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Natural Cash: An Investigation of Energy Efficiency Presented by Nolan Jones, Tommy Horne and Lin Lau.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Cash: An Investigation of Energy Efficiency Presented by Nolan Jones, Tommy Horne and Lin Lau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Cash: An Investigation of Energy Efficiency Presented by Nolan Jones, Tommy Horne and Lin Lau

2 Problem  Electricity:  Costs money.  Current methods are harmful to environment.  Purpose of our study:  Investigate alternate energy resource.  Save money.  Reduce carbon emissions.

3 Procedure First, determine building to analyze. School, house, store, etc. Find out how much is spent on energy, or how much is used, if not already known. Research savings with desired energy saving mechanism, e.g. solar panels. Analyze data, conclude.

4 Green EnergyGreen Energy  The three most common forms of natural energy are solar, from the sun; wind; and hydro, from moving water.  They all come with some drawbacks, and advantages.  Hydro: Must be near a moving body of water.  Solar: Must have direct sunlight.  Wind: Must have open air.  The main focus with all three natural energies is that they all provide free, clean energy.

5 Marcus Welcome CenterMarcus Welcome Center Open on May 2005. Center provides enrollment information to possible students, and serves as a meeting place. Admission of scholarship and enrollment. Only building on campus with its own centralize system of energy. Building of analysis.

6 Marcus Welcome Center InformationMarcus Welcome Center Information Building SizeEnergy usageUtility bill/month 29,320 Sq. ft.47, 536 Kwh total: 290 million Btu’s Electricity: $2,993 Btu: British Thermal Units—Energy needed to raise one lb. of water 1 degree.

7 The Average Office BuildingThe Average Office Building  79.8 kBtu per square foot.  $1.65 per/sq. foot.  66% electricity/ 34% gas  15.5 kWh per/sq. ft.—electricity  0.27 therms per/sq. ft.—gas  15.5 kWh=53 kBtu—0.27 therms=26.8 kBtu  79.8 kBtu= 79800 Btu

8 MCW ObservationsMCW Observations High Energy Medium energy Low Energy QuestionsAnswers How are the computers controlled? Controlled by users, but always turn off for security purposes How are lights controlled?Controlled by motion sensor or infrared detectors, so they shut down completely without occupants in the room. Larger common areas are controlled by timers, except for some lobby light that are kept on for security purposes How are AC/heat controlled?Building heating/cooling systems are controlled by central energy management system, which has night setback temperatures for energy conservation  The Marcus Welcome Center also recycles office paper, magazines, newspaper, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles.

9 Solar PanelsSolar Panels  Solar panels work by converting the energy from the sun into the electricity we use to power our houses.  The sun’s rays “agitate” the photovoltaic cells.  Energy is transferred and converted.  Some will store in battery.  Some systems will put excess power back in grid, and power meter will reverse: lower bill!

10 Solar “Tiles”Solar “Tiles”  Solar tiles work in much the same way.  Advantages:  Less space.  More efficient.  Replace shingles.  Lighter.  Long lasting—up to forty years.  Disadvantages of solar in general:  Fragile- work in progress.  No sun—no power.  Dirty—poor reception.  Roof—if sun is on other side, you get less power.

11 Wind TurbinesWind Turbines  Wind Turbines have angled blades that spin in wind.  Kinetic energy is transferred to converter.  Most wind turbines lose about 5% in conversion—very efficient.  Advantages:  Slow down in high speed wind.  Supply direct energy when battery is full.  Can also put excess directly into power grid, reducing power bill.  Many safety features.  Disadvantage: Moving parts—high maintenance.

12 Solar Panel PricesSolar Panel Prices

13 Wind Turbine PricesWind Turbine Prices More power means higher cost, but it’s worth it.

14 Analysis  Cost to take MWC off power grid: $3,134,365.63.  Government tax reliefs:  30% yearly tax deduction.  100% property tax reduction.  Post Incentive (after tax taken out):  $2,180,104.59  Cut in half to half savings.  Payback rate always same: 31.41 years.  Information based on nine dollars per kilowatt.  Carbon Emissions:  Currently produce 902,881 pounds of carbon dioxide.  Equivalent to driving 1,000,501 miles.  To offset would require:2,257 trees.  Formulas and information found on

15 Conclusion  To conclude, the Marcus Welcome Center is already very efficient, and the cost to install solar panels or wind turbines is not economically viable, because by the time the costs are paid off, new, more efficient and cheaper equipment would already be on the market.

16 Thank You!Thank You!  Mrs. Morgan  Mrs. Scott  Mrs. Miller  Mr. Smith  Mrs. Fuerer  Mr. Pettis  Mrs. Johnson  Google

17 Bibliography      applications/ applications/   moon/ moon/


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