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Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Welco me to the Instructor Development Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Welco me to the Instructor Development Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Welco me to the Instructor Development Course

2 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Instructor Development Course (IDC) Lead Instructor – - Garrison Bromwell, DSO-MT 13

3 Before we start: o Time reported on 7029 as 99D (MT) – ALL TIME o Heads are off of the entry way o Uniform is Tropical Blue o I like us to be on time, end on time, and answer questions as we go o Parking Lot Questions for further research Notes about the course itself o This is a course in development Instructor Development Course

4 Welcome: o Who are you? What Flotilla How long in the Auxiliary? Why do you want to be an instructor o Who is the instructor? Joined to get training Average about 100 hours training each year Have advanced CG Facilitator training AUXSCE and break in TCT instructor Instructor Development Course

5 Objectives of this course: o Complete the open book test o Complete the PQS Tasks o Do a 10 Minute Mentored Presentation o Do an 1 hour observed Training Instructor Development Course

6 The REAL objective of this course: o Become a competent instructor for PE and MT o Obtain tools and insights o Develop enthusiasm for training others o Help further develop this course Instructor Development Course

7 The course lesson plan: (AKA the agenda) o Mechanics of being an Auxiliary instructor o Instructor Competencies o Performance Based Learning Objectives o Lesson Plans o Instructional techniques – media, etc. o Critiqued presentations o PQS o Final presentations Instructor Development Course

8 The Mechanics of teaching in the Auxiliary: o Who can “teach” PE – requires an IT at all times MT – no requirement o Acquisition of material PE – D13 Materials – see web site MT – ANSC or download & self print Pay for from “restricted” Instructor Development Course

9 The Mechanics of teaching in the Auxiliary: Part 2 o Slide decks & other teaching aids PE – copyrighted – change requires DSO-PE approval MT – have at them o Time reporting PE – 7030 – needs # taking, # passed, and state7030 MT – 7030 – only for instructors*7030 –6A for Operational Training –6B for Other –6C AUXSC&E approved instructors only –Instructor, aid (non-lead), and trainee only on 7030 –* TCT is exception, workshop attendance report only Instructor Development Course

10 14 Instructor Competencies 1. Analyze course material and learner information. 2. Assure preparation of the Instructional Site. 3. Establish and maintain instructor credibility. 4. Manage the learning environment. 5. Demonstrate effective communication skills. 6. Demonstrate effective presentation skills. 7. Demonstrate effective questioning skills. 8. Respond appropriately to learners’ needs for clarification or feedback. 9. Provide positive reinforcement and motivational incentives. 10. Use instructional methods effectively. 11. Use media effectively. 12. Evaluate learner performance. 13. Evaluate delivery of instruction. 14. Report evaluation information. Instructor Development Course

11 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Break!

12 Performance Based Learning Objectives ] For an objective to be useful, it must contain three elements: 1. The Performance 2. The Condition 3. The Standard Instructor Development Course

13 Example From the Boat Crew Qualification Guide: BCM-04-04-AUX Task - Identify Common Sound Signals Used By Ships And Boats References - Navigation Rules International-Inland, COMDTINST M16672.2 (series), Part D Conditions - Performed at any time ashore, at the dock or afloat, naming the signals listed when presented with an imitated or actual sound signal by the mentor. Trainee must accomplish task without prompting or use of a reference. Standards - In response to the mentor, the trainee must, without error, identify verbally the sound signals listed below. Instructor Development Course

14 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Create a performance based learning objective ** Select proper uniform

15 Select a Proper Uniform The Performance Select proper uniform to wear an Auxiliary Event The Condition Performed at home with reference to meeting announcement and Auxiliary Manual The Standard Arrive at meeting with uniform called for in the meeting announcement Instructor Development Course

16 Lesson Plans – The Opening -- How does this presentation complete this objective o Gain their attention The red opening slide is designed to do that The pre-course Email also was an attention getter o State the learning objectives Slide #5 states the objective for the course Instructor Development Course

