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Published byJordan Erickson Modified over 11 years ago
Living with Environmental Change Managing Ecosystem Services
Robert Watson Chief Scientific Advisor Defra Fresh Seminar Nottingham University October 24, 2007
Context UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
UK Sustainable Development Strategy New Public Sector Agreement framework for CSR07 and other government initiatives
Indirect Drivers of Change Direct Drivers of Change
MA Framework Human Well-being and Poverty Reduction Basic material for a good life Health Good Social Relations Security Freedom of choice and action Indirect Drivers of Change Demographic Economic (globalization, trade, market and policy framework) Sociopolitical (governance and institutional framework) Science and Technology Cultural and Religious Direct Drivers Indirect Ecosystem Services Human Well-being Direct Drivers of Change Changes in land use Species introduction or removal Technology adaptation and use External inputs (e.g., irrigation) Resource consumption Climate change Natural physical and biological drivers (e.g., volcanoes)
Ecosystem services Taken and adapted from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Ecosystem Services Everyone in the world depends on nature and ecosystem services to provide the conditions for a decent, healthy, and secure life
Converting an ecosystem means losing
some services and gaining others – e.g., A mangrove ecosystem: housing shrimp A forest into agricultural lands; a wetland into a shopping mall or airport; Provides nursery and adult habitat , Seafood, fuelwood, & timber; traps sediment; detoxifies pollutants; protects coastline from erosion & disaster crops
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Two thirds of ecosystem services in decline globally Degradation set to worsen and a barrier to achieving Millennium Development Goals Actions needed by governments and the private sector
Direct drivers growing in intensity
Most direct drivers of degradation in ecosystem services remain constant or are growing in intensity in most ecosystems
Changes to ecosystems have provided substantial benefits
Food production has more than doubled since 1960 Food production per capita has grown Food price has fallen Over the past 40 years, globally, intensification of cultivated systems has been the primary source (almost 80%) of increased output. But some countries, predominantly found in Sub-Saharan Africa, have had persistently low levels of productivity, and continue to rely on expansion of cultivated area. in sub-Saharan Africa, however, yield increases accounted for only 34% of growth in production
Key Problems Among the outstanding problems identified by this assessment are the dire state of many of the world’s fish stocks; the intense vulnerability of the 2 billion people living in dry regions to the loss of ecosystem services, including water supply; and the growing threat to ecosystems from climate change and nutrient pollution.
Changes in direct drivers
Changes in crop land and forest area under MA Scenarios Crop Land Forest Area
What can we do about it? Change the economic background to decision-making Make sure the value of all ecosystem services, not just those bought and sold in the market, are taken into account when making decisions Remove subsidies to agriculture, fisheries, and energy that cause harm to people and the environment Introduce payments to landowners in return for managing their lands in ways that protect ecosystem services, such as water quality and carbon storage, that are of value to society Establish market mechanisms to reduce nutrient releases and carbon emissions in the most cost-effective way
What can we do about it? Improve policy, planning, and management
Integrate decision-making between different departments and sectors, as well as international institutions, to ensure that policies are focused on protection of ecosystems Include sound management of ecosystem services in all regional planning decisions and in the poverty reduction strategies being prepared by many developing countries Empower marginalized groups to influence decisions affecting ecosystem services, and recognize in law local communities’ ownership of natural resources Establish additional protected areas, particularly in marine systems, and provide greater financial and management support to those that already exist Use all relevant forms of knowledge and information about ecosystems in decision-making, including the knowledge of local and indigenous groups
What can we do about it? Influence individual behavior
Provide public education on why and how to reduce consumption of threatened ecosystem services Establish reliable certification systems to give people the choice to buy sustainably harvested products Give people access to information about ecosystems and decisions affecting their services Develop and use environment-friendly technology Invest in agricultural science and technology aimed at increasing food production with minimal harmful trade-offs Restore degraded ecosystems Promote technologies to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Strengths and Weaknesses of the MA
Useful conceptual framework - but limited data and information to quantitatively assess the inter-linkages Limited economic analysis Sub-global assessments did not follow the suggested methodologies – inadequate buy-in of local decision-makers
UK Sustainable Development Strategy
Natural Resource Protection and Environmental Enhancement a shared UK priority Commitment to develop clear vision and coherent approach More integrated policy framework focused on whole ecosystems Better understanding of environmental limits
Where we are now Natural environment PSA
Secure a healthy natural environment for everyone’s health, well-being and prosperity, now and in the future; and reflect in decision-making the value of the services that it provides. Ecosystems Approach project Deliver an action plan for embedding an ecosystems approach to policy-making and delivery by the end of 2007.
