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Business System Options

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Presentation on theme: "Business System Options"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business System Options
Take a fresh creative view of the required system Base options on the Requirements Catalogue Select best options for presentation to the user two suggested for small projects six suggested for large projects Express as narrative Supported as required with DFDs and LDS users pick one (or a combination) option User selection promotes their ownership of the system

2 Business System Options
Project Initiation Document Logical DFM Requirements Catalogue Stage 2 Business System Options Define BSOs 2 - 6 BSOs each containing: description of functions & Users scope cost benefit analysis impact analysis Select BSOs chosen Business System Option Requirements Specification

3 Range of Options Dramatic options
sack the salesmen and install terminals in customer’s offices No change option do nothing and carry on with existing system Other possibilities change responsibilities of staff perform functions in different places introduce technology to automate functions eliminate duplication increase usage of existing information improve communications between staff improve communications between company and customers Position of system boundary

4 Minimal and Advanced Options
Accommodate priorities defined in the Requirements Catalogue Minimal option meets the mandatories of Requirements Catalogue may be an enhancement of current system Advanced option meets all requirements “bells & whistles” solution high performance

5 BSOs must be easily understood by users
BSO Contents Narrative describing functionality of system business priorities of system and constituent functions costs and benefits (may include full analysis) impact on users (organisation, structure, training) timescales for implementation any technical considerations affecting business system boundary and interfaces to other systems (use DFD if appropriate) BSOs must be easily understood by users

6 Example - Yorkies Option 1 Centralised System
Centralise all the control activities of the company depots only handle collection and return of vehicles. Head office handles all bookings and invoicing. Drivers administered centrally each driver only serves a group of nearby depots. Close local offices Post computer generated forms to customer/depot to confirm bookings depots informed by telephone of changes Mileage covered by the customer written on the booking form returned by depot to head office. Depots inform head office of any vehicles out of service by telephone. System requires a mini computer and approximately 35 terminals.

7 Centralised System DFD
Booking Confirmation Make Booking Depot Completed Bookings Booking Details Maintain Vehicle Records Record Completed Booking

8 Example - Yorkies Option 2 Local Office Autonomy
Local Office are responsible for their own bookings, drivers, and invoicing Information is held centrally and shared by all offices Almost all data is entered at the local offices Customers deal with their local office for both bookings and invoices Offices can make bookings at other offices if they cannot be satisfied locally System requirements mini computer and 55 terminals or PCs (1 per office) communications hardware and software about 52 printers (1 per office)

9 Autonomous Local Offices Partial DFD
Customers Sales Customer Customer Booking Information New Customer HO/Comp Customer Information LO/Comp Maintain Customer Records LO/Comp Make Booking for Own Office New credit Receiving rating Office Arrange One-way Hire Vehicle Availability Finance Booking Bookings Vehicle Arriving Booking Vehicle Availability at other offices Other Local LO/Comp Office Booking Request Booking at Nearby Office Local Offices Request Nearby Local Office LO/Comp = Local Office + Computer HO/Comp = Head Office + Computer

10 Autonomous Local Office DFD
Shows the distributed nature of the system head office responsible for the Customer Records local offices responsible for the bookings. Could draw separate DFDs for head office and local offices.

11 Presentation of Business System Options
Depends on the project: may need report and formal presentations or just informal discussions Prepare presentations list relative advantages and disadvantages of each option refer to Requirements Catalogue Make presentations Provide justifications for selection Record and document selection decisions

12 Selection of a Business System Option
Users select one or a combination from the options presented Record selection and reasons for choices Full specification will be developed for selected BSO

13 Yorkies Select Option 2 with Elements from other Options
Structure of the company remains the same No offices will be closed Information will be stored centrally on a mini computer Each Local Office will have a terminal or PC (to be decided at Stage 4) printing facilities Head Office will control customer records and invoicing

14 Selected Option (continued)
No terminals will be installed in the Depots Depots will use printed booking forms originated by adjacent office Local Offices will accept bookings for any office maintain customer records (except financial data) validate bookings against the customer records. Drivers will be organised into regional pools Each driver will be available to any office in his region

15 Summary Take a fresh creative view of the required system
Base options on the Requirements Catalogue Consider “brainstorming” approach to generate many possibilities distributed nature of new system levels of autonomy position of system boundary Select two or three options for presentation to the user Present options as narrative describing functionality, costs, benefits, and organisational impacts Support presentation with LDS and DFDs if appropriate Users pick preferred option or combination of options

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