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1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Compact model standardization – a GNU perspective Paolo Nenzi - CNR-INFM Wladek Grabinski.

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Presentation on theme: "1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Compact model standardization – a GNU perspective Paolo Nenzi - CNR-INFM Wladek Grabinski."— Presentation transcript:

1 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Compact model standardization – a GNU perspective Paolo Nenzi - CNR-INFM Wladek Grabinski - GMC

2 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Standard What a standard is ? a documented agreement containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose.

3 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Perspectives Actual: The standard is the compact model. Not all candidates for a given technology are standardized. GNU: The standard specifies the rules to develop compact models. The standard must be open. The compact model must be free.

4 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Consequences Actual perspective The models are standards. First class models (BSIM, PSP) and second class models. Long delays in model release in circuit simulators. Lack of models for new or less common devices. GNU perspective Models conform to an open standard. All models are equals. Faster development and acceptance. Development of model for frontier devices (MEMS, etc.)

5 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 An Open Standard The GNU compact model standard should be open (as defined by OSI): No intentional secrets. Availability (publicly available, royalty-free). Based on royalty free patents. No agreements (NDAs, etc.) to deploy conforming implementations. No dependencies on non open technology (according to this definitions)

6 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 A free model The compact models should give the 4 freedoms: The freedom to run the model, for any purpose. The freedom to study how the model works, and adapt it to your needs. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor. The freedom to improve the model, and release the improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

7 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Key points of the standard What should be standardized: How model equations are formulated. How model is coded. How model is implemented into simulators. A benchmarking procedure and the benchmarks required to validate the model. How to extract parameters and verify libraries.

8 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 A GNU Compact Model DevKit The open standard should lead to a free compact model development kit. The DevKit will be an integrated suite of tools that will interface with the parametric measurement instrumentation on one end and with circuit simulators on the other. The DevKit will integrate into IC-CAD flows to evaluate models on real circuits.

9 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 A GNU Compact Model DevKit The bottleneck today is the implementation of compact models into circuit simulators. CM-DevKit must allow for easily integration of the models into each simulator’s compiled model interface (compliant approach). CM-DevKit must be able to process measured data to generate parameters sets.

10 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit – key tools 1. A compact model capture tool (to generate a Verilog-A or VHDL-AMS description of the model). 2. A compact model analyzer/synthesizer (to generate an intermediate form). 3. A set of intermediate form languages compiler and interpreters to assist in model development, playback and debug. 4. Circuit simulators to evaluate the model (both free and commercial). 5. A parameter extraction tool.

11 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit – Model Capture Existing tools: gEDA is an extensible schematic capture tool able to generate spice netlist from schematics. Paragon (?) Open Issue: There is no gEDA verilog-A or VHDL-AMS extension. There is no capture environment specifically targeted to CM development.

12 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit – Model synthesizer Existing tools: ADMS (Laurent - Freescale). This tool generate codes that can be compiled into simulators using their CM extensions. Generated code runs almost at the same speed of human written code. Open Issues: ADMS is under development. ADMS translation script writing is poorly documented.

13 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit – Intermediate languages Languages Tcl/Tk Python C / C++ Open Issues: None! Tcl/Tk and Python are already used in CAD flows and most of the simulators provide a C/C++ API for CM integration.

14 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit - Simulators Existing tools: fREEDA GNUcap Ngspice QUCS Open Issues: Input language compatibility. Common set of analyses. Common set of modeling API. Common data output format.

15 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit – Simulators The ADMS approach of translating the model description into each simulator’s API is winning as does not require any intervention on the simulator itself. Faster development time, no more implementation bottleneck.

16 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 The CM DevKit - Extraction Existing tools: None! Octave (free Matlab-like software) should be used to process IC- CAP.mdm data. Open Issues: Need to write an extraction tool based on a standard “measurement language” that can interface to IC- CAP data server. Writing a parser for.mdm files.

17 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Benefits of the GNU perspective No discrimination between models and availability of models for new devices (MEMS/NEMS, etc.) Model developers will be receive feedback on the models shortly after release as designers can test them on their simulators without the need to wait for CAD vendors implementations. Model acceptance speed-up, as the end-users entered in the development loop have had more time to evaluate the model (on real circuits) and, by contributing to it, were able to direct the development effort toward what they really needed.

18 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 GNU perspective - Summary The EDA community will benefit by using free compact models conforming to an open standard. A CM DevKit to integrate CM development into IC-CAD flow can be built using only free/open source software. The core tools of this DevKit are already in place (ADMS, simulators).

19 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 CM Standardization – A GNU perspective Thank you !

20 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 Modeling overall goal ITRS 2007

21 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 DevKit – EKV example 1 Simulator independence Simulator Version* EKV2.6 LEVELEKV3.0 LEVEL Comments ADS2003CVerilog-A example [wg] Altium6.58 Released Aug.30 2006 AMI-Spice3.7a23 released APLAC7.30hEKVMOS to be announced AVOSpice1.82.0805Verilog-A ELDO4.644 (UPDATE=2.6)61 Verilog-Ain beta Golden Gate4ekvekv3 HSIM255 IntuSoftICAP/4 shipping LTspice/SwitcherCAD III1.09p12 free download MacSpice3f5p1044 free download MI-SUGAR0.4.444 Mac OSX Micro-Cap8.0.044 available now MINIMOS-NT2Devices.{N;P}MosEkv with selfheating NanoSpice1.155

22 1st MOS-AK International Meeting - San Francisco Dec. 13th, 2008 DevKit – EKV Example 2 Simulator Version* EKV2.6 LEVELEKV3.0 LEVEL Comments Nexxim155Verilog-A NG-Spicerev.17Verilog-A free download PSPICE [*]95thru XML-ADMS Qucs0.0.14Verilog-A SABER4.3.2 SIMetrix4.144 released Feb 2002 SmartSpice1.5.5.R55 SMASH4.15ekv3 and Verilog-Areleased Spectre4.43ekvVerilog-Atested at LEG SpectreRF6ekvVerilog-A Spice-Opus2.0444Verilog-Aavailable SPICE33f5Verilog-A tested [wg] Star-Hspice98.455Verilog-Aalso CML libs Synopsys98.455Verilog-Aalso CML libs T-Spice1144 or 55Verilog-Aalso CML libs TopSPICE6.944 or 55 TRANZ-TRAN3.5 WinSpice1.03.0244 free download

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