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On Pseudorandom Generators with Linear Stretch in NC 0 Benny Applebaum Yuval Ishai Eyal Kushilevitz Technion Foundations of secure multi-party computation.

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Presentation on theme: "On Pseudorandom Generators with Linear Stretch in NC 0 Benny Applebaum Yuval Ishai Eyal Kushilevitz Technion Foundations of secure multi-party computation."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Pseudorandom Generators with Linear Stretch in NC 0 Benny Applebaum Yuval Ishai Eyal Kushilevitz Technion Foundations of secure multi-party computation and zero-knowledge and its applications

2 Pseudorandom Generator (PRG) Rand Src. G(Uin) Uout Poly-time machine Uin Pseudorandom or Random? stretch G

3 PRG - Parallelism vs. Stretch poly-time NC log-space NC 1 AC 0 NC 0 NC 0 ℓ ℓ super linear linear sub linear complexity stretch Motivation parallel implementation of crypto tasks (e.g., Stream Cipher, Naor Commitment)

4 Positive results –Super-Linear PRG from any PRG [Goldreich Micali 84] –Super-Linear PRG in NC 1 from factoring [Naor Reingold Rosen02, NR97] –Sub-Linear PRG in AC 0 from subset sum [Impagliazzo Naor 89] –Heuristic Super-Linear PRG in NC 0 5 [Mossel Shpilka Trevisan 03] –Sub-Linear PRG in NC 0 4 from any PRG in NC 1 [AIK 04] –Sub-Linear PRG in NC 0 3 from decoding random linear code [AIK] –Linear PRG in NC 0 4 from Linear PRG in NC 0 [AIK 04] Negative results –No PRGs in NC 0 2 [Goldreich00, Cryan Miltersen01] –No Super-Linear PRG in NC 0 3, NC 0 4 [CM01, MosselShpilkaTrevisan03] –Sub-Linear PRG Linear PRG [Viola 05] Previous Work PRG factoring subset sum/ rand linear code impossible  AC 0 BB NC 0 2 NC 0 3 NC 0 4 NC 0 AC 0 NC 1 P sub linear linear super linear Open

5 Algebraic assumption of [Alekhnovich 03]  LPRG in NC 0 LPRG in NC 0  Inapporximability of MAX 3SAT. Main Results Conclusion: Algebraic assumption of [Alekhnovich 03]  Inapporximability of MAX 3SAT. Already proven directly by [Alekhnovich 03] PRG NC 0 2 NC 0 3 NC 0 4 NC 0 AC 0 NC 1 P sub linear linear super linear Open

6 LPRG in NC 0  Inapproximability of MAX 3SAT Construction of LPRG in NC 0 - Take 1: Good stretch Bad locality - Take 2: Bad stretch Good locality - Regaining the stretch via  –biased generators - A uniform version of the construction Conclusions and open questions Talk Outline

7 Hardness of refuting random 3SAT  New inapproximability results [Feige 02] Hardness of determining number of satisfiable equations in a random linear system  Feige’s assumption + new results [Alekhnovich 03] Approx algorithm for MAX 2LIN  Upper bound the stretch of PRG in NC 0 4 [MosselShpilkaTrevisan03] Cryptography and Inapproximability Do not rely on standard crypto primitive

8 NC 0 Crypto and Inapproximability k-Constraint Satisfaction Problem –X 1 + X 3  X 5 =0 – X 2  X 3  X 4 =1... -X 2 + X 3 + X 4 =1 Q. how many of the constraints can be satisfied together? List of constraints over n variables x 1,…,x n Each constraint involves k variables Current work: If: Lin-Stretch PRG in NC 0 Then: Cannot distinguish –Satisfiable 3-CSP –  - unsatisfiable 3-CSP Corollary of PCP [ALMSS,AS 92] : If: P  NP Then: Cannot distinguish –Satisfiable 3-CSP –  - unsatisfiable 3-CSP

