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EPortfolio Reference Model Peter Rees Jones, ePortfolio Feasibility Study Angela Smallwood, University of Nottingham Sandra Kingston, University of Nottingham.

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Presentation on theme: "EPortfolio Reference Model Peter Rees Jones, ePortfolio Feasibility Study Angela Smallwood, University of Nottingham Sandra Kingston, University of Nottingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 ePortfolio Reference Model Peter Rees Jones, ePortfolio Feasibility Study Angela Smallwood, University of Nottingham Sandra Kingston, University of Nottingham

2 We produce ever longer lists of what ePortfolio is and the benefits it may bring But is ePortfolio feasible? Yes, if it can be reduced to simpler terms The eFramework has allows us to do this. Could we demonstrate feasibility by 2008? Yes, a tightly focused programme could demonstrate how JISCs investment can meet a key Govt objective and produce web services that are re-useable in other domains. ePortfolio Reference Model

3 This paper exemplifies how the service oriented approach of the eFramework helps reduce a complex problem to simpler terms, identifies how the work of the Reference Model Projects within the eFramework are interdependent. The services on the diagrams are processes supporting a learner which may (or may not) involve another person but will require one or more web services. The Reference Model has reviewed these chains of domain services, identifying gaps and priorities for the development of ePortfolio enabled web services, which specify the outlines of the interfaces required between ePortfolio and the domain services and has significant implications for specifications, standards and architectures for report to the June 2006 meeting of IMS; The key deliverable: - a set of profiles from which a lightweight specifications can then be built.

4 Age 19 Year 1 Univ. Enrols Applies Univ. PDP results Age 20 Year 2 Univ Age 17 College PDP Age 18 College Registers @ Univ. & enrols School Passport results College Passport University ePortfolio Lifelong ePortfolio Age 16 School Where the eP RM came from But how can we get inside the Black Box to identify repeating patterns?

5 Orientation of the eP RM Transitions between episodes of PDP Intersecting interests – lifewide as well as lifelong Stakeholder scenarios: calling for learning services + administrative and analytical services

6 Whats inside the black box? The eFramework breaks the PDP Black Box into discrete modules Suggesting where the ICT supporting PDP in one episode be adapted and re-used in another First in terms of the domain services a human actor experiences Then in terms of web services re-useable in different domain services Through this process Patterns become obvious and will be captured by the eP RM PDP

7 Pre & post HE practice centres on Individual Learning Plans Not covered in JISC work or IMS LIP The Social dimension is missing from this model Where is mobile / MSN chat? The model represents the space within which current practice happens The model should go beyond these requirements to produce a pattern permitting innovation ePortfolio RM: an abstract model of ILP

8 The distance travelled: from requirements to patterns We began by gathering requirements but patterns became indispensable:- Every pattern we define must be formulated in the form of a rule which establishes a relationship between a context, a system of forces which arises in that context, and a configuration, which allows these forces to resolve themselves in that context. The Timeless Way of Building (C. Alexander, 1979)

9 Web Services for Personal Development Each Web Service could be used in other domains The same orchestration could be used for PD in different contexts The lower the level of the attainment the the greater the granularity

10 Thin ePortfolio

11 Current eP systems are specialised VLEs But at most, VLEs have a 5 year future This model reduces costs & provides for easy entry to the market for vendors and open source developers It provides migration to an open Web 2.0 world for eP and the achievement of true personal learning space


13 Colleges need better feedback in order to improve the support they provide to applicants Universities also need analytic data to assess how effective recruitment is and adapt to students in order to enhance retention Govt needs the same data to assess the effectiveness of reformed admission processes. eFramework: Types of Service

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