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1 System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA PQE.

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Presentation on theme: "1 System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA PQE."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA PQE

2 2 Agenda  Lesson 1: Online Exams Overview  Lesson 2: PQE  Lesson 3: Objectives  PQE Extras

3 3 Lesson 1 Online Exams Overview

4 4 Lesson Objectives  Describe PQE  List the steps involved in creating an online exam using questions from PQE  Define the terms associated with online exams

5 5 What is PQE?  Tool in SATERN that allows you to create questions  Can associate questions to an online exam  When an exam is associated with an item, learners can launch the exam from their Learning Plan  Upon completion of an exam, a learner’s score is recorded

6 6 Steps to Implement an Online Exam 1.Optional: Identify and create learning objectives for items and online content. 2.Create questions in PQE related to an item. 3.Add a new exam from the Content > Exam Object menu. 4.Associate questions (and objectives if desired) with the exam. 5.Create a new item or edit an existing item. 6.Add the exam object to the item in the Online Settings tab. 7.Define online settings for the item and this exam. 8.Test the item and exam in the SATERN learner interface.

7 7 Glossary of Key Terms  Adaptive Learning  Distractor  Exam Object  Objective  Online Item  Question  Question Stem  Question Type  Variant

8 8 Lesson Wrap-Up  Described PQE  Listed the steps involved in creating an online exam using questions from PQE  Defined the terms associated with online exams

9 9 Lesson Check

10 10 Lesson 2 PQE

11 11 Lesson Objectives  Explain the main concepts of PQE  Add questions in PQE  Add question metadata  Search for question records in SATERN  Create question variants

12 12 Basic Concepts for Working with Questions in PQE  All questions have three main parts :

13 13 Question types  True/False  Multiple Choice/Single Answer (MCSA)  Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer (MCMA)

14 14 Understanding the Screen Layout

15 15 Lab 1 Creating a New Question in PQE

16 16 Understanding the Question Metadata Section

17 17 Lab 2 Adding Question Metadata

18 18 Searching for Questions

19 19 Understanding the Actions Menu

20 20 Understanding the Selected Question Menu

21 21 Working with and Navigating Between Variants

22 22 Lab 3 Adding a Variant

23 23 Lesson Wrap-Up  Explained the main concepts of PQE  Added questions in PQE  Added question metadata  Searched for question records in SATERN  Created question variants

24 24 Lesson Check

25 25 Lesson 3 Objectives

26 26 Lesson Objectives  Identify basic concepts of working with objectives in PQE  Create objectives  Tie questions to objectives

27 27 Basic Concepts for Working with Objectives in PQE  Set of words, pictures, and/or diagrams that let others know what you intend for your learners to achieve upon completion of a specified section of instruction.  Objectives are related to learning outcomes and are designed to be specific and measurable.  Questions can be associated with the learning objectives that have been created.  Associating objectives with questions creates question pools.

28 28 Objectives Support Adaptive Learning

29 29 Associating an Objective with a Question  There are two ways administrators can associate objectives with questions: Create the objective first, and then associate it to the questions Create a new objective while editing a question

30 30 Lab 4 Associating an Objective with a Question

31 31 Lesson Wrap-Up  Identified basic concepts of working with objectives in PQE  Created objectives  Tied questions to objectives

32 32 Lesson Check

33 33 Course Summary  Described PQE  Added and edited questions in SATERN using PQE  Created question variants  Created objectives  Associated questions to objectives

34 34 PQE Extras

35 35 Lesson Objectives  Question import/export  PQE formatting toolbars and menus

36 36 Question Import/Export  Typically, the Question Import/Export assistant is used to migrate questions between the development, test, and production environments of SATERN. If, for example, you want to move questions from a development environment to a production environment: Export the questions from the development environment. Move the export file to the test environment. Import it into the production environment.

37 37 PQE Formatting Toolbars

38 38 Toolbars – Question Options

39 39 Formatting

40 40 Inserting Images

41 41 Checking Spelling

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