9 LPRG in NC 0  Inapproximability Thm. If G:{0,1} n  {0,1} s is a PRG in NC 0 k and s-n=  (n) Then,   s.t satisfiable k-CSP and  -unsat k-CSP are indistinguishable Proof: k-CSP distinguisher  distinguisher for PRG If y  R G(Un)   y is satisfiable (since  x s.t G(x)=y) If y  R Us  (w.h.p.)  y is  - unsat B y Ry R A yes no satisfiable  -unsat k-CSP G(Un) Us G 1 (x) =y 1 G 2 (x) =y 2..... G s (x) =y s yy

10 LPRG in NC 0  Inapproximability  Claim: If y  R Us  (w.h.p.)  y is  - unsat Proof: Assume  y is not  - unsat, then  x s.t  H (y,G(x))<  Hence, Pr[  y is not  - unsat ] = Pr[  H (y, Image(G))<  ]  (| Image(G)|  Vol(s,  s))/ 2 s  2 n+H(  )s – s = neg(n) G(x)  -sphere B y Ry R A yes no satisfiable ε-unsat k-CSP G(Un) Us G 1 (x) =y 1 G 2 (x) =y 2..... G s (x) =y s yy {0,1} s s=n+  (n)

11 LPRG in NC 0  Inapproximability Q: So what? A: It explains why it is hard to construct LPRGs in NC 0 We have an excuse… 

12 LPRG in NC 0  Inapproximability of MAX 3SAT Construction of LPRG in NC 0 - Take 1: Good stretch Bad locality - Take 2: Bad stretch Good locality - Regaining the stretch via  –biased generators - A uniform version of the construction Conclusions and open questions Talk Outline

13 Assumption 1 [Alekhnovich 03]: For any const. k, ℓ, 0<  <1 any family of kn  n ℓ-sparse matrices M n, if M n is expanding Then, C(M n,  )  c C(M n,  +1/kn) Lemma [Alek 03] : Assumption  C(M n,  ) is pseudorandom LPRG Construction – Take 1 M x e n m=kn fixed binary ℓ-sparse matrix random n-bit vector random error vector whose weight is  ·m Distribution C(M,  ) +  M x e m +  +1/m cc Distribution C(M,  +1/m) ℓ ones  n Pros: High (linear) Stretch input: n+mH(  ) bits, output: m bits M  x is samplable in NC 0 Con: How to sample the noise vector in NC 0 ? U Uniform Distribution

14 Assumption 2 :  const. k, ℓ, 0<  <1, family M n of kn  n ℓ-sparse matrices, if M n is expanding  D(M n,  )  c D(M n,  +1/kn) Assumption 1  Assumption 2 Lemma: Assumption 2  D(M n,  ) is pseudorandom LPRG Construction – Take 2 M x e n m=kn iid noise vector: each bit is 1 w/prob.   Distribution D(M,  ) +  M x e m +  +1/m cc Distribution D(M,  +1/m) n

15 Sampling D(M,  ) in NC 0 n m For  =1/2 t can smaple e in NC 0 t Problem: No expansion: mt+n inputs  m outputs Observation: y has large entropy even when e is given Sol: extract more random bits from y Need to extract - almost all bits of y - in NC 0 - using less than m extra bits Sol: use NC 0 ε-biased generator + t     y x e Mx D(M,  ) ℓ

16 Let [y|e] be the distribution of y given e. Lem. 1 (High Entropy) Except w/prob exp(-  (m/2 t )) H  ([y|e])  mt(1-2 -  (t) ) Proof: - e i =1  i-th block of y = 1 t - e i =0  i-th block of y  R {0,1} t \ {1 t } - e has k zeroes  [y|e] is uniform over set of size> (2 t -1) k - By Chernoff: Pr[# 1’s in e>2  m/2 t ] <exp(-  (m/2 t )) - Hence, w/prob 1-exp(-  (m/2 t )), # 0’s in e  m(1-1/2 t-1 )  [y|e] is uniform over a set of size  (2 t -1) y Regaining the stretch m t     e m(1-2 -t+1 )

17  -biased generators Rand Src. G(Uin) Uout Linear function Uin Pseudorandom or Random? stretch g  -bias generator [Naor Naor 90]:  Linear distinguisher L, |Pr[L(g(U s ))=1]-Pr[L(U s )=1]| 

18 Extraction via  -biased generators Lem 2. (Extraction) [Alon Roichman 94, Goldreich Wigderson 97] - Let g:{0,1} n  {0,1} s be  biased generator, - X s distributed over {0,1} s where s-H  (X s ) . - Then: SD( g(U n )  X s, U s )   2 (  -1)/2 Lem 3. (  biased in NC 0 ) [Mossel Shpilka Trevisan 02]  const. c,   biased gen g:{0,1} n  {0,1} cn w/bias  = 2 -n/poly(c) in NC 0 5.

