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University tradition in Trnava Trnava, 17.1.2013 PhDr.Eva Kowalská,DrSc. Historický ústav SAV.

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Presentation on theme: "University tradition in Trnava Trnava, 17.1.2013 PhDr.Eva Kowalská,DrSc. Historický ústav SAV."— Presentation transcript:

1 University tradition in Trnava Trnava, 17.1.2013 PhDr.Eva Kowalská,DrSc. Historický ústav SAV

2 University tradition in Hungarian Kingdom until 1635  Pécs, 1367-1464  Posonium/Bratislava, Universitas Istropolitana, 1465/67-1491 Johannes Pannonius, 1459 Bishop of Pécs Matthias Corvinus, Rex Hungariae Ludovicus I Magnus, Rex Hungariae

3 Mixture of reasons: Universities in Vienna, Prague, Cracow (hundreds of students from Hungary) Political situation in the region of Central Europe – Ottomans since middle of 15th C.! 1526 – catastrophe (battle) at Mohács Reformation Waves of civil war in Hungary Why is there a gap in the university tradition on Slovak territory? Seal od Charles University in Prague Seal of Vienna University Sign of Jagellonian University in Cracow

4 Consolidation of education in Hungary (17th C.)  Lutherans – absence of university until 1667 (Prešov, Collegium Statuum evangelicorum superioris Hungariae – not a reall university, closed 1671)  Catholics – reconstruction of the educational system (Jesuits – Re- Catholicization through schooling)  Péter Pázmány, SJ – Archbishop of Esztergom/Ostrihom Concept of educational reform: 1st step - Pázmáneum in Vienna, 2nd - Collegium Germanicum Hungaricum in Rome, 3rd - University in Trnava 4.10.1570- 19.3.1637 P. Pázmány, coat of arms The tomb of Pázmány, St Martins Cathedral Bratislava

5 Universitas Tyrnaviensis and the milestones of its history I  12.5.1635 – University charter, Archiepiscopalis universitas 13.11.1635 – opening ceremony of the University (St Nicholas Basilica), 1st rector Georgius Dobronoki Tenella universitatula = decent university: Faculty of letters (philosophy) + Faculty of theology only  2./16.1.1667 – Georgius Szelepcheny, Faculty of law (also domestic - Hungarian law!) Faculty of Theology and Philospohy St Nicholas Basilica

6 Universitas Tyrnaviensis and the milestones of its history II 7.11.1769 – Faculty of Medicine = > COMPLETE UNIVERSITY  16.7.1769 – Royal University - under the state control: new departments (Kammeralwissenschaften),new textbooks, new subjects (natural law!), unification of the education within the whole monarchy  1773 – abolition of Jesuit order  1777 – Ratio educationis, translation of the university to Buda/Ofen Ratio educationis, 1777

7 Infrastructure of the university St John the Baptist Cathedral Printing house 1648 (cca 5000 titels= cca 5 mil items) Library (15 000 items in 1777) and archive Theatre Observatory founded by Maximilian Hell (NOT a professor!) Botanical garden Apotheca Dormitories, convicts, seminaries Large estates Manufactories (1709 paper, type foundry)

8 Professors, Students Scientific niveau of the professors: law, history, mathematics and astronomy, medicine, philosophy... Students (problem with relevant sources): Number ? – absence of evidence from various years Nationality ? – diversity, nationality not clearly defined Social status ? – majority of nobles and burghers Student´s life: Everyday life City vs. University (1726!) Poetic apotheosis of the University (1701) Apotheosis of the University, 18th C. Georgius Pray István Katona

9 Student statistics Hungarian counties with the highest number of students at the Trnava University Number of students (all together 4315 with the titel – Bc, Mag, Dr) County 1635–1711 1712–1777 1635–1777  Nitra 336 378 = 714  Bratislava 252 300 = 552  Trenčín 140 219 = 359  Tekov 77 117 = 194  Vas 53 95 = 148  Sopron 51 96 = 147  Heves 52 50 = 102 Social status: evidence available for 56 per cent of all students, of them aristocrats: 3,7 per cent nobels: 81,0 per cent rest: burghers, serfs Source: NOVÁKOVÁ, Veronika: Vzdelávanie šľachty Bratislavskej stolice na domácich a zahraničných univerzitách, vysokých školách a vyšších vzdelávacích inštitúciách od 16.storočia do roku 1848. In M.Kovačka, E.Augustínová, M.Mačuha, Zemianstvo na Slovensku v novoveku II, Martin 2010, p. 66.

10 Higher education in Trnava after 1777 Royal academy („semi-university“) 1777-1784, then moved to Bratislava * * * 1959/60 The Insitute of Pedagogy, transformed 1.9.1964 into Faculty of Pedagogy of Comenius University 1.1.1986 The Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Slovak University of Technology => 1991 Faculty of Material Science and Technology of Slovak University of Technology 1992 The Trnava University 1997 The University of Ss Cyrill and Methodius

11 University tradition in Trnava Thanks a lot for your attention ! (and invitation, Mr Ing. Milan Petráš, PhD. ) Tip for reading (in Slovak, however) :

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