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Smartcool Systems Inc. Providing effective and reliable energy efficiency solutions for HVAC-R customers around the globe.

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Presentation on theme: "Smartcool Systems Inc. Providing effective and reliable energy efficiency solutions for HVAC-R customers around the globe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smartcool Systems Inc. Providing effective and reliable energy efficiency solutions for HVAC-R customers around the globe.

2 What Does Smartcool Do? Smartcool reduces the electricity usage (kWh) and demand (kW) of air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump systems by improving the energy efficiency of their compressors. Smartcool delivers cutting edge energy efficiency and cost reduction solutions for customers around the world The ECO3, a modular retrofit technology, can be applied in air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pumps systems Average payback period for customers is 18 to 36 months.

3 ECO3 Features Reduces compressor run times Usage (kWh) savings averaging 15% Interfaces with existing controls No risk to current equipment or effect on manufacturer warranty Maintains temperature performance Optimizes efficiency of the cooling & heating cycles on compressor driven heat pump units Two models: Single Channel, for use with a single compressor Dual Channel, use with two compressors cooling same controlled space

4 No risk technology: Temperature performance is unaffected Equipment warranties are unaffected Will always fail to safe and can be manually bypassed at any time Does not allow over-cycling of compressors Rapid installation by trained technicians means minimal system downtime. Technology verified and proven to work by independent third party testing and over 30,000 installations worldwide. Easily verifiable energy savings provide peace of mind and the ability to qualify for government or utility rebates and other financial incentives. Smartcool’s patented compressor optimization algorithm is used by the ECO3 to reduce the run time of compressors by 15% to 40%. This reduces kWh usage by an average of 15% and kW demand by an average of 10%. Overview of the ECO3

5 So… how does it work?

6 Chart illustrates the percentage of energy used per drop in temperature degree. The last degree of pull down uses 28% of the total energy for the cycle Background Theory Unfortunately, this increases the mid point temperature from 7.5°C to 8°C.

7 Technology Overview Compressor optimization dynamically adjusts the length of each operating cycle in order to have the compressor run more often at a higher suction pressure where it is most energy efficient. Smartcool achieves greater energy efficiency for the compressor without allowing the compressor to short cycle and without affecting the controlled space temperature.

8 Compressor Optimization Designed to work with the existing HVAC equipment, along with the current control methodology, to reduce energy consumption When a call for cooling comes from the existing controller, the advanced control module takes over to determine when, and for how long, each compressor or unloader will run This advanced control technology enables the compressor to maximize the rate of heat removal by optimizing the natural physical properties of the compressor operating cycle This solution is used by thousands of packaged air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump systems around the globe.

9 Save Energy and Save Money International energy consumption is projected to increase by 50% by the year 2030 Energy costs and green house emissions will continue to rise, resulting in significant environmental and financial impacts Energy efficiency can curb these increases and produce environmental and financial benefits Smartcool’s average return on investment is 18- 36 months

10 Florida Family Home Electrical Usage

11 Power Bill Math… How much is your Power Bill? What will it be in 10 Years? Estimate your SAVINGS. How much is that in 10 Years?

12 What it means for you… One Smartcool can save 500-1500 kWh per month! On average, this is equivalent to: Reducing 9 tons of CO 2 from the atmosphere Planting 45 Trees Reducing an SUV’s mileage by 950 miles per month

13 Who Uses The Energy Saving Module?

14 Thank you for choosing Smartcool

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