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Connecting Connexions: Organizing and Integrating Open Learning Content with Topic Maps Darina Dicheva Lars Johnsen.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Connexions: Organizing and Integrating Open Learning Content with Topic Maps Darina Dicheva Lars Johnsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Connexions: Organizing and Integrating Open Learning Content with Topic Maps Darina Dicheva Lars Johnsen

2 Goal Connexions: a repository of open educational resources sharing and reuse of learning modules under a Creative Commons license Modular design modules become “information islands” ways to organize and integrate modules’s content needed Goal: organize CNXs open content using Topic Maps improved navigation more extensive reuse

3 Connexions

4 Connexions (cont’d)




8 Connecting Connexions Content Our approach: Extract content and metadata from Connexions modules and map them onto topic maps that can be used as a skeleton for further processing, enrichment and merging of subject-oriented learning content Encode mappings as XSLT transformations Merge extracted topic maps related to a subject of interest

9 CNXML Learning modules published as “structured XHTML” contain mark-up reflecting their underlying XML structure and elements carrying a class attribute signal a certain underlying category, e.g. …. Each module is realized as two web pages, one containing the actual learning content and one conveying relevant metadata CNXML comprises tags to mark up text elements in modules: structural tags (section, paragraph, link and so on) semantic tags (example, definition, meaning, etc.) presentational tags (like emphasis) CNXML schema also incorporates elements to mark up different media types, internal/external links, common metadata categories (date, version, keywords, etc).

10 CNXs-TMs Mapping with XSLT Relatively easy, due to the consistent XHTML representation of the modules Involves decisions on what data elements to search for, what TM constructs to draw upon and what topic structures to build Distinguishes between “addressable” subjects, such as modules, sections or multimedia objects and “non-addressable” subjects, such as authors and topics represented by terms or keywords Topics are given subject identity (in TM terms): endowed with more specific identity markers such as subject identifiers (for non-addressable subjects) or subject locators (for addressable subjects)

11 TM4L Connexions Plugin

12 The result of a topic map extraction from the Connexions module “Guitars”

13 The merged topic maps


15 The merged topic map and its visualization

16 CNXs Plugin Implementation Implementation XSLT style sheets XSLT processor integrated in TM4L (Apache ‘s Xalan-Java Version 2.7.1) The XSLT processor is an important extension of the overall functionality of TM4L since it supports general XML transformations experienced TM4L authors can import or write their own XSLT transformations for topic map generation or for rendering a topic map in a certain way Work on constructing a web crawler capable of harvesting web pages linked to the page under transformation is currently underway

17 Thank you

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