Natural Environment PSA
Secure a healthy natural environment for everyone’s well-being, health and prosperity, now and in the future Indicators and targets Air Water Land & Soil Biodiversity Marine Ecosystems Approach
Ecosystems Approach Project - Aim
“To embed an ecosystems approach to conserving, managing and enhancing the natural environment across policy-making and delivery” Policies designed to deliver healthy, functioning ecosystems Reflect the true value of ecosystem services in decision-making
Ecosystems Approach Action Plan
Defra aiming to publish action plan by end 2007 Key themes: Mainstreaming an ecosystems approach Valuing ecosystem services in decision-making Environmental limits, targets and indicators Ecosystems and climate change Developing the evidence base
An ecosystems approach – key principles
Manage on a whole ecosystems basis to maintain ecosystem services True value of ecosystem services reflected in decision making – including long-term costs & benefits Respect environmental limits taking into account ecosystem functioning Manage at an appropriate spatial scale Adaptive management
Benefits Better informed decisions in context of sustainable development More effective prioritisation and allocation of resources Greater awareness and recognition of value of natural environment Improved environmental outcomes – living within environmental limits
Valuing ecosystem services
Defra developing an introductory guide for policy-makers and economists – for CSR07? Planning to road-test within Defra and Defra network Keen to work with OGDs on case studies or pilots Longer term aim to integrate into policy appraisal/impact assessments
Degradation of ecosystem services often causes significant harm to human well-being
Degradation tends to lead to the loss of non-marketed benefits from ecosystems The economic value of these benefits is often high and sometimes higher than the marketed benefits Timber and fuelwood generally accounted for less than a third of total economic value of forests in eight Mediterranean countries.
Degradation of ecosystem services often causes significant harm to human well-being
The total economic value associated with managing ecosystems more sustainably is often higher than the value associated with conversion Conversion may still occur because private economic benefits are often greater for the converted system
Living With Environmental Change
ISSUE: We live in the midst of human-induced climate and environmental changes that increasingly pressurise our natural resources and ecosystem services, and so challenge our social and economic well-being (emphasised by Stern Review, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, HMT Challenge 5, IPCC 4th Assessment) Living With Environmental Change will meet this challenge by providing the required predictive science, solutions and business opportunities to increase resilience to, and reduce the economic costs of, environmental changes. Through an unprecedented partnership connecting natural, engineering, economic, social, medical, cultural, arts & humanities researchers with policy makers, business, the public, and other key stakeholders.
