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Low-cost, electricity generating heat engines for rural areas International Conference Dr Teodoro Sanchez Energy technology Advisor Research into technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Low-cost, electricity generating heat engines for rural areas International Conference Dr Teodoro Sanchez Energy technology Advisor Research into technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low-cost, electricity generating heat engines for rural areas International Conference Dr Teodoro Sanchez Energy technology Advisor Research into technology acceptance in rural communities In Kisumu, Kenya

2 Purpose of the research study To understand the factors and issues of acceptability of new technologies related to energy access More specifically to understand the acceptability of solar electricity for lighting and for small domestic demands, and the acceptability of high efficiency biomass cook stoves

3 Methodology Participant observation The sample size : The study was performed in a sample of 4 households of different communities in rural Kisumu Data collection: Two research assistants (Observers – a man and a woman) were identified through community consultation process and were trained Methodology

4 The sample HH No. Name of father and mother Ages of children and their status Family resources Way of earning their living 1 -Phillip Ombuor Debora Atieno 3 children, at school (16, 12, 7 years old) A quarter acre of land, 4 hens Semi permanent building, Separate kitchen Casual labour Subsistence farming 2 -Gabriel Mboga -Doprine Akoth 8 Children, 2 independent, 6 at school (17, 16, 15, 14, 11, 7 years old) Half acre of land, 1 goat, 2 hens, Semi permanent building, Separate kitchen Casual labour Subsistence farming 3 Trufena Apiyo (widow) 3 children at school (18, 10 and 8 years) 1 acre of land, 2 goats, 3 hens Radio, Mobile phone Semi permanent building, Separate kitchen Small business at Lela Market - selling tomatoes and vegetables Subsistence farming 4-Mzee James -Dina Adhiambo 7 children, (18, 16, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8 years old) 1 acre of land, 1 cow, Radio, 2 mobile phones, semi permanent building, separate kitchen Peasant farming Man is a cobbler in Kisumu town

5 Family Mboga 8 children (6 attending school)


7 Research findings HouseholdAverage monthly income (£) HH145.41 HH241.92 HH313.97 HH436.68

8 Cooking and lighting practices before intervention 1) All households were using biomass and 3 stone stoves, the main reasons were that 3 stone stoves are free of cost and are versatile 2) All households were using kerosene tin lamps (koroboi) 3) Weekly expenditure Between £ 0.60 to £ 0.90 on firewood and between £ 0.30 to £ 1.70 on kerosene for lighting 3) Weekly expenditure Between £ 0.60 to £ 0.90 on firewood and between £ 0.30 to £ 1.70 on kerosene for lighting

9 Perception about of benefits of (SHS) Fathers appreciated that SHS because reduce expenditures on paraffin purchase; they also believe that light brought some warmth in the house Mothers valued SHS because they were able to undertake their household tasks at night, appreciated the better lighting of the rooms, phone charging saved money, two of them started to provide mobile charging services soon after installation Youths appreciated that they were able to study for longer hours at night and could complete their assignments. Children often are the ones sent for paraffin. They were happy that the solar home systems relieved them of this duty

10 Post installation findings- SCORE stove 1) Factors that made the SCORE stove acceptable (attractive) saves 50% of fuel compared with currently used efficient stoves (an example of efficient stove used is the Upusi type) saves 60-75% compared with 3 stone stoves is faster than other stoves known in the area is easy to operate is clean (produces very little or no smoke) Can accommodate different sizes of pots. 2) Factors that were of some concern and needed changes the chimney gets hot and needs to be insulated. has some smoke when the users use non dried


12 Conclusions on key factors for the acceptability of new technologies Improvements.- New technologies have to bring clear benefits compared to existing alternatives (example cook fast, better lighting) Affordability.- People appreciate the benefits of modern technologies but affordability is a permanent barrier for them. For example, after the installation of the SHS more than 20 people showed interest in SHS, they invited Practical Action to give details, much cheaper alternative were shown but they still felt they could not afford Affordability.- People appreciate the benefits of modern technologies but affordability is a permanent barrier for them. For example, after the installation of the SHS more than 20 people showed interest in SHS, they invited Practical Action to give details, much cheaper alternative were shown but they still felt they could not afford Savings.- saving money is very important for people, for example their appreciation for the SCORE stove was great due to its fuel savings Durability.- It was highlighted as a very important factor for acceptability

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