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In this topic we will look at: Issues With Information Technology And Management Information Systems Planning A Conceptual Model for Information Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "In this topic we will look at: Issues With Information Technology And Management Information Systems Planning A Conceptual Model for Information Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 In this topic we will look at: Issues With Information Technology And Management Information Systems Planning A Conceptual Model for Information Systems Planning

2 Plan A statement of how management foresees its organization in the future, once the company realizes that many valuable resources requiring managerial attention. Includes: –Planning activities: planner believes some business activities will help achieve goals. –Implementing changes: some feedbacks. –Monitoring progress: some measures

3 Information Systems Planning The process of identifying a portfolio of computer-based applications to be implemented, which is both highly aligned with corporate strategy and has the ability to create an advantage over competitors. Information Systems Planning requires an understanding of: –the environment what influences the organisation –the nature of the organisation its goals and objectives, where it is going, its culture, and how it ‘thinks’ –information needs what information flows through the organisation; what decisions are made as a result –information technology what is available, how IT is changing, what the potential uses are –people what their roles are in the organisation, what their objectives and motives are, how they implement business processes

4 Information Systems Planning Aims –Identifying current and future information needs for the organization that align business and IS/IT strategies, objectives and functions –Determining competitive advantage through IS/IT –Improving budgeting and resourcing Objectives –Build a robust framework for long-term management of information, information systems and information technology –Ensure that IS/IT support and enhance achievement of business objectives and is responsive to fast-changing business needs –Ensure outward looking IS/IT - not focused on internal technology issues –Build acceptance of shared responsibility between IS/IT & business people for successful exploitation of information and technology –Achieve cost-effective investment in IT for measured business benefits –Prioritise IT investments according to ability to support achievement of business objectives –Establish an information systems strategy an information technology strategy an information management strategy

5 In order for a organisation to develop an Information Systems plan, it needs to answer the following three questions

6 What position is the organisation taking at present? (current status: A: where we are now)

7 In order for a organisation to develop an Information Systems plan, it needs to answer the following three questions What position is the organisation taking at present? (current status: A: where we are now) What path should it take to reach the objective? (implementation: how best can we get there

8 In order for a organisation to develop an Information Systems plan, it needs to answer the following three questions What position is the organisation taking at present? (current status: A: where we are now) What position does it plan to take in the future? (objective: B: where we want to be) What path should it take to reach the objective? (implementation: how best can we get there

9 In order for a organisation to develop an Information Systems plan, it needs to answer the following three questions What position is the organisation taking at present? (current status: A: where we are now) What position does it plan to take in the future? (objective: B: where we want to be) What path should it take to reach the objective? (implementation: how best can we get there Information Systems Planning is the process of answering the above questions specifically in relation to Information Systems.

10 Information Systems Planning Process Components Situation Analysis: Description of where we are today, Internal and external, business and IS

11 Information Systems Planning Process Components Situation Analysis: Description of where we are today, Internal and external, business and IS Strategy formulation: Description of where we want to be, business and IS Gap Analysis Identify "gaps" between the existing capabilities of the organization and those demanded by the competitive market in which it is embedded

12 Information Systems Planning Process Components Situation Analysis: Description of where we are today, Internal and external, business and IS Strategy formulation: Description of where we want to be, business and IS Strategy Implementation: Plans how we are going to get there from an IS standpoint Gap Analysis Identify "gaps" between the existing capabilities of the organization and those demanded by the competitive market in which it is embedded

13 InputsProcessesOutputs A Conceptual Model for Information Systems Planning

14 Current Applications Portfolio Business Strategy External Business Environment Internal Business Environment Internal IS/IT Environment External IS/IT Environment InputsProcessesOutputs

15 Current Applications Portfolio Business Strategy External Business Environment Internal Business Environment Internal IS/IT Environment External IS/IT Environment Inputs Informatio n Systems Planning Process ProcessesOutputs Tools & Techniques

16 Current Applications Portfolio Business Strategy External Business Environment Internal Business Environment Internal IS/IT Environment External IS/IT Environment Inputs Informatio n Systems Planning Process ProcessesOutputs Tools & Techniques IS Strategy (Business Focused) IM Strategy (Management Focused) IT Strategy (Technology Focused) Future applications portfolio

17 Information system planning should be an integral part of business planning Business planning –the process of identifying the firm’s goals, objectives, and priorities and developing action plans for accomplishing those goals and objectives. Information systems planning –the part of business planning concerned with deploying the firm’s information system resources, including people, hardware, and software Mission Objectives Strategy Other Strategic attributes Organizational Strategy IS/IT Mission IS/IT Objectives IS/IT Constraints IS/IT Development Strategies IS/IT Strategy IS/IT Strategic Planning Process

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