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What can JISC do for CETLs? Peter Rees Jones CETIS ePortfolio feasibility study & Centre for International ePortfolio Development Identifying development.

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Presentation on theme: "What can JISC do for CETLs? Peter Rees Jones CETIS ePortfolio feasibility study & Centre for International ePortfolio Development Identifying development."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can JISC do for CETLs? Peter Rees Jones CETIS ePortfolio feasibility study & Centre for International ePortfolio Development Identifying development priorities for the eFramework to address

2 The eFramework A strategic development between JISC and international partners such as DEST An approach which focuses on the process not the product A service oriented approach which looks at the ICT services supporting a process. I will exemplify rather than explain the approach looking: - FIRST at a flow of services making up a process SECOND at the web services that lie within each service The Application to HE process will offer rich information about learners to practioners developing ePortfolios. But how can ICT help them develop their practice? i.e. what services & web services may your CETL need? And what are the priorities for their development? We will ask you to undertake an exercise to identify your needs. We dont expect you to be constrained by the following example!

3 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model Abstract Use Case: A chain of Services to produce an Individual Learning Plan for a learner applying to HE through UCAS The services making up a process

4 Trigger 1.An assessment result is posted to the learner through an ePortfolio. (The hatpin is an interface for the data to be passed into the ePortfolio) ePortfolio Initial Reference Model

5 2. I call this information into an ePortfolio enabled Personal Development Service.

6 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model 3. The PD Service fetches the information I need to review the results against my goals...

7 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model 5. …taking account of pathway information about the grades I need to meet my goals. 4. …in the context of past reflections… 3. The PD Service fetches the information I need to review the results against my goals...

8 ePortfolio Identifying Gaps At this point I will probably want to chat informally with my friends What did you get? What should I do? We may have a preferred service we use (say MSN)

9 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model 7. Pathway Info is called. 6. An IAG planning service allows me to choose which of my reflections to make available to my advisor.

10 ePortfolio Identifying gaps 8. My dialogue with my advisor is recorded (The learner may well be accessing other advice from other sources: - how does this get into the ePortfolio?)

11 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model 8. My dialogue with my advisor is recorded (The learner may well be accessing other advice from other sources) 9. I negotiate a formal learning plan with my advisor

12 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model 9. I negotiate a formal learning plan with my advisor. 10. I carry through the plan and apply to HE

13 One of the actions in the plan is to develop a Personal Statement. The ePortfolio Reference Model will demonstrate a set of web services within the application to HE process. The web services help the applicant draw on their ePortfolio to complete the Personal Statement (and a referee to ad comments). Drilling down to web services

14 Presentational eP: Personal Statement The applicant selects a course WS1 Course entry requirements populate a blank template WS 2 helps the applicant draw down material from the eP WS 3 helps the applicant link to evidence in the eP

15 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model Presentational eP: Personal Statement WS 4 allows a referee to add comments

16 ePortfolio Initial Reference Model Overview of the Process Other web services will be specified to repurpose the information so that an admissions officer can make effective use of richer information at no extra cost in terms of staff time

17 JISC & UCAS JISC and UCAS are developing a partnership to provide ICT services to support students in the HE application process and enhance the business process within HEIs. This will also cover induction to HE We will be asking colleagues: -

18 Gaps and priorities What UCAS information might form a starting point for an HE ePortfolio? To answer this you need to know what processes will make use of the information This may suggest gaps in the information You might want information from the college eP not in UCAS; say formative assessments Another might want information about work experience or employment goals form the old eP JISC is seeking to understand your priorities.

19 The exercise We are not asking you to tell us about the processes that could use UCAS / college information, this is only an example. We do want to know what ePortfolio enabled processes your CETL wants to develop and their relative priority. This will form part of a matrix to help JISC prioritize the development of services and the web services they contain We will develop the matrix with other stakeholders Including ePortfolio practitioners in NL CETLs We would like to arrange some marriages for joint UK / NL work on ePortfolios!

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