Naïve Bayesian Classifier - Comments Advantages  Easy to implement  Good results obtained in most of the cases Disadvantages  Assumption: conditional independence  Practically, dependencies exist among variables and cannot be modeled by Naïve Bayesian Classifier

32 32 Discriminative Analysis Learning a function of its inputs to base its decision on x x x x x x x x x x o o o o o o o o oo o o o

33 Neural Network Output nodes Input nodes Hidden nodes Output vector Input vector: x i w ij

34 SVM Support Vectors Small Margin Large Margin

35 35 Discriminative Classifiers vs. Bayesian Classifiers Advantages  prediction accuracy is generally high  robust, works when training examples contain errors  fast evaluation of the learned target function Criticism  long training time  difficult to understand the learned function (weights)  not easy to incorporate domain knowledge

36 October 26, 2005 36 Instance-Based Methods Instance-based learning:  Store training examples and delay the processing (“lazy evaluation”) until a new instance must be classified Typical approaches  k-nearest neighbor approach Instances represented as points in a Euclidean space.  Locally weighted regression Constructs local approximation  Case-based reasoning Uses symbolic representations and knowledge-based inference

37 Popular Implementations General  Weka: an open source toolkit written in Java with implementations of many basic algorithms of classification, clustering, association analysis, can be accessed through GUI interface or Java API Specialized ones  SVM-light: simple implementation of SVM in C KDNuggets: a good directory of data mining software (commercial as well as open source) 

38 Summary Potential adaptation and evaluation of a set of data mining techniques for flow cyt data analysis Domain knowledge is important for each of the steps

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