Living With Environmental Change
10-year interdisciplinary research & policy partnership programme to increase resilience to — and reduce costs of — environmental change: considering natural resources, ecosystem services, economic growth & social progress; on the time & space scales on which the economy is managed; learning how, when & where to take action (smart intervention); £1Bn effort NERC, ESRC, EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, AHRC, Defra, DFID, SE, DfT, EA, DCLG, NE, WAG, SEPA. First meeting of LWEC Partners’ Board (July 2007) Formally agreed partnership, including: governance & management recruitment of Director & Chair how to identify strategic objectives communications strategy Cited in Secretary of State’s press release on science budget allocation – 10 Oct 2007 Set to agree strategic objectives Nov/Dec 2007 Possible points to make: Drivers for LWEC: HMT5, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Stern, IPCC 4 Strapline: See green box for current partnership; in addition will have other key stakeholders closely involved e.g. MetO, industry (e.g. Microsoft, Willis insurance, courting many others such as Bayer, BMW, BP, Shell...) Key characteristics of LWEC (top 4 bullets): Whole-system approach spanning full range of sciences linking environment to human behaviour, with approaches co-designed across the partnership (i.e. optimising KE in programme design to ensure maximum economic impact). Predictive element is critical, and central to NERC contribution. Might want to give 1 or 2 examples of what ecosystem services are, e.g. clean water, flood & disease protection, food. Scales: local-regional and seasonal-decadal; scientifically challenging, but economically required. Design of tools for smart intervention – otherwise we just don’t know where to start Introduce concept of foundation and new, and the commitment of partners to re-orient the foundations (cite December 2006 letter to Treasury: ERFF members will work together to implement LWEC, diverting existing resources to address this priority over the short timescale required to start to address this issue, but there is a need for additional resource from Government.” ) How will this be done? The LWEC partnership will design a set of common strategic objectives and build and implement a research strategy based on the policy needs of each of the countries of the UK and their world-leading strengths in both research and policy development. Example outcomes: (as per Del Plan) – you might want to mention 2 or 3? A successful LWEC will provide, over the next decade, the research needed to deliver outcomes such as: Sustainable supply of clean water to SE England; New crops in SW England Reduced risk of flood damage from severe weather and sea-level rise Keener insurance market More resilient buildings New practices in sustainable management of ecosystem services in developing countries that alleviate poverty and improve human well-being More successful policy implementation due to appropriate integration of human behaviour in analyses Mental health benefits from green space in cities and access to countryside Better advice to our forces overseas in theatre operations Improved response strategies to, and mitigation of, vector-borne diseases; Fewer premature human deaths Recent progress: First meeting of Partners’ Board. Emphasise that this is highest-level Board of LWEC, peopled by those with significant financial and strategic executive authority; CE and Director Science level for key partners. This meeting made LWEC real, in terms of partner commitment, with the basic tenets of LWEC agreed, and initial resources allocated by all to set up and recruit. Critical next step is to agree the specific common strategic objectives that the partnership will address, for which a process was broadly agreed; to be identified by Autumn. Real example of need: Gordon Brown quote. We need LWEC so that in the years to come, we can cope much better with events such as the current flooding. [To follow: examples of the sort of research that LWEC could do that would increase resilience to, and reduce costs of, such flooding events in a few years time] Generic aims of LWEC, research areas covered and key NERC contributions are in Del Plan. Latter are reproduced below, for easy reference if you need them: The design of tools to decide how, when & where to take action to remain within sustainable limits, through linkage of natural resources, ecosystems, human behaviour & well-being The ecosystems research required to improve sustainable management of ecosystem services, and thus alleviate poverty, in the developing world (Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme, in partnership with DFID and ESRC). Climate and environmental change prediction on local-regional and seasonal-decadal scales, through creating the next generation of high-resolution climate models supported by more strategic observing systems and identification of key feedback processes. Optimised biodiversity conservation strategies, through developing and applying new techniques to whole-ecosystem biodiversity quantification, its role in ecosystem functioning, and its resilience to environmental change A national strategic decision-making framework for observation of environmental change (key partners: ERFF, Met Office, Defra).