19 3. r  U tm/c then (g(r)+[y|e]) is close to uniform up to   neg(m)+2 -mt/poly(c)+mt  neg(t) =neg(m) 1. Pr y [ H   ([y|e])  mt(1-neg(t)) ] > 1-neg(m) m t    y e g(r) + g mt/c r e Wrapping Up For proper consts t,c g(r)+y e e Uniform ss 2.  c, we have g:{0,1} mt/c  {0,1} mt w/bias 2 -mt/poly(c) in NC 0 5 [MST 03] [AlonRoichman94, GoldreichWigderson97]

20 m t    y e g(r) + g mt/c r e Wrapping Up g(r)+y e e Uniform ss

21 m t    y e g(r) + g mt/c r e Our Generator g(r)+y e e Uniform ss D( ,M) uniform n x x Mx + Let m=kn Input: n+tm+tm/c = n(1+ tk+ tk/c) Output: m + tm = n(k+tk) For const. k and good consts. c,t have linear stretch D( ,M) cc

22 LPRG in Uniform NC 0 Non-Uniform advices: 1.M n (family of unbalanced constant degree bipartite expanders) 2.  c, generator g:{0,1} n  {0,1} cn w/bias  = 2 -n/poly(c) in non-uniform NC 0 5. [MST03] Uniform implementation: 1.M n = explicit family of unbalanced constant degree bipartite expanders [Capalbo Reingold Vadhan Wigderson 02] 2.Prove a uniform version of MST:  c, generator g:{0,1} n  {0,1} cn w/bias  = 2 -n/polylog(c) in uniform NC 0 polylog(c). (Construction uses again [Capalbo Reingold Vadhan Wigderson 02] )

23 LPRG in NC 0  Inapproximability of MAX 3SAT Construction of LPRG in NC 0 - Take 1: Good stretch Bad locality - Take 2: Bad stretch Good locality - Regaining the stretch via  –biased generators - A uniform version of the construction Conclusions and open questions Talk Outline

24 Q: Can we compile a high stretch PRG in a “relatively high” complexity class (e.g., NC 1 ) into LPRG in NC 0 ? Open Questions PRG

25 Q: Can we compile a high stretch PRG in a “relatively high” complexity class (e.g., NC 1 ) into LPRG in NC 0 ? A: Maybe, but compiler must be “combinatorially interesting” Open Questions LPRG

26 Let G:{0,1} n  {0,1} s be an  -strong PRG Claim: any set T of outputs of size k<log(1/  ) touch at least k inputs Hence the graph is expanding. If G is not in NC 0  graph has non-const. degree  Trivial ! If G has small stretch  Trivial ! G in NC 0 and has linear stretch  non-trivial expansion By dispersers LBs [Radhakrishnan, Ta-Shma] : if  =2 -k then, locality   ( log(s/k) / log(n/k) ) Corollary: No 2 -  (n) PRGs w/super-linear stretch in NC 0 Proof: Otherwise, 0y  G(U n ) 2 -k >  y  U s The Necessity of Expansion n inputs s outputs … i.e., for any eff. A, adv A (G(U n ),U s )<  for some z  {0,1} k, Pr[y T =z]=

27 Open Questions PRG w/ super-linear stretch in NC 0 or even in AC 0 ? LPRG in NC 0 3 ? LPRG in NC 0 under standard assumptions? sub-linear PRG  NC LPRG ? - Easy: linear PRG  NC1 super-linear PRG More inapproximabilty from crypto - Not hard to extend results to other primitives… - Get inapprox results which are not followed from PCP - Use more standard assumptions PRG NC 0 2 NC 0 3 NC 0 4 NC 0 AC 0 NC 1 P sub linear linear super linear Open

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