17 Lesson Plans – Recall -- How does this presentation complete this objective o Present Most of hours 1 and 2 are presentations o Provide learning guidance As an instructor I have guided you through this course – the goal is to meet the objectives o Provide opportunity for practice We did a brief practice of creating learning objectives and your homework assignment will expand on that Instructor Development Course

18 Lesson Plans – Closing -- How does this presentation (and course) complete this objective o Give feed back The facilitator must do this constantly in as gentle and unobtrusive way as possible o Test The on line test, the PQS, and the presentations are all forms of a test o Enhance Retention From the first Email to the last contact before I sign off on your qualification there are multiple retention enhancing steps Instructor Development Course

19 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Homework Assignment – Create a lesson plan for a 10 minute presentation for next week

20 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty End of the first night

21 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Instructor Development Course (IDC) DAY 2 Lead Instructor – - Garrison Bromwell, DSO-MT 13

22 Did you work up your 10 minute presentaitons Questions? Comments? Instructor Development Course Any open ends from last week?

23 Effective use of media Retention varies… o 10% if we read o 40% if we see a video o 90% if we make a presentation Key use of video o Hold interest o Add Variety o Repetition Instructor Development Course

24 Effective use of media KISS Instructor Development Course

25 Communication Skills Verbal 2 way process Pitch, volume, and pacing Non-verbal Eye contact Gestures Posture Appearance

26 Instructor Development Course Feedback Positive Advice Reinforcement Negative Feedback Silence Criticism

27 Instructor Development Course Feedback - continued Focus on performance Be specific Be relevant Be timely Be sincere Provide balance

28 Instructor Development Course Asking questions Questions help the instructor understand how effective the communication is – also reinforces key points Two kinds of questions – Open-ended Closed-ended

29 Instructor Development Course Asking questions - continued 5 Kinds of open-ended questions Who can tell me why? How would you use this? Have you ever….? How does … compare to ….? What does this mean to you?

30 Instructor Development Course Responding to questions Ensure you understand the question Repeat and paraphrase the question Respond to the questions Be direct, focus on class Check to see if it was answered “Did that answer it? – Any other questions?”

31 Instructor Development Course APPLE - to ensure each question is effective A – Ask the question of the group P – Pause so everyone can think about the answer P – Pick a victim or open to the group L – Listen carefully to the answer E – Evaluate, comment, etc.

32 Instructor Development Course Adult Learning Styles Motivation – needs relevancy Stimulation – Seeing & doing Assumption – Goal oriented Strategy – Capitalize on experience Adapt to the needs of the group Have variety and choice

33 Instructor Development Course Handling the bad boys (and girls) Set the tone Communication Comfortable learning environment Manage time Asses Learners (modify pacing) Work in groups

34 Instructor Development Course Handling the bad girls (and boys) Talkers Too many questions Challengers Know-it-alls Uninvolved

35 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Break!

36 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Your turn – 10 minute presentations

37 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Homework PQS – One hour presntation

38 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Adjourn End of day 2

39 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Instructor Development Course (IDC) DAY 3 Lead Instructor – - Garrison Bromwell, DSO-MT 13

40 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty IDC-PQS Work with instructor – lets get them signed off

41 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty Break

42 Putting it altogether – getting the qual One hour mentored presentation Arrange with the instructor Final paperwork Submitted to the DSO-PE by the instructor Then to DIRAUX for award Go forth and instruct Let your FSO-PE and MT know you are ready, willing, and ABLE Instructor Development Course

43 Did We Accomplish Our Goals? o Complete the open book test o Complete the PQS Tasks o Do a 10 Minute Mentored Presentation o Set up for a 1 hour observed Training Instructor Development Course

44 The final tasks…. Course evaluation Please complete the course evaluation Report your hours 7029 (99D) MT hours for all study, travel, uniform putting on, class attendance Instructor Development Course

45 Honor Respect Devotion to Duty The beginning

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