Living With Environmental Change
Aims to deliver (1): Whole-system assessments and risk-based predictions of environmental change and the effects on ecosystem services, economies and communities on local-regional and seasonal-decadal scales Integrated analyses of the potential economic, social & environmental costs, benefits and impacts of different mitigation and adaptation responses (cont) Possible points to make: Drivers for LWEC: HMT5, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Stern, IPCC 4 Strapline: See green box for current partnership; in addition will have other key stakeholders closely involved e.g. MetO, industry (e.g. Microsoft, Willis insurance, courting many others such as Bayer, BMW, BP, Shell...) Key characteristics of LWEC (top 4 bullets): Whole-system approach spanning full range of sciences linking environment to human behaviour, with approaches co-designed across the partnership (i.e. optimising KE in programme design to ensure maximum economic impact). Predictive element is critical, and central to NERC contribution. Might want to give 1 or 2 examples of what ecosystem services are, e.g. clean water, flood & disease protection, food. Scales: local-regional and seasonal-decadal; scientifically challenging, but economically required. Design of tools for smart intervention – otherwise we just don’t know where to start Introduce concept of foundation and new, and the commitment of partners to re-orient the foundations (cite December 2006 letter to Treasury: ERFF members will work together to implement LWEC, diverting existing resources to address this priority over the short timescale required to start to address this issue, but there is a need for additional resource from Government.” ) How will this be done? The LWEC partnership will design a set of common strategic objectives and build and implement a research strategy based on the policy needs of each of the countries of the UK and their world-leading strengths in both research and policy development. Example outcomes: (as per Del Plan) – you might want to mention 2 or 3? A successful LWEC will provide, over the next decade, the research needed to deliver outcomes such as: Sustainable supply of clean water to SE England; New crops in SW England Reduced risk of flood damage from severe weather and sea-level rise Keener insurance market More resilient buildings New practices in sustainable management of ecosystem services in developing countries that alleviate poverty and improve human well-being More successful policy implementation due to appropriate integration of human behaviour in analyses Mental health benefits from green space in cities and access to countryside Better advice to our forces overseas in theatre operations Improved response strategies to, and mitigation of, vector-borne diseases; Fewer premature human deaths Recent progress: First meeting of Partners’ Board. Emphasise that this is highest-level Board of LWEC, peopled by those with significant financial and strategic executive authority; CE and Director Science level for key partners. This meeting made LWEC real, in terms of partner commitment, with the basic tenets of LWEC agreed, and initial resources allocated by all to set up and recruit. Critical next step is to agree the specific common strategic objectives that the partnership will address, for which a process was broadly agreed; to be identified by Autumn. Real example of need: Gordon Brown quote. We need LWEC so that in the years to come, we can cope much better with events such as the current flooding. [To follow: examples of the sort of research that LWEC could do that would increase resilience to, and reduce costs of, such flooding events in a few years time] Generic aims of LWEC, research areas covered and key NERC contributions are in Del Plan. Latter are reproduced below, for easy reference if you need them: The design of tools to decide how, when & where to take action to remain within sustainable limits, through linkage of natural resources, ecosystems, human behaviour & well-being The ecosystems research required to improve sustainable management of ecosystem services, and thus alleviate poverty, in the developing world (Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme, in partnership with DFID and ESRC). Climate and environmental change prediction on local-regional and seasonal-decadal scales, through creating the next generation of high-resolution climate models supported by more strategic observing systems and identification of key feedback processes. Optimised biodiversity conservation strategies, through developing and applying new techniques to whole-ecosystem biodiversity quantification, its role in ecosystem functioning, and its resilience to environmental change A national strategic decision-making framework for observation of environmental change (key partners: ERFF, Met Office, Defra).
Living With Environmental Change
Aims to deliver (2): Guidance for more effective sustainable management of ecosystem services, as a foundation for resilient economic development and social progress, New technology and infrastructure solutions in the management of environmental change A more research-informed dialogue and debate about the environmental challenges and choices that we face and their economic and social consequences Possible points to make: Drivers for LWEC: HMT5, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Stern, IPCC 4 Strapline: See green box for current partnership; in addition will have other key stakeholders closely involved e.g. MetO, industry (e.g. Microsoft, Willis insurance, courting many others such as Bayer, BMW, BP, Shell...) Key characteristics of LWEC (top 4 bullets): Whole-system approach spanning full range of sciences linking environment to human behaviour, with approaches co-designed across the partnership (i.e. optimising KE in programme design to ensure maximum economic impact). Predictive element is critical, and central to NERC contribution. Might want to give 1 or 2 examples of what ecosystem services are, e.g. clean water, flood & disease protection, food. Scales: local-regional and seasonal-decadal; scientifically challenging, but economically required. Design of tools for smart intervention – otherwise we just don’t know where to start Introduce concept of foundation and new, and the commitment of partners to re-orient the foundations (cite December 2006 letter to Treasury: ERFF members will work together to