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CIS 375—Web App Dev II XSL. 2 XSL Introduction XSL stands for _____________________________. XSL is the language used for manipulating and displaying.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 375—Web App Dev II XSL. 2 XSL Introduction XSL stands for _____________________________. XSL is the language used for manipulating and displaying."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 375—Web App Dev II XSL

2 2 XSL Introduction XSL stands for _____________________________. XSL is the language used for manipulating and displaying the contents of _____ documents. XSL is a W3C standard. XSL consists of three parts: XSLT (a language for transforming XML documents) XPath (a language for defining parts of an XML document) XSL Formatting Objects (a vocabulary for formatting XML documents)

3 3 XSL Languages A browser doesn’t understand the unique elements of an XML document. XSL-Transformation (XSLT) is a language for transforming XML documents into those understood by a browser, such as ________. XSLT can also rearrange and sort elements test and make decisions about which elements to display and a lot more XSLT transforms an XML _______ tree into an XML _______ tree using XPath.

4 4 XSL-Transformation IE 6 is fully compliant with W3C’s XSL Standard. The correct way to declare an XSL style sheet : An XML __________ (xmlns) is a way to guarantee the uniqueness of element and attribute names.xmlns You can also use the term “ ____________ ” instead of “ stylesheet ” above. To apply a style sheet start with the XML document create an XSL document link the XML document to the XSL document view the XML document in a browser

5 5 XSL Stylesheet (cdcatalog.xsl) My CD Collection Title Artist

6 6 Linking XML and XSL To link an XML document to an XSL stylesheet: Empire Burlesque Bob Dylan USA Columbia 10.90 1985...

7 7 The Element The stylesheet is an _____ document, hence The tag defines the start of the style sheet. The tag defines the start of a template. The match="/" attribute matches the template to the ______ of the XML source document. If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file, the XSL file, and the resultthe XML filethe XSL filethe result

8 8 The Element The element selects the value of an XML element for displaying. The value of the required select attribute contains an _______ expression. For example, if, then If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view the XML file and the XSL file, and the result.the XML filethe XSL filethe result

9 9 The Element The XSL element can be used to select every XML element of a specified ______ set. For example, if then you can write To ________ the output (also use !=, <, > operators). If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file, and the result.the XML filethe XSL filethe result

10 10 The Element The following code allows you to sort the output: If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file, and the result.the XML filethe XSL file the result

11 11 The Element A conditional if test: If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file, and the result.the XML filethe XSL filethe result

12 12 The Element For doing alternative processing, If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file, and the result.the XML filethe XSL filethe result

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