implement LWEC, diverting existing resources to address this priority over the short timescale required to start to address this issue, but there is a need for additional resource from Government.” ) How will this be done? The LWEC partnership will design a set of common strategic objectives and build and implement a research strategy based on the policy needs of each of the countries of the UK and their world-leading strengths in both research and policy development. Example outcomes: (as per Del Plan) – you might want to mention 2 or 3? A successful LWEC will provide, over the next decade, the research needed to deliver outcomes such as: Sustainable supply of clean water to SE England; New crops in SW England Reduced risk of flood damage from severe weather and sea-level rise Keener insurance market More resilient buildings New practices in sustainable management of ecosystem services in developing countries that alleviate poverty and improve human well-being More successful policy implementation due to appropriate integration of human behaviour in analyses Mental health benefits from green space in cities and access to countryside Better advice to our forces overseas in theatre operations Improved response strategies to, and mitigation of, vector-borne diseases; Fewer premature human deaths Recent progress: First meeting of Partners’ Board. Emphasise that this is highest-level Board of LWEC, peopled by those with significant financial and strategic executive authority; CE and Director Science level for key partners. This meeting made LWEC real, in terms of partner commitment, with the basic tenets of LWEC agreed, and initial resources allocated by all to set up and recruit. Critical next step is to agree the specific common strategic objectives that the partnership will address, for which a process was broadly agreed; to be identified by Autumn. Real example of need: Gordon Brown quote. We need LWEC so that in the years to come, we can cope much better with events such as the current flooding. [To follow: examples of the sort of research that LWEC could do that would increase resilience to, and reduce costs of, such flooding events in a few years time] Generic aims of LWEC, research areas covered and key NERC contributions are in Del Plan. Latter are reproduced below, for easy reference if you need them: The design of tools to decide how, when & where to take action to remain within sustainable limits, through linkage of natural resources, ecosystems, human behaviour & well-being The ecosystems research required to improve sustainable management of ecosystem services, and thus alleviate poverty, in the developing world (Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme, in partnership with DFID and ESRC). Climate and environmental change prediction on local-regional and seasonal-decadal scales, through creating the next generation of high-resolution climate models supported by more strategic observing systems and identification of key feedback processes. Optimised biodiversity conservation strategies, through developing and applying new techniques to whole-ecosystem biodiversity quantification, its role in ecosystem functioning, and its resilience to environmental change A national strategic decision-making framework for observation of environmental change (key partners: ERFF, Met Office, Defra).
Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA)
A joint initiative from the Department for International Development Natural Environment Research Council Economic and Social Research Council
UK context DFID Science Strategy – “Managing global challenges will require investment in science, technological advances and innovation. Developing country governments need access to the best international expertise. With the right networks, scientists in developing countries can encourage governments to use their skills to help the poor.” “People in the poorest countries are most reliant on environmental resources for their livelihoods. These resources are already under pressure and likely to be degraded further by climate change.”
Meeting the Challenge Environmental science to understand why ecosystems are becoming degraded and how to stabilise and reverse this trend Ecological economics to place a better value on ecosystem services; Political economics to identify what institutional changes are needed so that that the costs and benefits of improved ecosystem management is fairly distributed to the poor
Scientific Challenges
Improved information/understanding/methodologies: ecosystem functioning and its relationship with the supply of ecosystem services state of and trends in ecosystems and their services the impacts of ecosystem change on human well-being environmental limits and how to define them valuing ecosystem services for decision-making forecasting of changes in ecosystems and their services, including trends and scenarios policy options for responding to future change
Ecosystems evidence needs
How are ecosystem services provided? Improved information on ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem goods and services What is the state of service provision? Information on state and trends in ecosystems and ecosystem services; and ways to monitor this over time Does this matter? Information on impacts of ecosystem change on human wellbeing and ways to establish public preferences and values Building the evidence base on environmental limits and how to define them There are a broad range of evidence needs associated with action to address ecosystem decline and ensure a sustainable supply of ecosystem goods and services…..these have been explored through a range of initiatives (e.g. work of the UK Biodiversituy Research Advisory Group; work by the European Platform of Biodiversity Research and Defra’s ecosystem approach project). Policy makers and the research community now need to work together to better articulate these needs; to prioritise them against the main policy challenges facing us into the future and to work collaboratively and across disciplines to meet these needs
Ecosystems evidence needs - cont
What will happen in the future? Improved forecasting of changes in ecosystems and ecosystem services, including trends and scenarios What can we do about it? Improved methodologies for valuing ecosystem services in decision making Improved understanding of policy options for responding to future change
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